Category Archives: Reflective Photo Journals

Weekly Journal #10

From what I have been told when entering into to Flower and Garden you will not be deployed anywhere else until the Fesival is over. This was definitely the greatest news that I herd all week. Although I have appreciated … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #9

I am now about half way through my program. I feel lucky in the fact that I had been accepted into the Spring Advantage Program and is staying until the beginning of August. I have had a lot of new … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #8

Spring break season at Disney is finally over. There were various changes Disney made before spring break happened. They were getting ready for one of the most busiest season of the year. There are people coming from all over the … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #7

This is the last week of classes before spring break starts here at Disney. In my class, advanced hospitality, we have been learning to market our brand. Each group has a different line of business and we have to market … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #6

This is my last full week of work and class before I go on my mini vacation back to New York. A couple of days ago in class, I learned that staffing and recruiting is really important. Who you fill … Continue reading

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Weekly Photo Journal #9

This week has been very busy at the resort. We barely caught a break these past couple of days. The front desk was very hectic with so many people checking in. We are sold out. We have reached 88-100% occupancy … Continue reading

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Reflective Photo Journal #9

Spring is finally here and in my resort as it was expected we have been very busy. I did not know that here in Florida Spring and Summer time rains everyday, but even though we have this crazy weather all … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #7

Spring season is here and the rain has started. This past week work has been a little slow for spring break. As a vacation planner we have meetings every morning before our shift starts, we get to know the park … Continue reading

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Photo Journal #8

This past week has been fun and full of discoveries. I was trained as a runner. this is another job that is performed as part of the front desk. They receive and deliver packages for guests and they also make … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #8

This week I was luckily still at Epcot out door vending and was actually being cross trained so I have the skills to work in the world showcase. So far what I am certified for right now is Future World … Continue reading

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