In”how to buy happiness” by Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton it is said that money is always portrayed in a way that may seem that it can buy happiness. When in reality it can’t. In the second paragraph of the story it explains “money dress out out selfish sides”. In some cases is true cause most people only think of themselves and how the money can Benoit them not how they can help people. But on the other hand very few people help others mainly their family with their financial issues. Money can actually make you sad, because all the money in the world doesn’t matter if you have no one to share it with. Elizabeth Dunn and Michael Norton explain that although you may go from a small house to a nicer one doesn’t mean that your happiness will increase in anyway
Your life might get easier and nicer but your happiness will stay the same and maybe even lesson. You can live in the smallest apartment ever and still be more happier then someone who is rich and living in a lavish house. So the saying money buys you happiness isn’t true it may make you happy at first cause your able to buy everything you want but in the end you will still be you and still comes from the same places and still have the same friends and family so with or without money you can always be happy!