Tag Archives: summary

Summary: City Limits by Colson Whitehead

In the passage “City Limits” Colson Whitehead describes what being a New Yorker is all about. A New York is not hear or seeing, its about living the present and knowing the past. Whitehead is sort of mentioning that it doesn’t matter how long you have lived in New York, what counts is able to reflect any situation that happens around your New York. It all starts with how New York was introduce. To  many people New York City was first seen by different reasons however, from there we all start to create our own perspective of New York. In the third paragraph , Whitehead starts to mention about how he views his New York. He starts to describe about what became his New York, he describe every inch and how everyone living or knowing New York City should have experiences but just myth about New York. He later mentions about building, how it starts to change when one building is torn down and a new is build in its place. How we don’t notice any change until its gone. However, the point is to move forward because New York will continue to change with us. No matter what happens we have to accept the new and face forward our New York is changing.

Summary for ENG: 9/22

At the first half hour we talked about The reflection of project#1, Then we got a handout for Project#2: Overlapping New York. It is something like exploring New York City, knowing its history and good and bad. Half-hour later, we prepared for the trip. We took the R train and got off at 28th street. Then we walked to a place called Book Arts on 28 West 27th St. when we arrived there, we separated and looked around.  Although we can visit freely, but we could not touch the art works. There was a guy who walked around with us during our visit, He told us the history of the printing process and printing Knowledge. He also explains the different ways of binding books to us. One way was to use the adhesive glue to fixed book. Another way was to use bind to strengthen book. When he finished the introduction of book, It Is almost towards to the end of the Book art visit. Then we walk to 141 West 17th Street. We started the visit from 6th floor. It is about Indian culture and art. Overall we still cannot take picture of the art works, but we could sketch the artwork. The artworks over there are not only images and the old place adorn. Where each work of art is not the first time visit to understand, should use some of your imagination to understand. The end of the sixth floor visiting, students could choose to continue to visit downstairs artwork, or go home. In conclusion it’s a buzzy day, but it is defiantly worth coming back.

Summary of ADV110: 9/22

We were on a field trip to Book Arts on 28 W 27th St. Durring the time we were there, we were given a small tour of the process of how novels are made. There are two parts to making a novel, the process of binding, and the process of printing. At first, we were shown the difference between how printing was back then compared to how it is now. Back then, it was more complex to print letters on paper for a book, since it was done by using stamp like stencils that had individual letters on it. With these stencils, each word and sentence were spelled out by each individual letter on the stencils. after the explanation of printing, we were given time to roam the exhibit they had in the building, showing different pieces of book covers and combining art with words, giving a purpose or meaning behind the piece. After the small roaming around the class did, we were then given a brief explanation of how a book is binded, or held together. there are different types of ways of binding books, one of the two we were shown was an exposed bind, in which the material that is holding the books and pages together can be seen outside of the book. and the other one we were shown was a glued bind, which is the most commonly used bind today. A glue bind is when the bind and the pages are all glued together down the middle of the book. He also explained very briefly about accordion binds, which is where one long page with writing is folded in such a way that when it becomes unfolded, it comes out like an accordion. Afterwords, we left Book Arts to go to a museum to learn a little bit about Modern India, and how pieces of art and sculptures show the development in the area and how their culture se’s the rest of the outside world compared to the rest of us. Overall it was a rather interesting experience and it was fun to say the least. i feel there was a lot to learn from the experience and what we saw.

Introducing Myself (Summary and Reflection)

Finally we overcome the first project in the first three weeks of college. The first project helped our classmates to understand each other. In addition, it provides a platform to help us introducing ourselves more effective and more convenient than in the class. I also believe Project #1 helped ourselves to understand our inner thought and learning from each other. The knowledge I learned from this project is the picture will reflect how is a person will be. However, pictures also can be interpreted differently in different view. At this point, this is my first time doing my free writing, because in high school, there are many rules to follow to complete an essay such as following details to support the thesis or related to certain topics. I believe the new experience of writing will help me to become a better writer.

In the Project #1, there are many interesting parts we can talk about. First, I feel proud of myself that I can express all my shortcoming through writing. However, I still believe that I have to improve my writing skill such as structure, vocabulary words, and grammar issues. While I finished my draft, I feel happy and helpful when other students comment my essay, because I can make improvement on the final work. However, I hope Professor Rosen can give me some professional opinions about my essay, so I can make improvement on the next project. In the end, I want to mention about that I have spent 45 minutes to an hour to finish the project. The part that takes most of my time is brain storming, because convert an outline to an essay requires thinking skill and writing skill. Clearly, the next project I will try to improve my writing skill and also try to brain storm more interesting details to support my next project.

Summary of Project #1

Project#1  was mostly for us to have the chance to introduce ourselves and share our personally interests/goals. There were a few steps to do this project correctly in 4 paragraphs. First paragraph,  We need to have a bio, which is about yourself or what you’re deeply passionate or interested in. The professor requested that we add our bio in our profile, so, others can read and get to know more about the person. Second, put our official profile picture or as professor states, “avatar” that represents who we are and personality. Need enough details and explain how the image represents you. Third, have consideration on how the image can be interpreted differently. Like how can someone might understand your picture differently than what you mean. Fourth,  share what’s completed image will convey about you overall.

All of these have to be posted on our eportfolio, catorgarized as ENG1101 Project#1.

Summary for Sep.15 ENG

Sep 15.Summery for ENG
This is a summery for Sep 15 ENG. Today we’ve discussed three parts.First of all, we talked about glossary. To understand those vocabularies better is really helpful to understand Ways of Seeing. You can either find them out online or using a dictionary. Or you separate the word and guess the meaning first. Secondary, we discuss about the DRAFT. Keep reading what you wrote and keep editing. The assignment is to read two of your group-mates and leave a comment for each of them! This assignment is due on the end of Tuesday! After reading those comments and prepare your final draft which is due on the end of Thursday! We add a new friend today. Let’s welcome Summery! (Applause…)To understand the course better and help someone who misses class, we start summary from today on. And don’t forget to read the article” City Limits”.
Have a good day!

Summary for ADV

Today, September 15, we discussed a majority of different things that had to do with our first project. We talked about the next few things we need to do for our final work due Wednesday. Our professor posted the guidelines for the thing we had to do. It’s a bit overwhelming, but it will help us do things in such a way that the way we see it will be interpreted in many ways. What we have to do next is pick 2 stable and 2 ambiguous drawing that we already have and to cut out ONLY the black part of that drawing but in black paper. Then you paste these shapes onto the 14×17 Bristol pad with the measurements of 5×7. While discussing about our next steps, we also had a group critique of our Inked work we had to do over the weekend. All of them were amazing, and some just had to do some adjustments. We talked about the purpose of Economy and Community within this project and how an image could be or stable and more ambiguous. At the end, our professor explained how to use an Xacto knife, so that we don’t have to cut our fingers. So careful everyone ! We mostly discussed and worked in groups today, and all we have to do now is follow the guidelines that is on her website and complete our final work that is DUE WEDNESDAY ! :)