Tag Archives: summary

Summary of, “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan

It’s starts off about a brief friendships as in a connection with author and a woman named Lucy Kolkin business meeting and slowly lost touch. The author was researching for a novel about a woman who worked at the Brooklyn Navy Yard during World War II. That woman was Lucy that worked as a shipfitter. The author read her letters about her work, whole life and her love Alfred Kolkin. Lucy showed how  hard-working she was and sort of a jokester to make things positive. The letters also contain the two lovers talking to each other. As Alfred was in the war and she was working , they still tired to stay in touch. But in the end, as the author reads on, she decides to leave those two alone and use the research that she needed.

Reading Lucy: Summary / Refelection

Reading Lucy, by Jennifer Egan is a essay that’s based on a research novel about a woman named Lucille Kolkin who worked for the Brooklyn Navy yard during World War II as a mechanic for about two years. The author begins to create a bond with her as she continues to interview Lucy, not only learning about what she does and her studies as an engineer, but more of her personal life as well. Lucy then tells her about how she met a man named Alfred Kolkin and how they would send letters to each other as often as they could. Through this, they both began to create a close bond to each other as readers can clearly see that they both care about each other very much. But overtime, they began to drift apart, the only thing keeping them together was through the letters they sent. The author could tell that there bond was strong through the letters that they wrote to each other from time to time, discussing their current situations and developments. around the end when Alfred moves to a new Navy yard in California, They discuss things about a possible future with kids and a house and other things that an average married couple would do. The author soon finds out that Lucy dies years ago and is a bit crushed by the fact, but through reading her letters to Alfred along with a few online articles she found, she knows that she died doing what she wanted. In the end, she feels a bit of a reflection towards herself through reading Lucy’s letters and begins to question her future. but in the end, she concludes that you just have to live it out to the fullest.

From what i can learn about this essay is that people should live life to the fullest till the day they pass on. The author further implements this message through Lucy’s letters and the choices that she made throughout her time talking to the man of her dreams. I think its a rather personal thing that the reader can relate to with the story, for the soul fact that Lucy made the decisions that she did to be happy with herself and live life. It’s something sadly not alot of people think about now a days, people are so focused on the future, that they barley even worry about what makes them happy and what they want to do later on in that future time.

Summary & Reflection: Fastest or most Beautiful route

To have an app that tells you what would be the fastest route is a convenient tool. To have one that tells you which is the most beautiful route is more than convenient, but almost like a treat. In the article a survey was conducted a survey on the website “Flickr” to find out which routes were the most visually appealing, or more quiet and serene. People were asked whether they prefer to take the fastest route, or the more beautiful route, as well as asking them what they considered as a “beautiful route”.

Personally, if I am not on my way to school or work, I would definitely always take the most beautiful route. I enjoy seeing pretty things to make my travel a little easier. Things such as colorful lights or artwork, or even statues would make wherever I have to go a more fun experience.

Reading Lucy: Summary/ Relection

“Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan depicts the relationship between two friends that began from professional purposes. Over the course of the text, you see how their relationship continues to grow an does not fade despite the fact that the lost contact for a period of time. Egan reads the series of letters that Lucy and her husband Alfred write back and forth to each other. In the text it states: ” Lucy wrote to Alfred almost daily- often on the street car she took from twentieth avenue….”. From these letters it was as if she is witnessing the timeline of Lucy’s life before she discovers that she had died. Egan imagined the things she would say to Lucy if she was with during the times she read of in the letters. For example, she says, “Go to the yard, I imagined telling her…..Please, Lucy, get a transfer! Go to San Fransisco..”. Egan’s fascination with the kind of person Lucy was is what drove her to keep up with the events of her life, even after knowing she’s no longer alive.

The archival material that are provided depict the letters between Lucy and Alfred, photographs,and papers. The letters were a bit hard to read in my opinion because of the form of script. But from what I could tell, it was very significant form of communication for them. These materials may be made available for people to see in order to give us a better understanding due to the fact that it is coming from a primary source. It may help us to relate to them because certain aspects of their life that we see may appeal to some people in a way.



This article really piqued my interest because it discusses whether people prefer to take the fastest route or the most beautiful route to your destination. It also explained people points on what they though were beautiful. It talks about how they want to make an app that would help people choose between the fastest or beautiful route. I would definitely buy an app like this because the ones we use now only tell us the fastest routes. These routes usually tend to be boring. They conducted a survey through flickr to find out answers to their questions. The people chose from the quietest routes to the prettiest routes. Through flickr the survey got sent to Boston.

I believe the answer to their question depends on the situation. If I’m running late then I would definitely choose the fastest route, but if I have time to waste then I wouldn’t mind enjoying the scenery. My definition of a beautiful route would be a nice place with trees or nice buildings and it would have to be clean. I wouldn’t mind the loud noises, but if its a place with no noise then that place would be heaven.

Fastest or Most Beautiful Route: Reflection

This article was very interesting to me. It discusses taking the fastest vs the most beautiful route to your destination, and what people would prefer. Also what people consider a beautiful route. They talk about an app that would give you the route to your destination, either the fastest or the most beautiful one. Since the app we now use usually only give us the fastest route. I did keep thinking that this didn’t matter because everyone has their own sense to what would be beautiful. But they id a survey that had two different pictures asking people which they considered more beautiful.

I’m not sure what I would chose because it depends on the situation. If I’m late or a bit early to class I’ll still go unless I’m an hour early, then I’ll take my time and maybe take a more scenic route. What I could say is a beautiful route is any calm areas where there aren’t many crowds, or in some cases an area can look very beautiful but also be very crowded. Walking through a park, any well known spots, or anywhere that there’s just a lot of nature is very calm and appealing to me.

Summary for ADV1100 (Monday’s class 11/3/14)

In Monday’s class Professor Spevack talked about the last parts of Project #3 and what else we needed to do for it.  One or two students had their final projects already on their 14×17 Bristol board so professor used those as an example to demonstrate what our final of Project #3 should look like. The collages should have already been done by hand (and painted too). Other than that, students who had laptops brought their’s in because we worked on Photoshop for most of the time in class and there wasn’t enough computers for everyone. Each student was supposed to use the picture of their original portrait, download it on the computer, upload it to Photoshop and recreate it exactly how they did it with the scissors and tape so the after piece will be a hand made version and a digital version. Everything for Project #3 is due on Wednesday. We also talked about Project #2 because a lot of people were missing a big chunk of it- the animated mash-up. So professor also went over that step by step, demonstrating in class an example of creating an animated mash-up so even those who aren’t familiar or are having trouble with Photoshop can understand it. Overall we didn’t use our sketch books that day we were mostly on the computer working on Project #2 or Project#3.

Class reading,What If You Could Choose…the Most Beautiful? Summary & Reflection


The article, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful? ” from The Atlantic, city lab, prospects that GPS might not the first consideration for navigating in the future by a citizen participated experiment. A group researchers from Yahoo! gave more than 3000 citizens in London two street-view pictures  to choose which view is more beautiful. The result showed that with a huge number of people to pick up a satisfied way, they usually could get a general agreement. When researchers narrowed down the participants, they got a detailed result. Further more, to fit other worldwide counties, researchers achieve their goal by using Flickr which also owned by Yahoo! as a metadata. This experiment was tested successfully in Boston. In the end, the author encourage people to take an extra couple of minutes for a detour to enjoy your urban experience.


For me, I think it will depend on some objective conditions, but there is no doubt that I will choose a beautiful route to my destination. The differences are, if I’m alone, I’d like to choose a quite route, except for night. Quite route helps me pay attention to observe the environment and thinking; if I’m with friends, I like like to choose a noisy route or a route that has some famous buildings or landmarks because we can share opinions.  Sometimes, I’m tired of long distance like route from home to school, so in this condition I’d like the shortest route, just the blue sky, still beautiful.

What if you Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?: Summary/Reflection

What if you Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful, by Lex Berko, Is a article that explains how nowadays with Mobile navigation apps, they only take you from point A, to point B in the shortest way possible. Berko explains that this current use of a mobile app becomes boring and non – enthusiastic. Berko wants to make a way that you can get to your location, while also being able to enjoy your walk and its scenery. He conducts an experiment with some people, showing them alternate routes and its scenery and asks them, which route would you rather take and which one looks more pleasant. After gathering the results, it was clear that most people do want to enjoy a peaceful or beautiful scenery as they are walking from point A to point B.

After reading the article, i have to agree with Berko’s experiment and say it is more lively to walk a path that has a more appealing scenary surrounding the area. It get boring going through the same path over and over again, with the same old, boring look. I would rather try and find another route that i can walk through and be able to smile at the appealing scenery that surrounds the area. I feel others should support this as well, since now adays, we live in a more depressing time. Little things like this can do alot to brighten up a persons day in their life.

Reflection & Summary of the reading, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?”


In the reading, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful”, from the Atlantic CityLab, tests out if people enjoy walking in a more beautiful, happy, & quieter route or a more shorter route. It states that the participants that volunteered this experiment was shown two pictures of the location of London, which was the “test city”, had to choose which was more beautiful, happy, or quiet. But the more of them that picked between the pictures, it was altogether a general agreement. Using that, they had to have judges that were familiar with London to test it out. But it was all depending on what the weather or time of day to walk on those routes (beautiful, happy, shortest, or quiet) and they simply took pictures of the route they were on instead of walking. So, that information proved that the photosharing site Flickr, owned by Yahoo!, was good alternative  for everybody.


My Preference/alternative for a route that is not the shortest would be able to see more nature or greener scenery to make feel calm and peaceful. Seeing more in the route you choose would make the trip more interesting and not a waste of time. Make time for just a stroll somewhere that can make you feel lighter or stress free. I noticed that people love to see new, beautiful, historic things around them. It’s fun to watch actually. Anyway, I’ve been enjoying walking every since I was able to stand on my two little feels. I don’t care about how far or how long it would be for me to, but if someone was with me, they would be asking me questions over and over of where we’re going, how far is it, why do we have to walk so much, we can go this way. It’s annoying. Mostly throughout my life, I walked alone to places I want to clear my mind when I’m stressed or angry. Like walking around nature is the best and long route to do. You could be walking around in circles for hours and didn’t even know it because your just focusing on the surroundings than the time. It helped me with  my struggle with depression years ago (makes me show old even though I’m 19 years old) and it can helps others as well. I think I’m rambling.