Project#3: Written Assessment



In project#3, I learn high key to low key and the different values of white and black.  In this project we made a different value range of white and black using pencil and paint. It was difficult to try to find the color the is a lower value or high value of each other.  However, I wished I did better on my painting because I don’t really paint. It was difficult for me to find the right color and in painting. However, these project helped me learned value, it also helped me better myself in painting.

Project 5: Reflection

For project 5, I have spent approximately one hour and half of the Gallery Note and the Gallery Catalogue. The Gallery Catalogue took me one hour and half for writing and editing. However, I didn’t receive many comments from my other peers, because we are rushing our time in the final week. In project 5, I still need to improve my grammar and supporting details. I hope I can receive more comments back if time is allowed, because I’m not sure am I supporting enough or the details are too lengthy. However, if without these details, it is not easy to explain the purpose of the artwork. The only thing I feel satisfied is I have chosen my favorite text and turned into a different meaning. The original text itself can be interpreted into many different meanings, and the artwork I have created is one of my interpretation of the text. However, I have some questions want to ask at the end if my classmates and professor have to time answer. Is there any sentence making confusion? Am I being too wordy or lacking strong supporting details? How can I make my introduction be concise and clear? These are the questions I want to ask if any of you have time to answer. Clearly, the Gallery Catalogue Entry provides me a chance to explain the original text and the purpose of my artwork.