Category Archives: Glossary



a :  to cause to break up <police dispersed the crowd>

b :  to cause to become spread widely

c :  to cause to evaporate or vanish <sunlight dispersing the mist>

This word was encounter on Monday November 24,2014. The word is located in the toward the ending of the newspaper The sentence begins as  “1 As news of the decision spread, protesters surged forward, throwing objects at officers in riot gear. The sound of gunfire could be heard. 2 Police officers used tear gas and smoke to disperse people who were hurling rocks and breaking the windows of parked police cruisers. A vehicle was set on fire.3 At least a dozen buildings were set on fire around the city, many in the vicinity of Ferguson Market and Liquor, the store Michael Brown was in before he was killed by Officer Wilson.”

Meanwhile, reading the article, I had an idea what the word meant however, in order to make sure what the word was I was able to look it up. The word disperse was used to define the crowd as they were spreading widely.


Bulking- Noun or Verb

Definition: most of something : the largest part of something: the large size of someone or something

(Verb):  to cause to swell or bulge :  stuff

:  to gather into a mass or aggregate

This word was encounter in Monday November 24, 2014 which was presented in an online newspaper.  This word was shown in the middle section in a yellow box It was used as ” At this point it looked like he was almost  bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I was shooting at him.”

In order to understand the word Bulking, I used the word in the sentence and the definition. I broke down the sentence in order to process the word. I believe the word used in the passage was used in a verb. The word bulking is being used as angry, the guy was angry for getting shot.



Consolidating - Verb

to join or combine together into one thing

1:  to join together into one whole
2:  to make firm or secure
3:  to form into a compact mass


I was reading an article on the New York Times article on Obama extending the U.S. role on the Afghan combat  “The allies are expected to follow the American lead in consolidating and withdrawing their troops.” I had no idea what it meant, but now I understand that the allies meant to join their armies together into a whole and start retreating from Afghanistan. Instead of having ground wars they mean to use drones instead.


Ombudsmen - verb

Definition: to drop down; plunge


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the article “AWF Launches Anti-poaching Fund” in November 21, 2014

Understand:  The word “plummet” has two different meanings, one is referring to a tool “plumb bob”, and another is referring to something that weights down. However, the word is used when the article said “The AWF said in the 1970s, Africa was home to more than 1.3 million elephants. That figure has plummeted to about 419,000 today” which using the word plummet as a verb. In the end, I have learned “plummet” not just a noun, it also can be used as a verb to mean to drop down.



Defintion: a biofuel based on alcohol which may be combined with petrol for usein vehicles.

The word was found in the New York Times Online Newspaper on Thursday November 25,2014. The word is used in the first and second paragraph  The word is used in these sentence”Many of our activities are in the clean and green space. One of our most important activities that we have engaged in for the last 15 years is bioethanol, which is used as an additive with gasoline. We offer the technology and machinery to produce ethanol from green sources.”

I knew the word but I never looked it up to define the word however the word is used in the sentence to describe the situation. I knew the word but now know it clearly and fits the situations.



Distilleries- Noun

Definition: a place where alcoholic drinks (such as whiskey) are produced

The word was found in Thursday November 20, 2014. The word is in the beginning of the paragraph The word was used in these sentence “An engineer by training, Pramod Chaudhari founded Praj Industries in Pune, India, in 1983. The company, which started with 10 full-time employees, started supplying technology for waste water treatment and distilleries.”

I was unsure what the word meant however, I looked up the word and I was surprise of the answer. It had no context clues to that definition I found, however the answer did make senses and distilleries is  a place of alcoholic are produced.



Domesticity- life inside a home; the activities of a family or of the people who share a home.

I found this particular word in the passage “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan. After reading the sentence I found that I had no idea what this sentence was saying. It stated, “Savor this fluke of independence before the champ of 1950s domesticity closes around you”. After researching the meaning of this word, the sentence was immediately cleared up. Egan wanted Lucy to enjoy her last bit of independence that she has left because soon it will no longer be just her alone. Once the 1950s hit, her independence would have been nothing but a memory to her.



Definition: to cook in simmering liquid

:  to encroach upon especially for the purpose of taking something

:  to trespass for the purpose of stealing game; also :  to take game or fish illegally

The word was found in the New York Time online Newspaper. The word was found in the beginning paragraph The sentence that was found “But according to a report by the Environmental Investigation Agency, a nongovernmental organization based in London, members of the Chinese delegation used Mr. Xi’s visit as an opportunity to procure so much illegal ivory that local prices doubled to about $318 a pound. Two weeks before Mr. Xi arrived, Chinese buyers purchased thousands of pounds of poached tusks, which were “later sent to China in diplomatic bags on the presidential plane,” said the report, which was released on Wednesday.”

I had an idea what the word might have meant however, to make sure I looked it up. The word was meant to understand the situation of the tusks, the word help defined how they were beginning steal unfairly.




Querlous: complaining in a petulant or whining manner

I came across this word in the text “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Lucy. It sort of caught me off guard in a way because I hadn’t seen any previous vocabulary. In the text it stated: “She also had a habit of footnoting words whose meanings Alfred might not know-like querulous-and providing definitions”. the sentence I found it in is interesting because this particular word was an example of something people would not generally know. I saw it as a question within a question. When I found the definition it didn’t really make much of a difference because it was not included for the purpose of getting a message across.