Category Archives: Glossary

Glossary Entry #1

1. Clairvoyance: Being able to predict future events


2. Sprightly: Being filled with energy, very happy


3. Alms: Things given to the poor


4. Somber: Sad and serious



Definition of Glossary Words: Part1

These words were used in our class on Wednesday September 10th  in the video ”Ways to See”.

1. Gilt-Adjective

Definition- having a golden color

Link: show=0&t=1410570742

2. Integral-Adjective

Definition-very important and necessary

Link: show=0&t=1410570975

3.  Icon-noun

Definition- a small picture on a computer or a person who is successful and admired. 


4. Converge-verb

Definition-to move toward one point and join together : to come together and meet.


I had already known the definition of these words but it was a good way of perfecting my version of there meaning. Also these words helped me understand the passage better along with the video.






Glossary entry #1

Source: Merriam (Dictionary)

Gilt- having a golden color

Skeptical- having or expressing doubt about something

Integral- very important or necessary

Icon- Small picture on computer; person who is widely admired; known symbol

Converge- moving toward one point coming together

Reproduction (noun)- process of making babies;act of copying something

Distort- to change natural, normal, original shape or appearance

Facsimile- an exact copy

Authenticity- real or genuine

Pedigree- impressive history of the family members

Perspex- used for a kind of plastic

Relic- something from a past time

Shrine- a place connected with a holy figure or an event where people worship\

Awe- a strong feeling of fear or wonder

Allegorical- of or relating to; having the characteristics of; having spiritual meaning

Metamorphosis- a major change in the appearance of someone or something

Callousness-not feeling or showing any concern about the problems or suffering of other people

Devotional- elating to or used in religious services

Landscape painting- depiction of art in its natural scenery

Sprightly- marked by a gay lightness and vivacity; having a distinctively piquant taste

Somber- very sad or serious

Manipulate- to move or control with your hands or a machine;  to use or change in a particular way for a particular purpose

Jostling- to come in contact or into collision; to exist in close proximity

Ambiguous- able to be understood in more than one way; having more than one possible meaning; not expressed or understood clearly

Inhibit- to prevent someone from doing what he or she wants to do; to prevent or slow down the activity or occurrence of

Mystification(mystify)-  to make mysterious or obscure

Alms- money, clothes, food, and other things given to poor people

Destitute- Lacking something that is need or desirable; lacking possessions or resources

Peat- partially carbonized vegetable tissue formed by partial decomposition in water of various plants

Disparaging- to describe someone or something as unimportant, weak, or bad

Unwavering- Steady or resolute

Clairvoyance- the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses, ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

The vocabulary list in this weeks glossary has further guided my understanding of the text that I have read, as well as the short film we viewed in class. Although I am already familiar with a portion of the words, the ones that are more difficult were a great help once I understood them and how they are used in the text. For example, the word “peat” which was mentioned in class had confused me at first. When I came by it in the text, I was unable to figure out what it means even when I used context clues. Obviously now that I have an understanding of this new vocabulary, I can see the text from a better perspective.





Peat- noun, often adjective

Definition: partially carbonized vegetable tissue formed by partial decomposition in water of various plants. discovered this word in my English class on Monday, September 10th.

I discovered this word on a class discussion we did that included the video, ” Ways of Seeing,” on Wednesday, September 10th.

I understand this word by reading an example,Besides the mineral water baths there are also moor or mud-baths, and the peat used for these baths is the richest in iron in the world.


Aesthetic- adjective

Definition: of or relating to art or beauty.

I discovered this word in my English class on Monday, September 8th.

I understand the word because I created my own quote, ” My visualization equals aesthetic pleasure.” Natali Agudelo



Gilt – adjective or noun

Definition: covered with gold or gilt : of the color of gold

This word was encounter in the short film presented on Wednesday 10, 2014. The word was also in the list to define. The word was shown in the beginning of the film  . During the time of 4:25 the word is mention “…They are surrounded not by gilt frames, but by the familiarity of the room your in, and the people around you…”

In order to understand the word I used the word used in the sentence and the definition in order find out what it means. I believe the word means in the passage that the painting are no longer like gold because there are as many copies of the painting.





word: Destitute (adjective): extremely poor (Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary)

“Hals, an old man of over eighty, was destitute. Most of his life he had been in debt.” – Page 13, Ways of Seeing- John Berger

Hals was selling his portraits because he was in debt and poor.

Beginning the glossary

Each week, you will post a glossary entry in your ePortfolio, using the category Glossary. You can copy the category as it appears at the bottom of this post to make sure you have exactly the same category I do.

In class on Wednesday, you will watch the first episode of the BBC production, “Ways of Seeing,” which was the foundation for the materials we are reading of the same name. As I previewed this episode I jotted down some words you might want to look up. You could even draw from this list for  your glossary entry, if you can point us back to where in the video you heard the word, and explain what you understand about that section based on understanding that word. Some of these words might also be in the reading, so you could refer to them there as well. Keep in mind that this is an activity aimed to help all of us learn more words, improve our vocabularies, and make sense of our work. If the definition of a word isn’t helpful, it isn’t helpful–that is, you might need to change the part of speech to find a better definition. If callousness is defined as the state of being callous, dig deeper and look up callous! Here is the list I compiled:

  • gilt
  • integral
  • icon
  • converge
  • reproduction (noun)
  • distort
  • facsimile
  • authenticity
  • pedigree
  • Perspex
  • relic
  • shrine
  • awe
  • allegorical
  • metamorphosis
  • callousness
  • devotional
  • landscape painting
  • sprightly
  • somber
  • manipulated
  • jostling
  • ambiguous
  • inhibit
  • mystification
  • alms
  • destitute
  • peat
  • disparaging
  • unwavering
  • clairvoyance
  • skeptical