Category Archives: ENG1101


Juxtaposition – noun

Definition: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also :  the state of being so placed

I found this word in the guideline for project #2 while reading to seeing the assignments required for the project. This word was introduce on Monday September 22, 2014 on the handout called Project #2: Overlapping New Yorks. The word is located on the bottom of the handout. The word juxtaposition is a word required to use in our writing for this project.

After researching the word it became more clear, the word juxtaposition means that objects are being compare.

Summary for ENG: 9/22

At the first half hour we talked about The reflection of project#1, Then we got a handout for Project#2: Overlapping New York. It is something like exploring New York City, knowing its history and good and bad. Half-hour later, we prepared for the trip. We took the R train and got off at 28th street. Then we walked to a place called Book Arts on 28 West 27th St. when we arrived there, we separated and looked around.  Although we can visit freely, but we could not touch the art works. There was a guy who walked around with us during our visit, He told us the history of the printing process and printing Knowledge. He also explains the different ways of binding books to us. One way was to use the adhesive glue to fixed book. Another way was to use bind to strengthen book. When he finished the introduction of book, It Is almost towards to the end of the Book art visit. Then we walk to 141 West 17th Street. We started the visit from 6th floor. It is about Indian culture and art. Overall we still cannot take picture of the art works, but we could sketch the artwork. The artworks over there are not only images and the old place adorn. Where each work of art is not the first time visit to understand, should use some of your imagination to understand. The end of the sixth floor visiting, students could choose to continue to visit downstairs artwork, or go home. In conclusion it’s a buzzy day, but it is defiantly worth coming back.


Aesthetic - adjective

Definition: of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful

I found this word while re-reading the guidelines for ENG1101 project#1  on Monday September 15, 2014. However, this word was first introduce on class Monday September 8, 2014 on the handout for Project#1:Introducing Yourself. It can be found in the bottom page, in the requirement for this project: use new vocabulary (especially the word aesthetic) properly.

After reading the hangout and looking up the definition of the word I believe the word aesthetic is referring in how creative the work is being done or presented.





My Bio, Project #1: Rough daft

My name is Kevin Ayala, I’m 17 years old and currently studying in City Tech for a major in graphic design an advertising. Ever since I was a child, I was always passionate about drawing, no matter what I did , I would always doodle about small thoughts that would pop into my head. Majority of the time, these thoughts were inspired from playing video games so much, since that would be the one thing I would always do whenever I had free time . Other times, it would be about cartoons I would watch on television. These two subjects were the main inspiration I had that began my passion for drawing an planning.

From every game I played, or every cartoon I watched, I would always pay attention to the detail of the characters and their environment. Their appearance, art style, and characteristics were all main points I would always consider when I drew something out of inspiration. Throughout my time in school, I would always meet new people that would give me even more inspiration or suggestions for my artwork, not only improving my work, but creating a stronger passion for drawing. Before I new it, I already had my mind set to what I wanted to do in the future as I grew up. I wanted to take my love of drawing, and make it a career. I go by a popular saying, “If it’s something you love to do, go for it”

In five to ten years from now, I see myself as a concept designer either for television, game making, or advertising. I want to be able to resent my portfolio to someone with confidence, and show them what kind of ideas I have for a project or an idea for an on going one. Just the thought of seeing something that I created in the public eye of millions gets me exited to do what I do.

My profile and avatar shows that drawing and sketching is what I want to do, and how I’m driven to do so. My avatar represents myself, drawn in a sketch, showing that I love to draw, hence the pencils and eraser next to the drawing. I left it uncolored, showing that I’m still incomplete, I still have a lot to learn before I can actually go out there and express myself to businesses and companies.


Gilt – adjective or noun

Definition: covered with gold or gilt : of the color of gold

This word was encounter in the short film presented on Wednesday 10, 2014. The word was also in the list to define. The word was shown in the beginning of the film  . During the time of 4:25 the word is mention “…They are surrounded not by gilt frames, but by the familiarity of the room your in, and the people around you…”

In order to understand the word I used the word used in the sentence and the definition in order find out what it means. I believe the word means in the passage that the painting are no longer like gold because there are as many copies of the painting.




Preparing for Project #1

To prepare for writing Project #1:

  • If you haven’t already, register for an OpenLab account and join our Learning Community site, Ways of Seeing.
  • From the OpenLab home page, click on People to see OpenLab members
  • Browse through, looking at the avatars.
  • Without reading anything about the person, choose an avatar of a member of the OpenLab that you think says something about the person.
  • Still without reading anything about the person, what do you understand about them based on their avatar? If you click on the avatar, you will see a larger version—but be careful not to read the member’s details yet!
  • Make a list of what you observe when you look at the avatar.
  • Make a list of the interpretations you make about the details you observe.
  • Write a paragraph about how you interpret the avatar.
  • Now finally read about the member. Can you confirm or correct any of your interpretations or inferences? Do you think that the avatar does not represent them accurately? Add a few sentences to answer these questions.
  • Include your lists and paragraph, as well as a link to the member’s profile, in a comment in response to this blog post.
  • Submit your comment by Tuesday, 9/9.
  • Offer feedback to at least two classmates about the avatars they have chosen to write about—do you see an alternative reading they haven’t thought of? Are their details they haven’t contemplated enough?

Reading design

In his book, Wind, Sand and Stars, Antoine de Saint-Exupery expounds on design and the design process. Read the following excerpt from a chapter entitled “The Tool” and write a comment explaining what he is saying and reflecting on what stands out to you about his view.

He writes:

And now, having spoken of the men born of the pilot’s craft, I shall say something about the tool with which they work-the air-plane. Have you looked at a modern airplane? Have you followed from year to year the evolution of its lines? Have you ever thought, not only about the airplane but about whatever man builds, that all of man’s industrial efforts, all his computations and calculations, all the nights spent over working draughts and blueprints, invariably culminate in the production of a thing whose sole and guiding principle is the ultimate principle of simplicity?

It is as if there were a natural law which ordained that to achieve this end, to refine the curve of a piece of furniture, or a ship’s keel, or the fuselage of an airplane, until gradually it partakes of the elementary purity of the curve of a human breast or shoulder, there must be the experimentation of several generations of craftsmen. In anything at all, perfection is finally attained not when there is no longer anything to add, but when there is no longer anything to take away, when a body has been stripped down to its nakedness.

It results from this that perfection of invention touches hands with absence of invention, as if that line which the human eye will follow with effortless delight were a line that had not been invented but simply discovered, had in the beginning been hidden by nature and in the end been found by the engineer. There is an ancient myth about the image asleep in the block of marble until it is carefully disengaged by the sculptor. The sculptor
must himself feel that he is not so much inventing or shaping the curve of breast or shoulder as delivering the image from its prison.

In this spirit do engineers, physicists concerned with thermodynamics, and the swarm of preoccupied draughtsmen tackle their work. In appearance, but only in appearance, they seem to be polishing surfaces and refining away angles, easing this joint or stabilizing that wing, rendering these parts invisible, so that in the end there is no longer a wing hooked to a framework but a form flawless in its perfection, completely disengaged from its matrix, a sort of spontaneous whole, its parts mysteriously fused together and resembling in their unity a poem.

Meanwhile, startling as it is that all visible evidence of invention should have been refined out of this instrument and that there should be delivered to us an object as natural as a pebble polished by the waves, it is equally wonderful that he who uses this instrument should be able to forget that it is a machine.


Although we introduced ourselves in class briefly, and we’ll introduce ourselves more formally in Project #1 for ENG 1101, please write an introduction here as a way to help us get to know each other better. Aim to write 250 words. This is your chance to say all the things you forgot to say in class, or to say all the things you crafted and said brilliantly.

If you have successfully created an OpenLab account, log in before you comment so the system can recognize you. Otherwise, fill in the required information and get started!