All posts by Cheng Long Lin


Behest - noun


1: an authoritative order

2: an urgent prompting e.g. <called at the behest of my friends>


I was reading a New York Times article on penalty against CIA computer search and encountered this word behest, I had no idea what it meant so I looked it up. Behest is an authoritative order in this case, the behest of John O. Brennan. So it was the authoritative order of John O. Brennan.


Malware - noun

software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning

1: software designed to interfere with a computer’s normal functioning


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack sent Malware which damaged Sony’s computers and also stole information. I did not know what this was, but I’ve learned in Latin previously the root Mal meaning bad and taking a part from software, so I assumed it meant bad product or data or whatever, and it turns out I am correct.


Debilitated - verb

to make (someone or something) weak : to reduce the strength of (someone or something)

1: to impair the strength of


I encountered this word in a New York Times article on the North Korea cyber attack on Sony, the attack had Debilitated Sony’s computers. From the context clues I could figure out the definition something around the lines of stopped them from working, so I looked up the actual definition after and it meant to weaken something such as the computers.


Warmonger - noun

a person who wants a war or tries to make other people want to start or fight a war

1:  one who urges or attempts to stir up war


Same article in the New York Times about the Rapprochement with Cuba. Obama was criticized before for being a warmonger by Bolivia. Although I’ve seen this word before I did not know the exact definition so I looked it up. Warmonger is someone who wants war or stir up war, most likely Bolivia is talking about the United States this way due to all the action taken in the middle east.


Lambasted - verb

to criticize (someone or something) very harshly

1:  to assault violently

2:  to attack verbally :  censure <critics lambasted his performance>


 This was the same article as the one with Obama’s Rapprochement with Cuba. Latin American countries once Lambasted the united states now describe us with more welcoming words. Lambasted was to attack verbally which meant that they spoke ill of the United States.


Allegation - noun

a statement saying that someone has done something wrong or illegal

1:  the act of alleging

2: a positive assertion; specifically :  a statement by a party to a legal action of what the party undertakes to prove

3: an assertion unsupported and by implication regarded as unsupportable e.g. <vague allegations of misconduct>


I was reading a article on the New York Times about how evidence is often mishandled by the F.B.I. it was alleged that there were missing and mislabeled evidence which is certainly shady dealings. In this case its the idea that the F.B.I. may have been doing something wrong or illegal


Rapprochement - noun

the development of friendlier relations between countries or groups of people who have been enemies

1: establishment of or state of having cordial relations


I was reading an article on the New York Times about Obama opening relations with Cuba, and I had no idea what this term meant so I looked it up. Rapprochement means to develop friendlier relations with Cuba in this case.


Transistor - noun

a small device that is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, computers, etc

1: a solid-state electronic device that is used to control the flow of electricity in electronic equipment and usually consists of a small block of a semiconductor (as germanium) with at least     three electrodes

2: a transistorized radio


I was learning how to build a computer and came across this word Transistor I did not know what it did so I looked it up, so a Transistor is essentially a on and off switch and a computer is made out of billions of Transistors.


Solicit - verb

to ask for (something, such as money or help) from people, companies, etc.

1: a)  to make petition to :  entreat
b)  to approach with a request or plea e.g. <solicited Congress for funding>

2: to urge (as one’s cause) strongly

3: a) to entice or lure especially into evil
b) to proposition (someone) especially as or in the character of a prostitute

4: to try to obtain by usually urgent requests or pleas e.g. <solicited donations>


I was reading “G.O.P. Angst Over 2016 Led to Provision on Funding”on the New York Times.  “what appears to be an effort to help meet such costs, Democrats demanded that the added provision also allow all party committees, including the House and Senate campaign committees, to solicit additional large contributions to cover the costs of buying, renting or renovating real estate. ” I have no idea what the word had meant, I’ve heard of soliciting before but never really understood the word, so essentially here they are just asking for more money.


Geopolitics - noun plural but singular in construction

the study of how geography and economics have an influence on politics and on the relations between nations

1: a study of the influence of such factors as geography, economics, and demography on the politics and especially the foreign policy of a state

2: a governmental policy guided by geopolitics

3: a combination of political and geographic factors relating to something (as a state or particular resources)


I encountered the word when I was reading “Israel’s Natural Gas Supply Offers Lifeline for Peace”on the New York Times.  “Natural gas is both a geopolitical tool and a target in Israel, where a new found bonanza of resources has the potential to improve ties with energy-hungry Egypt, Jordan and even the Palestinian Authority. ” the use of context clues allows me to get a grasp of the meaning of this word, I had understood it to mean that this geographic area is desired in politics due to its resources. And as I looked it up it had meant that because the natural gas is valuable it moves economies and politics.