All posts by Jessica Pareja

Aural Topographies: Research

Song: Wings by Daesung (Big Bang)

When hearing the song at first you can really tell the beats and its hard to imagine until halfway to the song where the bet is gets faster. At first I just can’t help but force more on the lyrics than the beat. However, after replaying the song over and over, the lyrics fade and you’re able to  listen close toward the beat. The sounds I hear its piano, drums, and a basic. The patterns I hear are more like bubbles or  balloons for children. Patterns that are shown is lines that are continuous.

When the song begins I am able to imagine the patterns with my eyes close. At the start of the song I see lines that parallel but once the beat gets faster around  0:13, the lines break into two and begin forming circle. These circles create a loop and  I see individual circles that are floating  around just like bubbles. When the song hits at 0:30 seconds, the lines begin again however, the lines are more faster matching the beat. Every time the drums play, I imagine bubbles. The bubbles appear as the same number of the drum beats and how fast the  drum beat is going. In the bubbles I would shade it dark, medium, or light depending on the movement. Around 2:00 seconds, I would continue to raise the lines making them more similar like the middle beginning however more steeper.


Summary: City Limits by Colson Whitehead

In the passage “City Limits” Colson Whitehead describes what being a New Yorker is all about. A New York is not hear or seeing, its about living the present and knowing the past. Whitehead is sort of mentioning that it doesn’t matter how long you have lived in New York, what counts is able to reflect any situation that happens around your New York. It all starts with how New York was introduce. To  many people New York City was first seen by different reasons however, from there we all start to create our own perspective of New York. In the third paragraph , Whitehead starts to mention about how he views his New York. He starts to describe about what became his New York, he describe every inch and how everyone living or knowing New York City should have experiences but just myth about New York. He later mentions about building, how it starts to change when one building is torn down and a new is build in its place. How we don’t notice any change until its gone. However, the point is to move forward because New York will continue to change with us. No matter what happens we have to accept the new and face forward our New York is changing.

Field Trip:The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum.

The Center For Book Arts image: Prison Walls Bleed Flowers Rachel Galindo

On September 22, 2014 the whole class went on a field trip  to The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum. Being in The Center For Book Arts, I learned many things about the history of printing. A lot has changed from printing back than and today we don’t use the same objects. However, its still good that we haven’t forgotten its history. It will always be remember that it was so simple like today and that we should be thankful to technology. While, exploring and getting more information about the Center For Book Art I came across one image that stood out to me. The image is a work piece from Rachel Galindo, her drawing was unique and question what the image was about. At first I didn’t know what it meant or had an clue. However, I guessed that perhaps the artist was referring that a human being can be affected by natural. If mother earth is not taken care of later on the future natural will affect us that we can no longer escape.

Hunger, (1980)

In the second field trip to the Rubin Museum we explored the wonders of many art work. However, the piece that stood out the most was an art work called the Hunger. I decided to sketch it because I believe it had a meaning behind it. It’s an image of a man eating or biting a snake meanwhile at the same time the snake is eating its self.I believe the image should how the nation is suffering from hunger. People are hunger and the nation  its self is suffering, I believe the image with the snake represents a cycle that no matter how much food it gets it will remain hunger. In both the field trips I enjoyed many art work however those two stood out the most to me.


Juxtaposition – noun

Definition: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also :  the state of being so placed

I found this word in the guideline for project #2 while reading to seeing the assignments required for the project. This word was introduce on Monday September 22, 2014 on the handout called Project #2: Overlapping New Yorks. The word is located on the bottom of the handout. The word juxtaposition is a word required to use in our writing for this project.

After researching the word it became more clear, the word juxtaposition means that objects are being compare.

Project#2: Location

In order to know more about the location surrounding City Tech, I took a different train route to explore and get to know the neighborhood. I took the 2 train and got of Borough Hall, there I continue to walk north there I was able to see the court houses. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t expecting to see any. The courts were very beautiful, the structure of the building and how that location looked so neat and clean. I don’t come to Brooklyn very often, I always thought of Brooklyn as sort of gloomy. However, passing the courts made me prove wrong. As I continue walking, I changed my path and walked east there I got lost and was on sure where I was. After 5 mins, I found the school ending my trip soon.

Project #1: Reflections

After being introduce to project #1 and understanding what we needed to do, we finally finished and able to move on. In project #1, I describe who I am and how my avatar became to be. I really force more on my myself, which I mention were I came from and what I enjoyed. The following paragraphs, I later describe what my avatar is and what it represent. My avatar is simple but like I mention there is a million ways how I see myself with that image. There might be other images that I could of used but the image of a camera I felt that it was who I was as a person than any other. I was able to follow the guidelines however it was difficult to try to remind in the same topic. However, I really enjoy making this project and I know it will come helpful later on the following projects.

The first project helped each classmate understand and know one another. We got to understand each individuals avatar and what it represents to one. I learned a valuable lesson and what I’m most proud of, I believe project #1 helped find our self.  It got us using our brain and thinking mentally as toward who we are and what we want the world to know us. The image we used for our avatar helped establish our thought together. It allowed us to describe what we see and what might other think. What I still need more help in is thinking as a third person, it was hard for me to think like how would someone else view me. What I really wish the most was if people would have commented more on my project. During the making of this project I spend almost a week re-reading my work if it made an sense. The most time it took was writing as a third person thinking how people will view my avatar. However, project #1 really helped me and hopefully using this it will allow me to think mentally in all my writing later on the future.



Project #1: Introducing Yourself (Final)

My name is Jessica Pareja, born and raised in New York City. I am 17 years old and speak two languages, English and Spanish both languages have allowed identify who I am. I am currently a freshman at City Tech and majoring in Communication Design. However, I’m still not sure if I would like to continue majoring in it. I come from a high school who’s major program is Television and Film. In there I was lucky to learn how to use cameras, and edit in softwares. Starting there we had to film and edit our own mini projects. During my time in high school I was allowed to find myself and I decided to learn my things. One thing that I enjoy the most is photography which allow me to capture millions of expression within one moment. Right now, I might not have a dream to what I want to do but I do have a hope that soon I will know. What comes to mind is do I want to follow photography or choose another path or staying in the same path I have chosen? As long as I can recall photography was the only thing I really enjoy. However, as a human being I have many passion and many wonders that I would like the world to see.

My consideration for my avatar is an image of a camera, believing that a camera well expresses me. I believe that the image of a camera helps people understand what I enjoy to do the most. If defining the word camera it is usually referred as a device for recording or capturing an image. The camera represents me in different ways first by showing of that I can hold and capture many ideas however, I only choose the best ideas to be exposed. A camera only flashes when its holder decides to shot when coming across an object. A camera symbolizes to me as of right now that I will be introduced to many ideas but once I decide what I want to do as my career I will only focus on that. Therefore, I believe with the help of my fellow classmates I can continue to grow as a person.

Other people might have different perspectives when they come across my avatar they might just view it as me just enjoying photography. They might not even know why a camera is posted as my profile picture because it doesn’t define me or simple because it has nothing to do with my major. One might suggest that it’s my hobby but they won’t think of it as being my career. City Tech might not offer photography as a major, not many colleges have that however I want people to understand that the camera is just defining how I’ll be able to learn and put away many important moments that will be presented in my life. I really enjoy photography it is something I’m very passionate on and hold dear on.

Overall my profile and avatar show images and texts that I can define on. The images presented allow people to show what I’m able to do even if I still don’t have my mind set up. A camera can be picked up and it shows even though I can’t do a wonderful art piece I will continue to try. No matter what happens I will continue to learn and fight until I get it right. If I decide to continue majoring or change majors, I know I will have the skills to present. Writing this biography will later help me encourage myself, once I come across something difficult. I hope in four years later I am able graduate and be proud for the person I became.

Project #1: Reflection(PeerFeedback)

After reading the comments posted about my bio I was satisfied. They were able to describe me what I was missing and areas where I need to make it stronger. One of the comment written was how I describe myself more and instead of how my avatar relates to me. They would like to know how photography is similar to me and if it’s important to me. I wanted people to know who I am as a person, what I enjoy to do and I what I hope to do. Also, describe what my avatar means to me and what I want the people to know about it. I am very thankful to my classmate who were able to give great comments to improve. Another reason that I enjoy receiving feedback it points out missing ideas that could have made it stronger. Getting feedback from my classmate and giving feedback to each other will help one another writing.

View from My Window: Assessment


As I mention before in my View from My Window: Critique, throw out making project#1, I learned how to use new things that will help in later throughout  the course for Graphic Design Principles.

While in class, many students had to get feedback from other students I was thankful to receive some. One classmate mention how you can tell which are the 2 stable and which are the 2 ambiguous. Another, mention how I should have done a neat cutting with the exacto knife. If the building was straight than cut the the paper straight unless the building had a curve. Someone said my cut out of my car (lower right corner) you could tell it was a car however just remove the road. They also mention that using an inking pen to make a border made the image more visible. I liked the comments that I received in class because people were honest when they commented. I believe the comments will help me improve with my work later on the future and also if I decided to redo  my project to make it stronger.




Aesthetic - adjective

Definition: of, relating to, or dealing with aesthetics or the beautiful

I found this word while re-reading the guidelines for ENG1101 project#1  on Monday September 15, 2014. However, this word was first introduce on class Monday September 8, 2014 on the handout for Project#1:Introducing Yourself. It can be found in the bottom page, in the requirement for this project: use new vocabulary (especially the word aesthetic) properly.

After reading the hangout and looking up the definition of the word I believe the word aesthetic is referring in how creative the work is being done or presented.