All posts by HAI


Ombudsmen - noun

Definition: continuous observation of a place, person, group, or ongoing activity inorder to gather information


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the article “New Bird Flu Strain Reaches Europe” in November 27, 2014

Understand:  The word is used when Ian Douglasthe head of the FAO’s Crisis Management Center for Animal Health) said “There’s much more work that’s done in the lead-up to that and, in part, this is involving better detection, better surveillance and good laboratory diagnostic techniques” which refer to a action. After I search this word in the dictionary, my prediction is correct which refer to the word “surveil.”


Project 4: Thoughtful Assessment

In Project 4, I believe the color experiments are very useful to help us understand the concept of hues. We can change colors by adding other colors, and we also can change the value on colors. By doing color experiments, each colors that being transformed can create a different feeling to people. In the final step for project 4, we used all concepts from colors and put them on Swiss poster. In the end, each poster will have different layers of colors such as chromatic gray, muted color, and prismatic color. As a result, the poster can make a strong contrast with the color, but also carry out the purpose of the poster which attempts to relate to people’s emotion. Overall, project 4 taught us how to use colors into a more creative way, so people have unusual emotions when they see colors in life.

Aesthetic Mapping: the Pitch

What route can influence people’s feeling by giving people a sense of beauty, quiet, happiness, history, and nature? These aspects of a route will impact people the way they think, and also influence their feeling while they all being busy with living. Being busy will always make people ignore surrounding area around them, so they continually taking the shortest route to their destination without a spirit of exploration. Taking a short detour from their destination will give people different feelings, and may also impact people’s innermost thoughts. The detour from Jay Street Metro station to City Tech will present aspects of nature and quiet. Walking from a brief detour can give people different experiences and influence people’s thoughts.

In society, stress is everywhere, and especially in a noisy city. New York is considered as one of the busiest city in the world, so people have to endure all the stress from work, school, and others. If people can slow down their mode of life, they may discover something they never expected before. While people taking a detour from Jay Street Metro station before going to City Tech, they will be inspired from Columbus Park. Before entering Columbus Park, people have to take a brief detour to get to the crossroad. While people standing on the crossroad, they can fully experience noise from this typical busy crossroad. Transportations coming and going, and pedestrians walking so fast before traffic light change signs. In addition, there are many tall buildings with numerous small square windows which the typical aesthetic design in a modern city. People can only experience the mode of being busy in life, however, this experience will affect people’s feeling later on by comparing aspects of Columbus Park. While they pass through this crossroad, there is a path waiting people to take. This path cars and buses can’t get in which is the entrance to Columbus Park.

When people slowly walking into Columbus Park, people will have a different experience. The path is wider than normal pedestrian routes, and trees from each side blocking noise from the city. While people moving deeply into Columbus Park, people can see there is a giant historical building, a garden with grass and flowers, and a fountain. These things are creating a sense of peaceful and quiet, because these things will help people forget they are living in one of the busiest city. If people have enough time, people can sit on the stairs of the historical building to give themselves a different feeling. The feeling will be totally different, because it is a peaceful place for people to slow down their life. Comparing with the train station and the crossroad, sitting inside of the Columbus Park is new way to experience quiet. And if people have any annoyance, it is a great moment to think about, because quiet can always help people relax their emotion and come up with different solutions.

While people continue moving toward the center of Columbus Park, people will see more trees are located on two sides, and the center is a statue of Columbus. In addition, while sunlight shining on trees, the beauty of nature is presented in Columbus Park. Furthermore, with a wide space, people won’t see other things except nature. The detour is a combination of nature and quiet which providing a new experience to people and may help people to get away from stress. While people can blend themselves with nature and quiet, they can always come out with a different idea of life. All the annoyance and stress will become smaller if people can relax themselves from this detour. Columbus Park won’t be considered as a scenic place, however, it is place that provides tranquility. Before getting into City Tech, taking a detour that passes through Columbus Park will inspire people to start a new day. After getting away from tranquility, people will be able to prepare themselves to encounter the challenges, because they have already been relaxed themselves in a serene place.

In the end, the detour from Jay Street Metro station to City Tech is mainly focus on quiet and part of nature. The main idea of taking the detour is not helping people to see a scenic place instead is providing a quiet place to influence the way of thinking. It is very important for all people to take the detour, because people need a space to relax themselves. The detour can provide unusual experiences if people can visit Columbus Park in different times of different seasons. It is a very simple action to take if people willing to change their attitude to life.


Ombudsmen - verb

Definition: to drop down; plunge


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the article “AWF Launches Anti-poaching Fund” in November 21, 2014

Understand:  The word “plummet” has two different meanings, one is referring to a tool “plumb bob”, and another is referring to something that weights down. However, the word is used when the article said “The AWF said in the 1970s, Africa was home to more than 1.3 million elephants. That figure has plummeted to about 419,000 today” which using the word plummet as a verb. In the end, I have learned “plummet” not just a noun, it also can be used as a verb to mean to drop down.

Project 4: Prismatic Color


In the last color experiment, prismatic color is the most easy color to recognize, because it is the most saturate color that will immediately stand out. Prismatic color should be stay as pure as possible, however, I believe I didn’t do well enough by mixing primary colors to create secondary colors. As a result, I guess people it not easy to understand the concept of prismatic color from my works.


Aesthetic Mapping: the route

What route can involve with beauty, quiet, happiness, nature, and history? The route I have chosen is making a detour from Jay Street Metrotech station to CIty Tech. The shortest route to City Tech is always involved with busy, modern, and technology. People are born in the busy environment, so they won’t able to free themselves to observe different aspects of life. The detour I have chosen contains many aspects such as beauty, quiet, nature, and history. I did not know can these aspects affect people’s emotion, but I can assume people will have different experience after they walk over this route.

At the beginning, I get off from Jay Street Metrotech Station, and decided to get through to Columbus Park instead just walking directly to City Tech. Before entering Columbus Park there is a crossroad, people can see many tall buildings while they standing on this crossroad. And it will affect people’s feeling later on by comparing aspects in Columbus Park. Later, I saw there is a path that cars and buses can’t get in which I believe it is the entrance to Columbus Park. While I moving deeply into Columbus Park, I have different experience than the shortest route. Quiet will be the first word I will use to describe this course, because there are not many people, and none of transportation tools can get in. In addition, I can see there is a giant historical building, and the name of the park is Columbus Park, so i believe history is related to this course. When I get into the center of Columbus Park, I see many trees are located on two sides, and the center is a statue of Columbus. In addition, with the combination of sunlight, beauty of nature is presented in Columbus Park. Furthermore, there is another historical building behind the statues. Unfortunately I wasn’t able to explore more, because the weather is so cold. In the end, I believe the detour is 15 minutes longer than the original route. However, I believe the detour can influence people’s emotion, while they can observe the things around them while they walking in Columbus Park Park.

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“Wonder” Exhibition

from Eliana Hamilton

from Eliana Hamilton

Eliana Hamilton

Eliana Hamilton

In “Wonder” exhibition, the work from Eliana Hamilton has captured my eyes. First, background and foreground are making contrast, the background is vague and the foreground is very clearly. In addition, the branches are the movement indicated punctum in this picture. The picture is giving me a sense of peaceful and relax, because the picture successfully indicates the color of nature. Colors of Green and Pink dominate the picture that creates studium to capture viewer’s interest. In the end, I really like the feeling in this picture, it successfully presents the idea of peace and nature.


Field Trip (Brooklyn Historical Society)

Benson & DeBeauvois Property (Manmade Map 1868)

Benson & DeBeauvois Property (Manmade Map 1868)

Old Subway System Map (1955)

Old Subway System Map (1955)

Downtown Brooklyn Map

Downtown Brooklyn Map

In this field trip, we went to Brooklyn Historical Society to visit their library and research Brooklyn maps development. We were separated into a group of 3 to 4 people, and start to analyse several maps. While I analyzing these maps, I am surprised that people could create the map so accurate without any technology support. For examples, the first map is manmade that created in 1868. However, the map indicated streets and acres very clear by using a compass and calculation in latitude and longitude. The second map was an old subway system map that published in 1955. The old subway system was created by four different companies. In addition, without modern technology, the map is still able to use color to indicate different routes to different direction. The map also contains many advertisements that indicate the location of parks, buildings, and landmark with short brief descriptions. The last map was Downtown Brooklyn Map, indicated what type of buildings are with color codes and presented New York City with grids. The map indicated the Navy Yard which related to our reading assignment “Reading Lucy.” This is a great opportunity to understand the development of city planning in New York City.