Project#4 : the pitch

With the development of society, the speed of people’s lives are becoming more and more rapid. So in order to make people feel about their lives are beautiful and colorful, make people be more interested in their route, not just one place to another, our group is intending to make a new tool which helps you to know your surroundings well.Maybe just take a couple of minutes  detour. Speaking of aesthetic map, today, we are focusing on three key words to explore our aesthetic route, they’re natural, crowded and great structures.  So today’s detour starts at City Tech to the Jay St Metro Tech, the subway stop.

Going out of City Tech, usually, we take a right and directly go to the  subway stop, but today we turn a left to explore our happiest route. The crossroad between Jay St and Tillary St is kind of wide so that you have to pay attention on those two traffic lights because they turn really fast. There is a safety island right on the middle of the crossroad. You can stand on the smallest island in the world and watch the stream of traffic. You’ll feel peaceful in your heart. Then make one more left and walk straightly to the end of Cadman Plaza, after that, you’ll find the Cadman Plaza Park at your right hand where is a yellow ocean right now. When you walk in, you’ll hear a sound made by your steps and leaves fell from trees. Also, there are some kids play at the park sometimes who offer you pure smiles counted as a bonus for you.

After Cadman Plaza Park,  walking along Cadman Plaza W St, you’ll find another park, the Columbus Park. Different from Cadman Park,  Several kinds of flowers are planted in the park. More interesting thing is, there is a market in front of the park. In the market, vegetables, cake and other daily supplies are sold. With the decoration of vintage Borough Hall Subway Station, the market makes the street more like a small town in the movie. Even though outside is cold, but those sellers still bring the most fresh stuffs to you. They make the street warm.

We are almost at the end of natural journey, next we’ll go and find some great buildings. New York City Housing Authority’s Twin Parks West Day Care Center should be on the detour list,  speaking the great of the Center, on the top of the building, there a golden woman standing there with a balance and a wand.  The style of the building is kind of a traditional government building, a triangle roof with six columns at the bottom. Standing at the corner of the street, watching the whole building, you’ll be attracted by building because it releases ancient but amazing charm.

As we keep walking along court St, we’ll welcome the most crowed,noisy and fantastic Street, Court St.  Lots of stores are selling different kinds of stuffs, from cosmetics to shoes, from lollipop to beer. You can buy anything you want.  With the sunset, the neon lights like a guide to direct you the way to home.  At the end of Court St which is also Fulton St, after you enjoy your fantastic route, you might feel a little bit tired, don’t worry, next destination is your final stop, your lovely home. The only thing you have to do is taking the right train and have a rest.

In the end, to decelerate our aim once again, we are trying to find an effective way to make your way much happier. So depending on different person, they might have unique keywords. To make the way home more meaningful and beautiful, why don’t you find out the keywords firstly, go around and make a detour, or build an aesthetic map which could help you enjoy your route much effectively.

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