Class reading,What If You Could Choose…the Most Beautiful? Summary & Reflection


The article, “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful? ” from The Atlantic, city lab, prospects that GPS might not the first consideration for navigating in the future by a citizen participated experiment. A group researchers from Yahoo! gave more than 3000 citizens in London two street-view pictures Ā to choose which view is more beautiful. The result showed that with a huge number of people to pick up a satisfied way, they usually could get a general agreement.Ā When researchers narrowed down the participants, they got a detailed result. Further more, to fit other worldwideĀ counties, researchers achieveĀ their goal by usingĀ Flickr which also owned by Yahoo! as a metadata. This experiment was tested successfully in Boston. In the end, the author encourage people to take an extra couple of minutes for a detour to enjoy your urban experience.


For me, I think it will depend on some objective conditions, but there is no doubt that I will choose a beautiful routeĀ to my destination. The differences are, if I’m alone, I’d like to choose a quite route, except for night. Quite route helps me pay attention to observe the environment and thinking; if I’m with friends, I like like to choose a noisy route or a route that has some famous buildings or landmarks because we can share opinions. Ā Sometimes, I’m tired of long distance like route from home to school, so in this condition I’d like the shortest route, just the blue sky, still beautiful.

One thought on “Class reading,What If You Could Choose…the Most Beautiful? Summary & Reflection

  1. It’s great how you think about the different conditions that influence the route you want to take. Your last point is so important–we should always look for what we find beautiful, happy, peaceful, whatever is important to us, even on the most efficient or expedient route.

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