Monthly Archives: September 2014

Field Trip Reflection

P1010676The field trip on Monday was rather fun and incredibly interesting. For me the funnest part of the trip was looking at the zines and images people made, such as the Bush one which is pretty out there. We also learned about letter printing and the way it has evolved, it’s pretty interesting knowing how difficult but more involved printing was a few decades ago. Afterward we visited an art exhibit that featured art from an artist who visited India at one point. The symbolism behind his art I found to be rather difficult to understand but still very unique in the way it makes one think about the world.

An image from a zine at the zine museum featuring former president Bush
An image from a zine at the zine museum featuring former president Bush


Zine (noun) : a small magazine that is written by people who are not professional writers and that usually has stories about a particular subject.

I didn’t know about this word until my professor, Rosen, told us about it. We went to the The Center For Book Arts, I saw the Zines that people created for us to read and see what their message were.

I now understand what “zine” is, the Field Trip made me understand what they are and what it means.

Field Trip Reflection

It was an amazing experience  going to both The Center For Book Arts, and The Rubin Museum because I honestly never been to both these locations. When we went to The Center For Book Arts, the Zines were so out there. It had everything about violence, politics, women, and so on. My favorite one that I read was, “The Talking Lamb”, and it was very dirty, but interesting at the same time . A man talking to a lamb and arguing about very uncomfortable things to even write on this post. I also enjoyed the different stories of individuals that were hanged up on the wall. Some were weird, sad, fun and outstanding stories, but their story is what made them who they are today. After going around, we finally saw the process of printmaking machines. I always wanted to try printmaking, but never got the chance to. The guy that talked about it was very friendly, he showed us a poster and how you can tell that it was freshly printed but the old style.  Anyway, going to the Rubin Museum wasn’t as bad, and I really enjoyed that museum. Francesco Clemente, a Italian man, but his heart in India. His paintings was a one word description, phenomenal. It described the cultures that India has, but also the differences within. In my opinion and what I saw in his paintings, India has a lot to do with symbols, and Earth. In some way the Sun means something, as well as the moon. Hunger strikes people in India, and starvation occurs everyday. The sculptors that represented the Sun was my favorite because in india is always hot, and people need to somehow get water from the river or a stream they could find. Finally, after visualizing and comprehending, i enjoyed his work. It was interesting and fun to read about each painting. At the end, it was time to go, but I enjoyed the Field trip and can’t wait for more to come! :)

The Talking Lamb, Sushi Yes

The Talking Lamb, Sushi Yes

Individual Stories

Individual Stories

Francesco Clemente, The Sun

Francesco Clemente, The Sun

Field Trip:The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum.

The Center For Book Arts image: Prison Walls Bleed Flowers Rachel Galindo

On September 22, 2014 the whole class went on a field trip  to The Center For Book Arts and The Rubin Museum. Being in The Center For Book Arts, I learned many things about the history of printing. A lot has changed from printing back than and today we don’t use the same objects. However, its still good that we haven’t forgotten its history. It will always be remember that it was so simple like today and that we should be thankful to technology. While, exploring and getting more information about the Center For Book Art I came across one image that stood out to me. The image is a work piece from Rachel Galindo, her drawing was unique and question what the image was about. At first I didn’t know what it meant or had an clue. However, I guessed that perhaps the artist was referring that a human being can be affected by natural. If mother earth is not taken care of later on the future natural will affect us that we can no longer escape.

Hunger, (1980)

In the second field trip to the Rubin Museum we explored the wonders of many art work. However, the piece that stood out the most was an art work called the Hunger. I decided to sketch it because I believe it had a meaning behind it. It’s an image of a man eating or biting a snake meanwhile at the same time the snake is eating its self.I believe the image should how the nation is suffering from hunger. People are hunger and the nation  its self is suffering, I believe the image with the snake represents a cycle that no matter how much food it gets it will remain hunger. In both the field trips I enjoyed many art work however those two stood out the most to me.

Aural Topographies: Research

First I chose a song that has variety. Within the song the sound goes from calm to more upbeat a lot. It’s back and fourth, so it was a good song to choose for a variety. The song starts off with calm strums of the guitar for the first few seconds. It then goes into a repetitive beat also with the strums of the guitar but more upbeat. It gets more and more upbeat and then breaks down into a calm stage again. For the main chorus of the song there’s a much different sound than of just the guitar so it changes a lot. It then goes into a very calm beat for the middle of the song and quickly picks up into a completely different upbeat pattern, then quickly into the beat for the main chorus. At the end of the song it’s the main upbeat sound and then it quickly ends on a very light note. This song as I sad goes back and fourth from calm and sad to upbeat and happy which is why it was a good choice for a variety song.

For the monotone song I chose a sad song that uses the piano. The beginning of the song is pretty much keys of around the same pitch quickly being played. The beat then goes into a slower beat. Throughout the entire song the beat is pretty much in the same slow beat. I hear a repetitive pattern  throughout the song.  There isn’t really any space in between the beat/the keys throughout the song which is why all of the lines are so close together. There isn’t much of a separation in the sound. The beat continuously gets slower towards the end of the song. That’s why in my picture you can see that there are less curves as it goes from left to right.

The song I used for the variety sketch is here:

The song for the monotony sketch:

Variety Sketch

Monotony Sketch



Project #1: Reflections

My first project on ENG1101 is an introduction of myself. This is a detailed introduction, is not just some simple thing about me. I usually introduce my self to other people just simply by telling them my name and my age. Even so the project gave me an unforgettable experience. This is my first time of me trying to writing it down to describe my self and use the way of writing to know about my classmates. During project one, I was very confused to choose my avatar. Because the avatar is the first impression my classmates will look at me as. But it does not mater if somebody does not understand my avatar because I will explain my avatar in the fallowing essay. I rarely use the computer so the computer operation is a bit difficult for me. Luckily I have a friend that knows how to use computer, and he is willing to teach me. Overall this is a good experience, I learned quilt a lot knowledge during project#1, learned how to better introduce myself, vocabulary, and learned some computer operating skills. Next, I hope I will have greater progress in writing, vocabulary and computer operating skills.


Juxtaposition – noun

Definition: the act or an instance of placing two or more things side by side; also :  the state of being so placed

I found this word in the guideline for project #2 while reading to seeing the assignments required for the project. This word was introduce on Monday September 22, 2014 on the handout called Project #2: Overlapping New Yorks. The word is located on the bottom of the handout. The word juxtaposition is a word required to use in our writing for this project.

After researching the word it became more clear, the word juxtaposition means that objects are being compare.

Project#2: Location

In order to know more about the location surrounding City Tech, I took a different train route to explore and get to know the neighborhood. I took the 2 train and got of Borough Hall, there I continue to walk north there I was able to see the court houses. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t expecting to see any. The courts were very beautiful, the structure of the building and how that location looked so neat and clean. I don’t come to Brooklyn very often, I always thought of Brooklyn as sort of gloomy. However, passing the courts made me prove wrong. As I continue walking, I changed my path and walked east there I got lost and was on sure where I was. After 5 mins, I found the school ending my trip soon.