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The Calm Charmer Proj.2

Paul D.

To the women is a charmer,

Even with a bit in his mouth; muzzled shut like a dog; he was still attracted by women.

Sethe…she loved some Paul D, don’t get me wrong but if you read between the lines…

Denver jealous. NOT TO MENTION BELOVE!

Beloved was RAW… right under Sethe nose. 

That poor chile was pregnant before you know it…

Paul D.

Still innocent brother of Sixo, Paul A, n Paul F; Sweet Home days have tainted his life forever.

F…the chain gang don’t need em, tramatized the man life-manhood.

Paul D.

Paul D can’t change, 124; Sethe; Denver; Belove.

Paul D.

Still lost he ran away to hide.

Stamp Paid lecture that man to senses; while buttering Sethe passed actions.

Paul D awaken, arrived at 124 Beloved was gone.

Paul D was man again.


project2 part 2


The first picture show the attachment that Denver and Sethe have had all along. I considered this picture very smothering attached by the hip and very fearful mothering. The Second picture was from the beginning of the book when Paul D came back into Sethe life. I consider this picture welcoming from an old friend.
As a part of my pivotal scene the book shows how shyness and unhappiness that was boiled up inside Denver. When Paul D wonder upon Sethe house and came in for something to eat. He then notice that something was wrong in the house he felt there was evil.
As he settle in and having a few short words with Denver answering brief. She broke down how unhappy she is, how she wants to move on, she felt trapped and how the house is haunted, how no one comes to visit. “But Denver was shaking now and sobbing so she could not speak”. The tears she had not Shed for nine years wetting her far too womanly breasts. I can’t no more I can’t no more”(17). This quotation shows how long she been feeling this way and it’s now coming out in painful tears.


Pilfer (Beloved/Part 2/Page 225 (Red Book))
Pronunciation: pil-fer

-To steal things that are not very valuable or to steal a small amount of something.

Context: “Schooltecher took away the guns from the Sweet Home men and, deprived of game to round out their diet of breat, beans, hominy, vegetables, and a little extra at slaughter time, they began to pilfer in earnest, and it became not only their right but their obligation.”



(A rose from Emily)Archaic- Adjective

Pronounce: ahr-key-ik

Archaic-(1)marked by the characteristics of an earlier period; antiquated.

(2) commonly used in an earlier time but rare in present-day usage except to suggest the older time, as in religious rituals or historical novels.

Sentence-A week later the mayor wrote her himself offering to call and send his car for her, and received in reply a note on paper of an Archaic shape, in a thin, flowing calligraphy in faded ink, to the effect that she no longer went out at  all.


Project #1- My Retelling

“A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner

Retelling in first person narrative as Homer Barron

“The Late Truth”

I go by the name of Homer Barron. I am a Foreman from the North with a rather large body size with a dark skin complexion, a booming voice, and light-colored eyes. I am a gruff and demanding boss of my company. I consider myself accepted by the town because I was able to win many admirers in Jefferson because of my gregarious nature and good sense of humor. 

It was a scorching hot summer day on the job. Me and my men were hard at work on a sidewalk-paving project in town working towards completing by the end of the week and move on the the next job, because you know what they say “time is money,” well at least thats what I always put my belief in, and it makes sense doesn’t it?

The first day on this project, as me and my men begin digging and shoveling into the ground breaking the concrete bit my bit, the jackhammers prying the hard cement open like a nutcracker breaking open a wall nut so effortlessly making a loud cracking noise like an intense thunder storm rolling into town.

It was part of the job as foreman to inform the locals of our work so I went door to door on the block to let them know that we will be working on the concrete floors not to be alarmed by the noise and apologize for the inconvenience that we may cause. This is how I came across the most beautiful creature that I have ever set my eyes on.  She had beautiful young lady with long brown hair, a beautiful pair of brown eyes that glistened in the light and velvety smooth skin. 

I formally introduced myself and informed her that there will be a lot of noise for the next few hours. A few days later I was taking her around town in my chariot and we were spending a lot of time with each other. I was sure that the towns people were talking about us because lets face it, a wealthy and beautiful young lady like Emily was not usually seen with a man of my stature.

Emily and I would go on dates every day spending countless amount of hours with each other even though it was frowned upon by the neighborhood. I know for a fact that when we pass the towns people you could hear chatter and I know it was talk about the fact that I am but a simple foreman lucky enough to have the pleasure of taking the wealthy and beautiful Ms. Emily out.

Regardless of what anyone has to say about our relationship I enjoy the time spent with Emily and I believe that Miss Emily feels the same towards me as well.

From what I’ve been told Emily does not like the company of others very much. She seemed to be a very mysterious person before I was introduced into her life. People say that no one has been inside her home since her father passed. She didn’t seem to take good care of her home, there was dust and garbage everywhere. She seemed to be in somewhat of a rut but she seemed to be much more cheerful once I introduced my self to her.

Emily was always skeptical of me coming into her home but one afternoon she invited me over for dinner so I blissfully made my way over to her home. After dinner emily asked me if I wanted a further tour of the upstairs rooms and I agreed. She brought me to the attack room, looked like any normal old room, bed night counter with a bunch of little trinkets. i then took the last gulp of the wine that was on my glass from dinner and little that I know that this would be the last liquid that I would ever consume. Complete feeling in my body had vanished and the room faded to black.


“A Rose for Emily” is told in third person limited perspective. Third person limited could be perceived as being told from the viewpoint character. It can be used very objectively, showing what is actually happening without the filter of the protagonist’s personality, which can allow the author to reveal information that the protagonist doesn’t know or realize.

The narrator has more information about Miss Emily, her father and the town that the main character would ever reveal to the reader.

When a main character is the narrator, the story is told from a particular perspective, in this case, we would probably be even more sympathetic towards Emily than we are through the narrator’s version.

We certainly would get to know Miss Emily’s heart better.  The story does not give us insight into her thinking, only that we assume she murdered Homer Barron so that he would never leave her.  We don’t get to hear Emily’s thoughts through the narrator, that would be a nice touch. 

But the essence of horror would be minimized if Miss Emily told the story, we would see the whole experience through her eyes, she would probably rationalize her behavior.  

However I chose to take a completely different approach in telling this story. In my version of this story, “The Late Truth,” I chose to go with first person narration. First person narrative is a point of view where the story is narrated by one character at a time. This character may be speaking about him/herself or sharing events that he/she is experiencing.

While this character may share details about others in the story, we are only told what the speaker knows. An author may switch from character to character, but still use first person narrative. This way, we may learn about what other characters think and feel, but we are still limited in our knowledge because we must rely on what the character shares.

As a reader, we are not only limited by what the character shares, but what the character knows. He/she may not have all the information or knowledge about events. We would also not know what other characters are thinking. 

In “The Late Truth,” because we only see Homer Barron’s Point of view and know only his thoughts we only get one side of the story and it is very limited in information but it is interesting to get into Homer Barron’s head as the story unfolds because he was unknowing of the events that was about to take place and had no knowledge of the townspeople reaction to him and Emily’s relationship. It is certainly an interesting twist to the original story.

Thesis Statement

In the original version of “A Rose for Emily,” the story is told in third person limited perspective narration which means that the narrator is basically just telling the story from a wide open perspective. The readers are allowed to see everything that is happening within this small town. This includes inside Emily’s home, the entire town and Homer Barron’s actions. This type of Narration is not very limited at all but in my retelling i decided to go with a completely different approach. I chose to retell “A Rose for Emily” in first person narration from Homer Barron’s point of view in the story. Although this type of narration is very limited but it is also an interesting way to get a different side of the story that your not able to see with the original story. It is very interesting because with this new point of view we are able to get into Homer Barron’s head and understand his emotions towards Emily in a deeper sense where as with the original version of the story, because it is told in third person narration we are only able to just vaguely understand how Homer feels about Emily only by sight and facial expressions but with my version, because it is told in first person narration we are given more details about Homers feelings towards Emily because we are able to see his thoughts.




noun  fa·tu·ity

: a foolish or stupid quality : a fatuous quality

: something foolish or stupid : a fatuous remark

-Merrium Webster Dictionary

Looked at in one way each breadth stands alone, the bloated curves and flourishes – a kind of ” debased Romanesque” with delirium tremens – go waddling up and down in isolated columns of fatuity.

This word serves to describe how foolish and unrealistic the designs seemed to her.

“Young Goodman Brown” and “Metamorphosis”

In “Young Goodman Brown,” the young Goodman Brown finally follows the devil after hesitating for a while on the way in the forest. He thinks about his wife Faith resisting him from leaving her alone that night, and his Christianity as well. However as he arrives at the place in the middle of forest, he sees all these people whom he thought they are good Christians, including his wife. After that night, he lives sad, confusing and dark life. In the last paragraph of the story, “Be it so, if you will. But, alas! It was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman Brown. A stern, a sad, a darkly meditative, a distrustful, if not a desperate man, did he become, from the night of that fearful dream.” He couldn’t trust his or all other people’s Christianity on the Sabbath-day after he saw people in the town followed the devil that night. He feels guilty but at the same time mistrusts Christians including his wife and himself until he dies. Therefore when he dies, “they carved no hopeful verse upon his tombstone; for his dying hour was gloom.”(Last sentence)

In “Metamorphosis” by Franz Kafka, the main character Gregor Samsa “found himself transformed in his bed into a horrible vermin.” (Paragraph 1) He worked hard to support his family but after he transformed into an insect, his family trapped him in his room and started avoiding him. His sister Grete was the only one who took care of him even after he became terrible looking insect, but even Grete started to ignore him and feel depressed about her brother’s appearance. Gregor used to be a head and a supporter of the family but now he became an insect that causes problems and hurt the family’s feeling. In the very last part of the story, it says “And, as if in confirmation of their new dreams and good intentions, as soon as they reached their destination Grete was the first to get up and stretch out her young body.” Throughout the story, the author’s voice was very gloomy and negative, but after the family confronted with Gregor’s death, the tone and mood of the story changes to positive sound.

Week 2 Blog

In a “Rose for Emily” the whole story reeked of decay. The house that was very old and stood out by itself, the butler aged and withered, the smell of  a decaying cadaver, and finally the last of Miss Emily’s closest relatives dying off.  In the paragraph in part two that states  “When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left to her;” and “being left alone, and a pauper” reminds me of sitting in a cell with no future or no hope. Yes her father turned away all her suitors, but he was all she had left in her world. Now he was gone. I say this to emphasize that it does not matter how much power you have, you can still be alone in a world full of people. Now granted she was not in a cell physically as she did venture out, but the mental aspect of “what will happen to me now” comes into play. So then comes along a prince charming who could feasibly turn her whole life around, she is given a new hope and companionship, that could take away that loneliness. In section III the paragraph talks about this stating “She carried her head high enough–even when we believed that she was fallen. It was as if she demanded more than ever the recognition of her dignity as the last Grierson.” I gather that Homer was a womanizer in that he would date a woman yet his passion was to be with the men and frolic. He also stated he was not the marrying kind. What I feel was his downfall was that he returned to her door after her relatives had left. He dipped his hand into the cookie jar once to many times. But let us talk about how she must have felt knowing when he left, she would once again be alone. Her sanity had given way to her emotions, and she decided she would never be alone anymore. Unfortunately when the story talked about the smell I could sense what was happening. Normally a dead rat or any other vermin, will smell in close contact and last only a day or two. But I already sensed they were talking about a human, way before I knew who it was. My only issue was why the butler ignored it. But it just goes to show that his job was his highest priority.