Category Archives: Project 1 – Lost & Found
Project 1 Lost and Found
Project 1- Andrew Chen – Step 4: Deliver
This was an amazing experience. I learned to create art without lines. The 1st 2 weeks was a struggle because i relied on lines to define the image. It was fun finding new ways to bring an object to life. By learning how to use the background and the black colors, I was able to highlight the object without lines. With this knowledge, I will be ready for the next project.
Project 1- Andrew Chen – Step 3: Develop
I was really satisfied with the work. I made the background and the shadow highlight the object. All I need to do next is adding more details.
I feel like there is still more work needed to complete this work. The object is still too flat. I plan to add more details and shapes to increase the volume of the crumbled newspaper.