Monthly Archives: November 2019

Project 3 – selfiemotion

Russell Armfield

For the selfiemotion project, I chose fear as my emotion

In my first version, my goal was the make an image that inspires fear rather than evokes it. By taking elements that make something scary like dark shadows I tried to make something that indicated fear. It didn’t work too well and I needed a better variety of shades.

In my second sketch I tried to evoke the idea of fear more. Rather than caring about my image, I got more abstract with this idea.

In my third image I continued the idea of abstraction but with a different angle.

In my final project I put elements I liked from each of these together create a collage that I’m rather proud of.

Project 3 : Selfiemotion-step 5 -deliver

This my final work .The mood of my final work is fear.The mood of my final work is fear and scared.The focal point of my work is the eyes.I repeated the part of my mouth three times, which meant that I was so scared and I was screaming.I also repainted the eye part, which meant that I saw something terrible so my eyes coming out .The last thing I did is draw some curves around my head,which meant that I am shaking.


Project 3 Selfiemotion- Step 3 – Collage

The mood of my fist work is fear and scared.The focal point of my work is on the mouth.I repeated the part of my mouth three times, which meant that I was so scared and I was screaming.I also magnified the eyebrows and the eye parts, which meant that I saw something terrible.The last thing I did is cut the head into pieces,which meant that I lost my mind.


The mood of my second work is fear and scared.The focal point of my work is on the eyes.I magnified the  the eyes , which meant that I saw something terrible.The last thing I did is cut the head in half,which meant that I lost my mind.



The mood of my third work is fear and scared.The focal point of my work is on the mouth.I cut the head to three part and repeated my eyes and mouth, which meant that I was so scared


Project 3 -Step 5 Deliver by J’nei Kelly

My final collage was my face after being surprised ,I chose to show this feeling by using what moves on my face the most when I’m shocked .First I used the differences in contrast to create an eye catching eye since I wanted it to be my focal point because my eyes go big first and my eyebrows raise up .Then I moved my mouth around to show a jaw drop because the second thing to move when surprised is the jaw .The third thing I did was use grayscale to show the differences in my nose after a surprise because of the sharp breath I took when surprised.Lastly I used my hair raised up because when I think surprised I also think goosebumps and the hair on the back of your neck raising but all over your body

Project 3 : Selfiemotion |step 5 -deliver

Throughout doing this project I struggled on which mood I wanted to accomplish. At first I chose happiness but it didn’t seem to ‘excite’ me . So that’s when I went with to complete opposite, anger. When I am angry, the same way my composition looks is how feel inside. Its like everything is  exploding around me but then I have that sense of softness and I incorporate that in between my eyes and nose. If I could change something about this project is to have more sketches, go through more trails and errors. What I learned is how value can affect your compositions , I’d also have more darks shades on me final.