Is it really safe for work?

Elizabeth Liddy discusses important points in which the internet search operates. It was truly facinating how the search engines utilizes various protocol to help me find the latest episodes of ‘Dexter’. However is the search engines really categorizing data correctly? When I google “Dexter”, will my favorite narcissistic and sociopathic killer really pop up; and not some “not safe for work” content?

I recall in High School, my headmaster was telling us a story about how his son googled something relatively specific, “beavers”, and rounded up receiving something entirely inappropriate for a child. Is data and information really caterorgized properly? Is it really being review and distributed correctly or can any haphazard sap cause me grief at work when I google “Lizards” or “landing strips”.



As internet become more accessible to society the use of it grows also .The thing we mostly use it for in my opinion is to search, but how is this information compiled? who is the one to say this is more relevant than that? Elizabeth Liddy breaks down to us how a search engine works but doesn’t go into depth on why it works that way and if that method it is built on is more beneficial to the consumers who search. i have experienced  negative results on a specified search countless numbers of times and i’m at the point where i ask when does change begin

Search Engines make life easier

In these modern times, society utilizes the internet. As a result, much information is being stored on the internet. There are vast documents that exist that without a “search engine,” it would most troublesome to seek what you are looking for. I personally have a positive perspective towards search engines, because it usually is fast and goes straight to what I am looking for. Almost everyone who uses the internet has at least once used a search engine. Many companies attempt to invest in these search engines because they know that everyone uses it and its usually always a portal for promoting their products. Its hard to imagine the internet without search engines because if that were the case, then much information would be lost.

Organizing the Internet.

How does someone navigate the internet? With countless web pages, digital information can only be organized by digital software. This digital software is a tool used to help us get the data we need, but just like any tool, it is only as good as its user. Badke explains how to effectively use a search engine to accurately pinpoint the data we need. Agostini’s article tells us how branding effects our searching. Where international companies spend large sums of money to make them more relevant in our searches. Liddy teaches us about the steps a search engine takes to deliver our data requests. The internet is growing, and new search software is being made. We are in the middle, learning how to master the two.

Is the search engine a good thing or a bad one?

We use the internet search engine to look up information that we need to complete our work, projects, or find the knowledge that we are looking for. But sometimes we dont get what we are looking for. Sometimes we get things that are related to what we are looking for but not exactly what we are looking for. But thats because we dont make use of the advance search options that are provided with the search engines that are provided to us, for example something like google and their advanced search options. If we were to use the advanced search options we would have a better and easier time finding what we need.

What is a Database, How does a search engine work? [Group]

Group Project 10/15

[Frank, Sandy, Benny]

What is a Database, How does a search engine works?

Database –

A collection of data that can be found using categorized procedures are called a data base. The amount of information that’s out there is infinite but with a database it’s all organized. We can use simple keywords or certain commands to help narrow our search. Word such as OR, And, and Not. These commands serve as three main keywords that helps narrow down your search to relevant links on which you’re searching for. Using few words or too many keywords might prevent you from finding the right type of useful data. Other option that can be used are Hierarchies. Hierarchies help by filtering out the context of a phrase avoiding confusion on the meaning of the keyword.

Search Engine –

Most websites receive traffic from search engines through generic category keywords and branded keywords. And this varies depending on how you spelled out the word, and that language you used. Generic keywords traffic refers to search term such as green-t-shirts or red jacket and branded keywords are terms searched by brand name such as Nike or Adidas. The ideal way to get more traffic is to find what term people use to search to enter the website, and include that word in the site for more traffic.


  1. How would you determine if the information we use isn’t bunch of garbage mixed in with useful information?
  2. What strategies do you use when researching information within a search engine database?
  3. Are there any search engines that make it easier to find usable information?
  4. What search engine tactics do you find more useful? Such as Or, And, and Not or using Hierarchies?
  5. Are you satisfied with your search using category keyword and branded keywords?
  6. If company refines words in their website to have more traffic, wouldn’t that mislead your search?


Search Engines Oct. 15

Search engines are programs that allow users to enter queries and retrieve information. Search engines are built in such a way that when we enter those queries, it presents the searcher with links to information that is most relevant to the query. I say most here because there is still a lot of work that the searcher must do to get the information appropriate for their needs. This has to do with the limits present in the search and match function in the search engine programs. The phrase “good match” explains what is happening. When the search engine matches documents, it does so based on similarity to your query, but that is not always the best match for your purpose. Although search engines are a great starting point for doing research, you need to develop other research skills to aid in effective research.

How a Search Engine Works

Search engines are developed mainly for consumers to search the network. A search engine matches queries which then creates an index. Basically a Search Engine has a lot of functions that is put to work when a consumer is searching for his/her engine. A search engine has four essential modules a document processor ,a query processor,a search and matching function ,a ranking capability. Lets say when you are focusing on the search and matching in the search engine, you will probably get something you were or were not looking for because that was only one out of four search engine modules. while searching the search engine goes through different processes that we would not think of at the time that we are performing the search. With a click of a button all this information that we are looking for is being processed and in one second it is found.

Searching within a database

Whenever we search for things on Google or whatever search engine that we may use, the results are usually listed based on the frequency that they are actually chosen by other users, the times, the word that we chose to research, it appears on the site, and figuring out which words are actually the important ones. I have never given much of a thought as to how search engines work but it actually entertained me a bit to know how they actually find what it is that we are trying to search for. It may be quicker and much more proficient nowadays than before when the internet was actually created because there are many more users now and because of the increase in the number of internet users it it increased which is a better search engine. I can say that now most of my friends and family uses Google but I can always think back to when askjeeves was used.

Summary of today, and assignments/reading/blogging for Tuesday 10/15 and Wednesday 10/16

Today we discussed metadata — data about data, including folksonomies and tagging, which we use on the course site, and taxonomies and controlled vocabularies (such as the Library of Congress subject headings). Slides from today are available here.

We meet on Tuesday, 10/15 and Wednesday, 10/16 of next week. On Tuesday, we will discuss search engine mechanics. Please read the following:

Badke, chapter 3
Liddy, How a Search Engine Works
Agostini, Search Engine Optimization and International Branding

Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post.

Since we meet 2 days in a row next week, I’m posting the reading & other assignments in advance. On Wednesday, we will begin our discussion of the research process: assessing your research needs, preliminary strategies, and topic development. Please read Badke, chapter 2 and comment on one or 2 classmates’ blog posts for Wednesday. The DRAFT of your research topic proposal is due by 10 am as an email attachment to me, or turned in at the beginning of class.

Enjoy the long weekend!

~Prof. Leonard