Author Archives: Apples

Conservation of Information

Creation documented.

Being able to document information gives evidence of cause-and-effect, making organization easier and more effective. Edge and Robinson both discuss the value of documentation in their readings. In “Write it Down!,”  Edge uses cause-and-effects in lab experiences to show the importance of documentation. Being able to have the same results in experiments, is a valuable tool in teaching students. Robinson, Christine discusses the importance of documentation as evidence in her reading, “Documentation Dilemmas.” The conservation of information allows us to have concrete evidence in building a complete understanding of our world. For example we can take the Genesis creation story from the Bible and look at it as form of documentation. There is no one that can say how really accurate the story is, but it is still a documented account of how the world was created. Creating evidence by documenting gives people security to know who, what, where, when, and why things occurred efficiently.

^ Giving Credit, Final Reading Response Blog, City Tech, 2013.

Recreating is in a human’s nature. Authors, artist, musicians, scientist for example have been inspired from other works that have come before them. This inspiration gives birth to new creation; almost in the same way a parent gives their child DNA to form the makeup of a new person. Hauptman believes it is necessary to give credit to the source of inspiration which causes new creations. The same way our last names are carried on to carry on our family’s origins. Now with keeping this idea of origins, leaving traces to lead back to the origin is not simple. Bugeja & Dimitrova, write about the difficulty in the reliability of footnotes. Footnote’s sources become altered, and leave a dead end. Giving credit is the responsibility of the creator, to truly understand the real creation is to know of its source.

The origin of footnotes.

New research tools.

Samurai slash!!!

Samurai slash!!!

During the past two weeks my arsenal of research tools has been upgraded. I have previously used scholarly databases for other English classes. However by reading Badke, and learning about more databases in class, I have learned how to navigate these databases’ information much better. I am still just at the brink of this discovering how to find my way through all this scholarly territory. Using advance searching like rephrasing, time relevance, authors’ reliability, publishers’ credibility, the domain source, and relevance of the material I feel more confident in writing new papers for class or any future occupation. I have not yet searched library catalogs, but do have some knowledge on how to. I have to say playing the research game was a clever way to shed light on how much search criteria play a role in search results.

Happy researching.

Google vs. EBSCO

Using Google and EBSCO to search for “who controls information”, produces very different results. Google provides more relevant results on its first page it provides. They range from information control and on other subjects like mind control. EBSCO provides scholarly works, but on a very broader scale. Both searches require advance searching and some extra mining to get more relevant search results. The results by EBSCO provide results about law, and gun control. Other terms I have used are information filtering, monopolies, and information control. Although both search systems provide different results the combination of the two provide enough relevant information to do the research project.

Help I am lost!

With all this information available at my finger tips it is easy to get lost in web pages. Having to read articles, and judging which ones have the most relevance to my topic becomes overwhelming. Using scholarly works for research again reminds me of how much I can trust the information provided. As long as I am willing to spend the time scanning them. I do mean “scan” because reading entire articles would be too time consuming. I used ERIC – Education Resources Information Center in class and was enticed by how much more solid the information provided was. Rather then using Google and having to be skeptical about what I clicked on. Both search engines require navigation through a lot of information, however ERIC provides scholarly work which I can trust more. Using key words and playing around with them helps me bring up more narrow search results. This is definitely helping me to find my way, in the beginning stages of looking for concrete material for my paper.

In the Beginning.


In the beginning, there was the idea.

In the beginning, there was the idea.

Being able to select a topic from so many, is a major difficulty I have come across while choosing a research topic. Putting time and effort into writing a well-researched paper, makes me want to make sure I pick a solid topic. I want to discover more about the topic and develop my writing techniques, thus having an interesting topic is important (makes it more fun). Also knowing the research topic has enough reference material to back up the topic I chose is another concern. Briefly reading about my topics on the internet and recalling some readings we received in class allows me to be more confident in narrowing down a topic. Everything has been explained about the assignment, the separate assignments for one paper gives us more time to understand each process. The annotated bibliography is what I really want to learn more about, because putting bibliographies together has always puzzled me.

Organizing the Internet.

How does someone navigate the internet? With countless web pages, digital information can only be organized by digital software. This digital software is a tool used to help us get the data we need, but just like any tool, it is only as good as its user. Badke explains how to effectively use a search engine to accurately pinpoint the data we need. Agostini’s article tells us how branding effects our searching. Where international companies spend large sums of money to make them more relevant in our searches. Liddy teaches us about the steps a search engine takes to deliver our data requests. The internet is growing, and new search software is being made. We are in the middle, learning how to master the two.

Creative rights

Since 1700 the copyright has been around, Grey also tells us in his video the law has became more strict. Creator’s works being protected by copyright laws, until after they pass away. The question is if these laws are restricting us from being truly naturally creative, are they choking creativity? Lessig talks very passionately, mentioning our children are being effected the most by these strict unfair copyright laws. Disney and other  corporatioms protect their works. Disney however has played a big role in lobbying to extend certain copyright laws. Copy Right Term Extension Act has also been nick named Mickey Mouse Protection Act, because of Disney’s involment to extend copyright laws. After viewing Fadens’ s video I searched Wikipedia for Disney and copyrights and  found out corporations’ creative works have the longest copyright laws. Even readimg Center for Social Media’s document shows how much concern educators have to not break any copyrigjt laws. Which leads me to think if our creative rights, are being hindered.

Information is Golden

Knowledge is power. Information has been a valuable commodity, probably since man came into existence. We have built upon pieces of information, networking these ideas to help leap frog us to the next ground breaking idea. Now it takes a person years to learn the foundations to reach a new apex. Researching becomes expensive and important to understanding more about life.  Martin’s article, The Politics of Research, gives us an in depth understanding at the complex value of research. The second article by Samuelson, Aaron Swartz: Opening Access to Knowledge, tells us of the lengths individuals will go to share research, and the extent of what people will do to protect it. Having research accessible is an important factor in developing new ideas. Research must be made available to everyone, to stimulate more ideas.