Tag Archives: Badke

New research tools.

Samurai slash!!!

Samurai slash!!!

During the past two weeks my arsenal of research tools has been upgraded. I have previously used scholarly databases for other English classes. However by reading Badke, and learning about more databases in class, I have learned how to navigate these databases’ information much better. I am still just at the brink of this discovering how to find my way through all this scholarly territory. Using advance searching like rephrasing, time relevance, authors’ reliability, publishers’ credibility, the domain source, and relevance of the material I feel more confident in writing new papers for class or any future occupation. I have not yet searched library catalogs, but do have some knowledge on how to. I have to say playing the research game was a clever way to shed light on how much search criteria play a role in search results.

Happy researching.

And the search continues…

Thanks to Badke, my online search for information has improved from I search for information in my earlier research papers that i have dealt with. But now the biggest obstacle for me is finding scholarly sources since this is my first time ever trying to find one. Also this is my first attempt to creating a annotated bibliography. I was not here last class but I am trying my best on where to find said scholarly sources. I Know i can find some through a website called JSTOR but I am not familiar with this website and i certainly dont want to subscribe to anything.

Today’s summary, and reading/homework for Wednesday 10/21

Today we continued our discussion of the research process, refining your topic, and creating search strategies. We spent time using easybib.com to create and manage bibliographies, and we also used bubbl.us to do some concept mapping. Slides from today are available here.

On Wednesday we’ll discuss — and do — advanced internet searching. Please read Badke Ch. 6 (all) and Ch. 7 pp. 161-164. Please view the web search strategies video from Common Craft. Remember, the final version of your research topic proposal is due at the start of class on Wednesday! See the assignment guidelines or get in touch with me if you have questions about the assignment.

~Prof. Leonard

Research proposal difficulties

Choosing a topic was difficult enough for me but when it come to narrowing it down and trying to get the information needed to write this 5 to 8 page paper will be even harder. But thanks to Badke I am able to narrow down and find the information that i will need when I try to search it in the frustrating search engines. Now i can use different strategies like using the word and, or, not to find the proper info i need for my research topic. Probably the most difficult part for me would be the annotated bibliography because it would be my first time in doing it.

When narrow isn’t narrow enough Oct. 21

For me it was fairly easy to decide on a topic I wanted to take on for the research paper. The difficulty came in narrowing it down to something precise enough and manageable for a 5 to 8 page paper. In attempting to narrow my topic, I ended up asking myself more questions than can be covered in the paper. Badke says that a good research project should only deal with one issue expressed by one question. In choosing that one question, I have to decide which issue I am most interested in and which has the most adequate resources to successfully research and develop into a paper.

Organizing the Internet.

How does someone navigate the internet? With countless web pages, digital information can only be organized by digital software. This digital software is a tool used to help us get the data we need, but just like any tool, it is only as good as its user. Badke explains how to effectively use a search engine to accurately pinpoint the data we need. Agostini’s article tells us how branding effects our searching. Where international companies spend large sums of money to make them more relevant in our searches. Liddy teaches us about the steps a search engine takes to deliver our data requests. The internet is growing, and new search software is being made. We are in the middle, learning how to master the two.

Search Engines Oct. 15

Search engines are programs that allow users to enter queries and retrieve information. Search engines are built in such a way that when we enter those queries, it presents the searcher with links to information that is most relevant to the query. I say most here because there is still a lot of work that the searcher must do to get the information appropriate for their needs. This has to do with the limits present in the search and match function in the search engine programs. The phrase “good match” explains what is happening. When the search engine matches documents, it does so based on similarity to your query, but that is not always the best match for your purpose. Although search engines are a great starting point for doing research, you need to develop other research skills to aid in effective research.

Searching within a database

Whenever we search for things on Google or whatever search engine that we may use, the results are usually listed based on the frequency that they are actually chosen by other users, the times, the word that we chose to research, it appears on the site, and figuring out which words are actually the important ones. I have never given much of a thought as to how search engines work but it actually entertained me a bit to know how they actually find what it is that we are trying to search for. It may be quicker and much more proficient nowadays than before when the internet was actually created because there are many more users now and because of the increase in the number of internet users it it increased which is a better search engine. I can say that now most of my friends and family uses Google but I can always think back to when askjeeves was used.

Badke and Information

Badke starts off by saying that the first generations of information were passed down verbally. Knowledge can be lost if not passed down correctly. Badke tells us about how the idea of information was revolutionized. Inventions like the printing press had advanced the concept of information. Physical objects like books would be produced and would be sent out to the known world. Later in civilization, the Internet would be invented and it would change how we retrieve information for years to come. In chapter 8, Badke explains to his readers about methods for conducting research. He talks about: note taking, having a look at the index, looking at the table of contents etc. Badke concludes chapter 8 with the topic of plagiarism and how bad it can be for the writer committing the crime.

Good Research

Throughout chapter one of Research Strategies, Badke begins to tell us about what information is and how it started. He takes us back before there was print all the way up to today’s most useful source of information such as the web. Badke explains to us that all information found online may not be true.

In chapter eight, Badke tells us about the various types of research strategies. He lists several different methods such as note taking, photo copying, and the use of the internet. These methods can be used to help form a well-developed research paper. There are many advantages and disadvantages of using these methods.