Tag Archives: google

Lets be honest.

In all honesty, we all use Google as our primary source of dragging out information on something that interests us. The first couple of results always seem to have wikipedia. It works, and usually leads in the direction that we want. There isn’t anything wrong with doing this. If something written in one of the articles seems to be wrong, it can always be validated to be true or false through further digging. Of course there are biases. It’s really hard to find unbiased or neutral biases in almost anything where someone has an opinion on it. It’s human nature to have biases and have opinions. But to make out lives easier in an academic role, we use validated sources. The authors are usually experts in their field and try to have minimal biases.

More Knowledge

During this past week using the laptops and searching with different strategies have shown me that there are many other ways to search in the computer, rather than only using Google, being that that is the only search engine I use. I’ve learned new websites and search strategies that would be more helpful to me for any future research project that  I would have. Its great that I found new ways to help me go beyond my way of searching in the internet and makes it easier for me to apply these new skills so that I can get better information.

Google vs. EBSCO

Using Google and EBSCO to search for “who controls information”, produces very different results. Google provides more relevant results on its first page it provides. They range from information control and on other subjects like mind control. EBSCO provides scholarly works, but on a very broader scale. Both searches require advance searching and some extra mining to get more relevant search results. The results by EBSCO provide results about law, and gun control. Other terms I have used are information filtering, monopolies, and information control. Although both search systems provide different results the combination of the two provide enough relevant information to do the research project.

Is it really safe for work?

Elizabeth Liddy discusses important points in which the internet search operates. It was truly facinating how the search engines utilizes various protocol to help me find the latest episodes of ‘Dexter’. However is the search engines really categorizing data correctly? When I google “Dexter”, will my favorite narcissistic and sociopathic killer really pop up; and not some “not safe for work” content?

I recall in High School, my headmaster was telling us a story about how his son googled something relatively specific, “beavers”, and rounded up receiving something entirely inappropriate for a child. Is data and information really caterorgized properly? Is it really being review and distributed correctly or can any haphazard sap cause me grief at work when I google “Lizards” or “landing strips”.



As internet become more accessible to society the use of it grows also .The thing we mostly use it for in my opinion is to search, but how is this information compiled? who is the one to say this is more relevant than that? Elizabeth Liddy breaks down to us how a search engine works but doesn’t go into depth on why it works that way and if that method it is built on is more beneficial to the consumers who search. i have experienced  negative results on a specified search countless numbers of times and i’m at the point where i ask when does change begin

Searching within a database

Whenever we search for things on Google or whatever search engine that we may use, the results are usually listed based on the frequency that they are actually chosen by other users, the times, the word that we chose to research, it appears on the site, and figuring out which words are actually the important ones. I have never given much of a thought as to how search engines work but it actually entertained me a bit to know how they actually find what it is that we are trying to search for. It may be quicker and much more proficient nowadays than before when the internet was actually created because there are many more users now and because of the increase in the number of internet users it it increased which is a better search engine. I can say that now most of my friends and family uses Google but I can always think back to when askjeeves was used.