Tag Archives: web 2.0


When its time for a research paper, or small report , the first thing that comes to mind is wikipedia . Its a free online encyclopedia, i can search up almost anything i can think of. It includes the references where the information was gathered from but how much of that information is true, Nicholas Baker states “On December 7, 2007, somebody altered the long article on bedbugs so that it read like a horror movie:

Bedbugs are generally active only at dawn, with a peak attack period  about an hour before dawn, though given the opportunity, they may attempt to feed at your brain at other times.

A few weeks later, somebody replaced everything with:


even though the references are there the article is useless with altered information. The fact that this information can be altered again and again until someone can changed it to its original form.

The article web 2.0 how much of it is true, has anything changed since it was first created and if so, how small is the change, If i change a date will anyone notice.

Researching in research.

Researching information leads us to new ideas. Ideas that help advance our thoughts to understanding subjects from different angles. Wikipedia has users researching various internet pages of endless subjects. The same pages are being vandalized and edited again by their creators. Wikipedia has been created by researchers for researchers, with it’s most impressive aspect being that it is non-profit. It is rather charming as Baker might have put it. Math being used to create research data has also been applied to researching cures for dieases in Tufte’s article. These large amounts of data are necessary to find little details that are invaluable as seen in Lohr’s reading about John Snow and the town’s well handle. The “Web 2.0” article shows us that all this researched data we find on the web. Which includes us and just about everything else we can think of, is evolving into a world wide web were we are the main subjects being researched.

Improvements Sept. 23

Web 2.0 sites allow users to interact and collaborate by creating content in the site’s community. Web 2.0 allows users to do more than just retrieve information like with the Web 1.0 sites. Without realizing it, most people use Web 2.0 sites every day, whether it be through social networking sites, blogs or Wikipedia pages, just to name a few. The idea of Wikipedia is very progressive. It allows for anyone to claim the title editor, which in hindsight might not have been the best idea because those “editors” can sometimes pass off false information as truth. Wikipedia also provides a convergence point for experts of all kinds. In this Web 2.0 world, a man who knows all things Star Wars can have the same power in that “field” as the astrophysicist in his.


Free expression of media and information that cuts out the editors and the over saturated bias opinions that we see in large information news papers. web 2.0 with Wikipedia zines and other media projections have rebelled against that until they get large enough that they become what they once opposed. but with the free editorial feature that few like wiki has allows vandalism of any information that is posted on the there site. with a balloon affect of the media growing it is no saying on what level free speech will hit welcome to the new millennium where we all are editors of our own in the new free world