Food photography for art or marketing

I believe food photography for marketing is just for an advertising stand point.  For marketing you want to get your brand out there and make it known. You want things to look appealing to the audience you’re trying to attract. When taking photographs you have to make sure you get the correct angle to find the correct picture. Usually when you take pictures of something, you usually take them from multiple angles to see what shot looks the best . I just think food photography for marketing pictures are manipulated to fit what they feel people may buy.

Food photography art is more of a unmanipulated and natural form of art. You capture the picture of the food in its natural state and not centered to be published on something. You capture the natural beauty. You don’t need to change the angle of how you take a picture, you just take the picture and capture the rawness of the plate. When it comes to food photography for marketing you’re trying to capture an image with someone in mind. When capturing an image for the art of it you don’t consider anything you just take the picture.

I don’t prefer one over the other but I do understand both concepts. With marketing food photography, you can bring in more clientele to your business. Someone may see a picture of food and see the place that makes it and may want to try it out. Food photography for marketing can get your brand name out there. Food photography for art shows the beauty of food in its natural state. Nothing is altered. It makes you want to try it that much more.

HW 7: Food Photography – Art or Marketing

From the article “Food InstagrammersTurn Accounts Into Professions” of the Wall Street Journal, it is exciting to see how professional instagrammers have been taking the food photography to a new level. They combine both art and advertizing which makes their job fun and adventurous, at the same time, makes them recognized among other bloggers.

Food Photography can be looked at either as an art or marketing form. Food photography art is meant for the photographers to express their creativity and personal vision as well as for the vievers to enjoy. Food photography for maketing is to advertize the dish itself and make potential customers come into the place. To me, photography of food that is used in marketing and advertizing is meant to be more exaggerated, more fancy since it is used to bring more eyes drawn to it. It is all about making pictures look good enough to eat and to compel people to order the food being shown. While the art form of food photography could be left as it is to showcase the naturality and simplicity to be appreciated as an art. I personally take pictures of diiferent spots such as restaurants, coffeeshops, luncheonettes as wll as dishes and drinks they offer which in my opinion represent my own art and vision of certain objects and places. It feels good when friends of mine or other people who just follow my account give a feedback of the places I post. It is kind of informative and interesting to see others’ opinions and see what styles of kitchen or places seem to them most enjoyable to visit. It is a learning experience for all.

Speaking of marketing and art forms of the photography of food, I don’t prefer one over the other. Everyone takes pictures for their own purpose but we all do it to share our experience with others.




Egg Poems

I am delicate but I am strong,
I may be hidden behind a shell, but when I crack
I am valuable, I am useful
I am life
Vanessa, Cheyenne, Addy, Tiffany

1. I am a simple oval egg
Living in a tiny shell
Made up of a yolk and a white
Yet the foundation of life
Stefania, Polina, Ana, Ganessha

2. Cracked, boil, fried or scrambled
Please take care how the egg is handled
The perfect egg, a pinnacle of culinary achievement
An egg on the floor will be a sign of bereavement
Matt, Sydney, Professors Jacus & Garcelon

3. Chase that egg running down the street
Boiled, poached, fried…runny yolks all
Hard, soft, scrambled…which is the best to eat?
Catch the chicken first!
Professors Schaible, Goodlad and Dellikan, Aguirre

4. Like two eggs passing through in the night
I was in the mood, eating eggs that night
Fried eggs, boiled eggs and scrambled eggs too
Hatch from the eggs and lay them too
Erdem, Ahmet, Courtney Sivillo, Kendijah

5. What is beneath that smooth porcelain skin?
Yellow and white like the stars in the night
It fell on the floor
Brocken and exposed
My egg is sexy
Hussein, Phil, Anthony, Julissa, Felicia

6. Boiled eggs they’re warm to the touch
They’re firm and hard when boiled
Hard, soft, runny or scrambled,
Firm and hard when boiled
Traveling through the land
George, Gadeer, Tiana, Courtney Smith

7. Throw it, crack it, spoil it
SPLAT!!! CER!!! YUK!!!
Eggs I don’t like them
I don’t like green eggs and ham
Someone once took a hardboiled egg & cracked it on their head
And slime came out instead!
Giselle, Anna, Mohammed

Homework 6

In my personal opinion breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Turkish people spend a lot of time eating breakfast in the morning till afternoon. We believe breakfast gives you the most of your energy and vitamins. Therefore it is so easy to start your day. Every single day I am having my breakfast first then start my day before leaving home. I know every single country; they have different of breakfast dishes. For me we usually eat different kind of cheese, egg, tomato, and olives kind of Mediterranean breakfast. However, in United States people like to eat croissants, bagels kind of easy things. For me these things are not breakfast it is just snacks, and here is how Turkish breakfast looks like.


turkish breakfast

Homework #6

I do think that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. However, i seldom have any breakfast in the morning. When I was younger I had a habit of waking up late and hurrying to get ready for school. I would race out of the house without even a glass of water. I wouldn’t eat until my lunch period at school, by then i’d be starving. I would eat my school lunch, come home eat a bigger lunch, and then finally eat a huge dinner really late at night. There would be some sugary/salty snacks in between those three meals as well. That pattern followed me through high school and into college. But now, i’ve found some improvements in my diets. There is no way I can start my day without my morning cup o’ joe. If I have time I make it at home and sip it while getting ready. Other than that i have it on the go. If i do take my coffee to go, its with a bagel or muffin. That will last me up until lunch and then finally my dinner meal if i have one. There are no longer any sugary snacks or chips from a bag.

I would like to think that many other Americans, New Yorkers in specific, have the same dietary patterns. The on the go coffee is a must during breakfast and maybe a breakfast sandwich will accompany it if we’re lucky. I think we would all agree that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but most of us just don’t make the time to enjoy it.

Around the world, people make a special time to prepare healthy foods. They sit down, consume fruits, grain, and nutrition around a table and gear up their energy to last them through the day. Thats the way breakfast should be treated, thats the way our days should begin. We just have to change our New Yorker habits.

HW 6: Picturing Breakfast Around The World

In my culture, children are always told: “Eat breakfast yourself, share lunch with a friend and leave dinner for an enemy”. I grew up following this phrase and I can’t imagine a good day without having a breakfast. In American society, especially if living in NYC, during a busy morning, it’s easy to let breakfast fall low in your list of priorities, but just a few minutes to make something easy but filling to eat can really make a difference to your day. Breakfast provides the body with fuel and energy after an overnight fast. It is a good source of important nutrients and vitamins such as calcium, protein, iron and many more. While reading the New York Times article “Rise and Shine” about what kids around the world eat for breakfast, I was amazed how the world cultures can differ from each other presenting such a wide variety of the meals consumed by people from different countries. Yet, most of them have displayed that having breakfast is important. Many studies of children have shown that it is the best way to improve memory and concentration levels as well as attainment, behavior and better grades. I believe that fruit and vegetables contain daily portion of vitamins and minerals so I try to include them in my meal to get through munnamedy day.

Quince and Chia Greek Yogurt

Homework 6

Breakfast is suppose to be the most essential meal of the day.For Americans it is more of a if I have time to eat it thing.Breakfast in America is by far different from what was shown in the NY times article.For most children in America a bowl of cereal and milk is breakfast, and if one is lucky maybe some eggs and bacon.For me an Iced caramel latte and a bagel on a good day does the trick.I don’t usually eat breakfast because I’m usually never awake for breakfast.When I work at night it cuts down waking up for breakfast unless I have an early class , which is the only time I ever eat breakfast. Comparing American breakfast to others around the world I can honestly say we have a sweet tooth and have an unhealthy breakfast.Back in Trinidad our breakfast contains porridge , bake and salt fish. We are always told cereal is not breakfast.Is breakfast essential? Yes.Does that mean we always have a proper morning breakfast ? Not at all.