Homework 1: Cristal Castro

The photographer that I chose was Michael Kenna, and the photograph is called “Fumie”, which was taken in Japan. This is a black-and-white photograph with a nude Japanese woman holding a wagasa (japanese umbrella), completely covering her chest, arms, and face. Kenna used the black-and-white filter to allow the viewer to focus on the subject, which is the woman. Japanese umbrellas are usually colorful, so if the filter were to not be there, it would be a distraction. It would actually be the main focus, not the woman. The filter also adds simplicity to the composition as a whole. What I find quite interesting but also ironic about this photograph is that the woman seems to be quite shy about showing most of the top half of her body including her face when she is completely nude. I think Kenna purposely had the woman pose this way to catch the viewer’s attention, and have them thinking about it since he knows about the irony.

The elements shown in this particular photograph are figure to ground, rule of thirds, and fill the frame. The relationship between the subject and the umbrella and background makes the photograph figure to ground. The rule of thirds is shown here since the subject is almost at the center, but not exactly. The subject and the umbrella take up most of the photograph, which fill the frame.




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The photo I chose was Suzanne Stein’s Times Square from New York City Street Two. Stein photographed people on the streets of New York. It seems to mirror the life of the New Yorker, but there are so many differences in each person’s life. This photo in times square shows a tour bus guide standing in the rain while others make their way. It also reflects that it is crowded with people in New York. The guide stared ahead with his hands in his pockets. He doesn’t fit in with the crowd. It showed a kind of loneliness.

Stein did not use “Rule of Thirds” but “Centre Composition”. So the guide is clearly the subject of the photo standing in the middle. And the photo is easy to achieve left and right balance. The reflection of the glass achieves a symmetrical effect. But the raindrops blurred the reflection so that we couldn’t see the guide’s expression in the glass. This also achieves a kind of hazy artistic conception. The person on the glass is also different from the person on the left. In symmetry, something is not completely symmetrical. This gives the photo multiple effects. Influenced by the architecture, this photo also shows the composition of the leading line. First, the perspective is led to the guide by the mirror of the glass. And then you can also see the leading lines in the back of the building. These compositions mainly highlight the character of the guide.


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Dominique Joseph Homework 1

The photograph I chose is an untitled one by Suzanne Stein. The photo consists of man and woman dancing in the rain at the West Indian Day parade. They are both surrounded by a whole bunch of people on the parkway. The woman is dressed in her costume with the Bajan flag around her leg and the man is dressed in black with a Trini flag around his head. They are both soaking wet and everything they have on is sticking to them. Since it’s the West Indian Day parade that means the location of the photo is Eastern Parkway in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. I think the intention of the photographer was to capture two people sharing a moment even though a whole bunch of people are around them. The photo shows what seems like an intimate moment even though there’s a big possibility that these people don’t know each other. The feeling that I get from this photo is that of living your best life. The photo is saying have fun regardless of what’s going on around you.

One of the formal elements that I notice in the photo is Leading Line. The yellow line in the road makes you want to raise your head up and lead you up to their faces. Another element I notice is Diagonals. The direction of the photo was taken mad the yellow lines in the road diagonal which gives the photo a sense of movement. And one last element I notice is Fill the Frame. The couple in the photo take up majority of the frame, making them the focal point while everything else going on around them is secondary.


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Homework-1 Bryan Rodriguez

The photographer I chose was Suzanne Stein and the photograph I chose was untitled. The information Stein gave was the location of this piece. The picture was at Park Slope, Brooklyn where she shot a photo of twins behind glass doors. The picture has a meaning of contrast between two different subjects with different emotions. On the left you can see that the child is in a surprised state. Contrary to the other sibling where he is in distress because of an event that could have occurred. The doors are allowing the viewer to see both of the siblings separately. I think Stein wanted to show the likeness of them both but to also show the contrast between the two. On either side you are able to see different people doing their own thing. In the study of astrology the zodiac sign of Gemini is associated with twins. The picture of the twins resembled how it is fitting for the picture and how it works with the location.

In the Suzanne Stein photograph of the twins; she uses frame with in a frame to tell a story. The use of this technique allows us to focus on the figure. She also uses the rule of third because the twins are on in the middle but separated and spread apart.




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Ibrahima Diallo-Homework 1

     The photographer I went with was Suzanne Stein and the photograph is called ” Larry and Rebel.” In this photograph we can see that a man has nothing but his dog with him. The area in which was taken was at Spring Street between 6th and 7th Streets in Downtown Los Angeles. This picture can indicate when all is lost maybe we can only have our pet for comfort. What I felt like the photographer was trying to get was that maybe people who aren’t in these type of positions should appreciate their life because it could always turn out worse than it already is. To elaborate more on this is that, some people complain about not having the best type of clothing or home, basically being materialistic, however the person should be blessed for having a roof over their head because without that they wouldn’t be surviving anything. As I stated before I feel as though the purpose of this image was to also show us that maybe the closest thing to us other than family is your pet. Your pet or in this case your dog can feel the same struggles of pain as yourself. No matter what state you may be in you shouldn’t give up and keep pushing. The mood in this photograph can be given as sadness and an act of give up because it seems as if the owner doesn’t know what to do anymore and the dog just looks broken.

     The photographer uses the act of a dominant eye within the aspect of the dog. This is shown because it shows as if the dog is the main focus of this piece. Rule of thirds is also shown in this photograph by how the dog and his owner are. There’s also figure to ground in the photograph between the beings and the background of the outside despite the focus being on them.


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HW 1- Ashley Lopez

I chose a photograph from Suzanne Stein’s New York One and the photo that spoke out to me was the After School L train to Brooklyn photo. It shows a mother holding on to the pole on the L train as her daughter rests her head on her chest. She seems to be really tired and exhausted and can’t wait to go home. This photograph spoke  out to me because mothers will always have their children’s back and hold them up (literally sometimes) if they have too. In this case, the mother looks exhausted as well, she’s holding a cup of Dunkin Donuts coffee and her eyes seem pretty low, as if she had a long day, maybe she was a t work or working around the house.  A mother can work all day and still find the strength and courage to help her child and comfort them. I personally am always tired going home after school but I’m always alone. I chose this photograph because every morning when I take the A train with my mom, I lay my head on her shoulder and take a nap till my stop comes. I never thought about her being tired or wanting to be the one taking the nap but now that I can see this hard working mother looking restless and still comforting her child, I feel bad for my mom and the fact that I never asked her if she wanted to rest her head for the ride, I just always assume she can comfort me and wake me up when I need to.

This photograph follows the Rule of Thirds tip, Dominant eye tip and maybe diagonals with the advertisements on top. Rule of thirds because the photo was mainly the pole and the hands holding on to it but toward the left side you can see the mother and the child so it rules out the main focus (the hands). Dominant eye because the woman (mother) in the photograph is looking up away from the camera giving that effect.


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Welcome to COMD 1340 D164 Photography 1

I am looking forward to working with all of you this semester as we  improve our photography skills and create some great images.

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