Category Archives: Reflective Photo Journals

Weekly Reflective Journal #11

Classes at WDWCP is coming to an end. I’ve been working 6 days a week lately with double shifts sometimes, I’ve been very busy. As a park greeter, we’ve been having changes to our assignments. A lot of the changes … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #12

This week was especially exciting for me due to the fact that it was my birthday and I had about 8 family members coming to visit me. So let just say working was not on the top of my agenda. … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #10

This week has been a bit hectic with the projects being due and everything. For advanced hospitality class, we have a group project which requires us to make our very own website or a minimum of 25 page essay regarding … Continue reading

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Reflective Photo Journal #10

This week has been full of emotions and mixed feelings, during this time at work I have made a lot of great friendship. I understand that in today’s world networking is really important to move up professionally and personally. The … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #9

This week seemed to pass by quick, most of my week considered of moving to a new apartment and getting used to new roommates. However I gained a certain peace when I moved into my new place, like this apartment … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #8

This week has been horrible. I am always tired; I cannot seem to catch up to speed at work. I am wondering why did I come to Disney. I am having the worst time staying up in class since I … Continue reading

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Reflective Journal #7

This week could only be described only as a roller coaster. Working overnight takes a massive toll on your body; I didn’t realize how this schedule would affect me however I am excited because I am learning about time management. … Continue reading

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Weekly Journal #11

This was a very big week academically, I had a midterm in my Human Resources Management class and a project due in my Advanced Hospitality class. Needless to say my week was completely booked. In both of these classes I … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #9

This week Disney’s Hollywood Studios presented two new Star Wars shows. The first one is called “Star Wars: A Galaxy Far, Far Away,” This new live, stage show celebrates iconic moments from the Star Wars Saga with live characters on … Continue reading

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Weekly Reflective Journal #8

A lot of changes are going on at Walt Disney World right after Easter Sunday, especially with Disney’s Hollywood Studios. A lot of the changes were with taking out certain things. Streets of America was demolished. I was a bit … Continue reading

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