Tag Archives: Research

Aural Topographies : Visualizing Sound

After hearing two songs of my choosing, i visualize the sounds in 2 different ways, one being monotonous, and the other having variety. With the song bringing variety, i can hear the pitch of the instruments moving up and down to give it a beautiful tempo with the combined orchestrated instruments, as if it drew waves up and down everywhere it went. Towards the end, the pitch really picks up, as if it was a big finish, before going down again to finish on a soft, light note. as if the big change of pitch was in the background, being the moment of the whole song. the whole time, you would have your mind flowing up and down like a steady wave, rising up even further once the lift came in. Overall, it was a pleasant experience.

Now for the monotonous song, i chose a song that was rather dull and depressing for anyone to hear. the one thing i automatically was fixed on through the entire song was the tempo, as if it was constantly tapping in a slow and steady pace, Tap…….tap…….tap……..tap. When i think of the separation of the taps, i think of straight lines going from one end to the other, getting heavier as it ends. combined with the tempo with pitches of tones that makes the mind focus on one point, and you have something that can get monotonous rather quickly. Its as if it makes you feel if your stuck in some sort of limbo in which you can’t seem to break free from, since your so fixed on the tempo.

Project #2 : Location

In the city of New York, there are many aspects that are considered to be from the “old New York” and the “Present New York”. The combination of the two are what make up the very culture of this city. From the  glass sky scrapers, to the man made residents from decades ago, they each hold their own story. The location that I have chosen is about fifteen minutes from City Tech, and is on the intersection of Clinton and Remsen street. At this location, I discovered an example of the juxtaposition of the two New Yorks. It was as if I was standing before the timeline of New York, viewing two different stages of time.

In order to get there, I decided to leave through the front entrance of City Tech on 300 Jay street. This was my starting position. Across the street is a construction site in progress . Up the block I saw a set of  city bikes on racks. I walked south in the direction of the bikes and turned right at the first intersection onto Johnson street. I walked passed the school’s cafe and crossed Adams street which leads to the Brooklyn Bridge. Soon, I approached the intersection of Johnson street and Court street. As I walked south on Court street, to my left I could see Columbus park. This park consisted of the Supreme court, and the borough hall train station for the 2,3,4,5, and R train. To my right was the New york sports club store. I decided to  walk down the block of this store on Remsen street. To my left was St Francis college populated with dozens of students by the front entrance. I stopped at the intersection at the end of the block on Clinton and Remsen street. I then looked back, and up the block I realized that I had found a juxtaposition that I could potentially use. Thought it was a bit difficult, I was able to catch the view all in one shot.

Glossary entry#3: Impediments

Source: Merriam-Webster.com

Impediments- Something that makes it difficult to do or complete something: Something that interferes with movement or progress.

I encountered this word while reading Colson Whitehead’s, “City Limits”. In this particular sentence, it states ” It saw you steeling yourself for the job interview, slowly walking home after the late date, tripping over nonexistent  impediments on the sidewalk”. Now that I understand what the meaning of the word is, it allows me to understand the concept of the sentence. As a result I was even able to imagine someone tripping over something that isn’t really there. This shows me that having the knowledge of one word can changed the way you see the entire sentence.


Project #1: Introducing Yourself

Hello! My name is Priya Maharban and I am 18 years old. I am a freshman at City Tech. My current major is Communication Design because I would like to pursue a career in graphic design. However, that’s not my only interest. I also have an interest in video production. I love to shoot, edit, and produce videos all on my own! I like to make comedy videos such as mini skits. It’s been a hobby of mine since I was 11 years old! I’m also a video game lover. I’m mostly a fan of Nintendo games. Pokemon is my favorite video game franchise. The only other time I play a non Nintendo game is probably when I’m playing PC games on Steam. My favorite video game genres are pretty much RPG and adventure! My favorite video game for years has been Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. I know it’s a little weird that Sonic isn’t fully Nintendo and not Pokemon at all. I guess that just describes a little of my quirkiness! I’ve been playing video games ever since I was a child. They’ve began to inspire me as I grew up and helped me with what I would like to do in the future. A lot of my drawings are usually inspired by games.


My avatar is a picture of a Pokemon. It is my favorite Pokemon which is called “Ampharos”. It is also a fan made drawing that I found on Deviant Art. I love to see other peoples drawings, it inspires me to see those too. Especially if they have to do video video game characters or cartoon characters. The avatar also does give off a cute feeling to it because of the way the artist drew it. It really shows my love for art. Most people would probably see my icon as an anime of video game character, which is the sense that I am going for.


I can see my avatar being misinterpreted in many ways. For a start, there might be someone who’s completely lost as to what my avatar even is. They might not recognize it as a video game character at all. They might not even get a sense of it being something about video games, anime, or even cartoons. Someone could think it’s just a random picture that I found on the internet and know nothing about. I guess there could me a misconception if they only get the thought that I like anime or cartoons from it, since it is beyond that. The background of my avatar is pretty dark and nothing to bright or happy. The person could get the completely wrong idea about my personality by looking at the colors in the background. It doesn’t really have anything to do with the meaning of why I chose the avatar though. I just like the way the artist chose to design it, that’s why I still chose it as my avatar.


The purpose of my avatar is to hopefully show the viewer that I am a Pokemon fan. I know that not everyone would guess that. As long as someone can get a sense of video games, anime, or cartoons then that’s good enough comparing to who I am. For people who do recognize  the character in my avatar I hope that they would probably think that I’m a video game and Pokemon lover. Video games and Pokemon inspire me to draw different characters, which is why it’s an important avatar for me and for others to see. I also hope that the viewer would notice that it is a fan made drawing. It shows that I like other peoples drawings and I myself am an artist. In the future my e-portfolio could convey some of my drawings which are inspired most likely by me playing video games. It’s pretty much a circle of me playing or seeing a game, getting an idea about a drawing, and then drawing out that idea!

View From My Window: Assessment

After completing the first project for ADV1100 I’m more excited for future projects. This first project was very interesting. The hardest part was honestly making the outlines for the boxes for both the inked thumbnails and the cut outs. Next to that would be cutting with the x acto knife. If I could go back I would probably use scissors more than I did the x acto knife just to make my work a little neater. Seeing the process of the entire project was really interesting to me. To see how not only my work, but how the entire class went from sketches to eliminating those into 6 inked thumbnails. Then eliminating 2 of the inked thumbnails into 4 big paper cut outs. Seeing the process on everyone e-portfolio’s was cool. The critique in class went very well. I like how much feedback each classmate gave to their peers. All of the feedback could be used to keep in mind to help for future projects. I learned a lot about ambiguous and stable figures which I know will be very helpful in the future. Overall I probably spent about 5 hours on the project in total. The sketches in the very beginning took about 30 minutes. Making the outline for the inked thumbnails took an hour! It got a little annoying to get the outline right but it was definitely worth it! The drawing and inking took me about another hour. After that making the outline for the paper cut outs once again took an hour, I guess I still wasn’t used to it! Then drawing, cutting, and gluing the papers took about an hour and a half. It was really worth it to spend this much time on the project though. The more time the better it might turn out to be too! This project was very fun and interesting and I’m excited for the future projects!

Clairvoyance- entry 2

Source: Merriam-Webster.com

Clairvoyance (noun)- the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses; ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

This word depicts a person analyzing something (In this case a work of art) in a deeper perspective. The have to look past the obvious and take a minute to read in between the lines. I encountered this particular vocabulary word in the text ” Ways of seeing” by John Berger, as well as the short video we viewed in class. I don’t believe we have yet to come across this word, however it will make things much easier in understanding what is being said.