Category Archives: ENG1101 Project #2

Project 2 Research: Location

My location around CityTech goes from an immediate left turn when you come out of the main doors all the way down to the construction sites. I chose this location because it shows the less busy areas and the new upcoming ‘New York’. I feel that this could provide a perfect example of old and new. Not everything was fancy or official. There was definitely more fast food restaurants and other food places. when you keep walking down at least 2-3 blocks you should be able to see a large trench like structure in the ground due to constructionphoto 4 (1) photo 1 (4) photo 3 (2) photo 2 (4)

City Limits Reflection

In the reading of Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” we learn a lot about our own view of New York. We’re all New Yorkers when we see a building or area of New York and we can remember what has been there before. Everyone has their New York. In the second paragraph he talks about that and how everyone starts to build their own New York once they make memories from what they see or remember. He also goes on about telling us not to believe what we hear or read on TV, newspapers, etc that’s about New York’s history. He says it doesn’t matter in what our New York is. While reading this you might even feel really nostalgic over some of the things that it makes you think. We may have seen a store change to several different things over the years. He also explains that we never really get to say goodbye to those places that we go to because we never know when it’s the last time we will be there.

Towards the last few paragraphs he talks more about as being a New Yorker, we can remember the past and see changes. But he also explains that no matter what New York will constantly be changing, with or without us. We can eventually see an entirely new city compared to what’s been there in the past. However, that will always be our New York.

Summary: City Limits by Colson Whitehead

In the passage “City Limits” Colson Whitehead describes what being a New Yorker is all about. A New York is not hear or seeing, its about living the present and knowing the past. Whitehead is sort of mentioning that it doesn’t matter how long you have lived in New York, what counts is able to reflect any situation that happens around your New York. It all starts with how New York was introduce. To  many people New York City was first seen by different reasons however, from there we all start to create our own perspective of New York. In the third paragraph , Whitehead starts to mention about how he views his New York. He starts to describe about what became his New York, he describe every inch and how everyone living or knowing New York City should have experiences but just myth about New York. He later mentions about building, how it starts to change when one building is torn down and a new is build in its place. How we don’t notice any change until its gone. However, the point is to move forward because New York will continue to change with us. No matter what happens we have to accept the new and face forward our New York is changing.

Class 7: focus on Project #2

Today, in addition to continuing to talk about Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits” and his earlier version, “The Way We Live Now,” and summary, and revision, and brainstorm about Project #2, let’s also look at a visual text. Here are two versions of Saul Steinberg’s “View of the World from 9th Avenue”:

Let’s think about how this map compares to those we looked at or drew for our walks, and how it relates to Project #2, to Whitehead’s ideas, and to our experiences as New Yorkers.

Project#2: Location

In order to know more about the location surrounding City Tech, I took a different train route to explore and get to know the neighborhood. I took the 2 train and got of Borough Hall, there I continue to walk north there I was able to see the court houses. I was kind of surprised I wasn’t expecting to see any. The courts were very beautiful, the structure of the building and how that location looked so neat and clean. I don’t come to Brooklyn very often, I always thought of Brooklyn as sort of gloomy. However, passing the courts made me prove wrong. As I continue walking, I changed my path and walked east there I got lost and was on sure where I was. After 5 mins, I found the school ending my trip soon.

Project #2 : Location

In the city of New York, there are many aspects that are considered to be from the “old New York” and the “Present New York”. The combination of the two are what make up the very culture of this city. From the  glass sky scrapers, to the man made residents from decades ago, they each hold their own story. The location that I have chosen is about fifteen minutes from City Tech, and is on the intersection of Clinton and Remsen street. At this location, I discovered an example of the juxtaposition of the two New Yorks. It was as if I was standing before the timeline of New York, viewing two different stages of time.

In order to get there, I decided to leave through the front entrance of City Tech on 300 Jay street. This was my starting position. Across the street is a construction site in progress . Up the block I saw a set of  city bikes on racks. I walked south in the direction of the bikes and turned right at the first intersection onto Johnson street. I walked passed the school’s cafe and crossed Adams street which leads to the Brooklyn Bridge. Soon, I approached the intersection of Johnson street and Court street. As I walked south on Court street, to my left I could see Columbus park. This park consisted of the Supreme court, and the borough hall train station for the 2,3,4,5, and R train. To my right was the New york sports club store. I decided to  walk down the block of this store on Remsen street. To my left was St Francis college populated with dozens of students by the front entrance. I stopped at the intersection at the end of the block on Clinton and Remsen street. I then looked back, and up the block I realized that I had found a juxtaposition that I could potentially use. Thought it was a bit difficult, I was able to catch the view all in one shot.