All posts by HAI


Shrine – Noun

Definition: A building or other shelter, often of a stately or sumptuous character, enclosing the remains or relics of a saint or other holy person and forming an object of religious veneration and pilgrimage.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I watching Ways of Seeing in the class at Wednesday 9/10/14.

Understand: I translated this word into Chinese, I knew every word in Chinese, so once I translated I can easily understand. However, memorizing the word is difficult for me. Example of using the word: While John Berger using the word shrine in “Way of Seeing”, he said the picture is like “a relic in a holy shrine”. In this sentence, shrine is being used as a holy place, that the picture is being forgotten or ignored in the shrine. The word helped me to understand art can be interpreted in different way in different place at “Way of Seeing”. The atmosphere of a place will change people viewing the art differently.





Shrine - Noun

Definition: Of or pertaining to the study of the mind and emotions in relation to the sense of beauty.


Encounter:  I encountered this word in the class at Monday 9/08/14 when Professor Rosen talking about it. Professor Rosen had explained to us how the words related to art, how we can sense the beauty in art to help us develop a new concept how we can view and interpret art differently. The word aesthetic related to our project#1 known as the “Way of Seeing”, because we can also discover and see differently if we enhance our aesthetic skill.

Understand:  I translated this word into Chinese, it said is the level and the way how you sensing the beauty.


Introducing Myself (Draft)


Hi, everyone my name is Hailin Du, but the correct way to pronounce it is HaiLin. I’m an immigration and I came for China. I am still improving my English skill in my academic career. I love watching anime but not that much, only few of them such as One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Attack on Titan. I live in Staten Island, so it takes me one and half hour to go to City Tech. White I’m studying in City Tech, I’m still looking for my dream in my life. Choosing advertising design and graphic design is better than choosing some high level math or science. I would be rather to draw whole life instead calculate numbers. For me, I’m not that passion in the design area, but I do believe I’m creative when I have to design something. Well, at this point, I’m still thinking who I am and who I want to become. I don’t have a dream, but I believe trying is better than nothing.

My consideration of my avatar:

My avatar is a famous character in One Piece. Unfortunately, the author made the character passed away to inspire the main character to get stronger. The name of my avatar is Portgas?D? Ace. The main character and Ace having a brother relationship, even they don’t have the ties of blood. My avatar is showing that he is facing to the ocean and ready to pursue his dream and his dream is dominating the ocean. The whole story of One Piece is about a bunch of young teenager have an adventure in the ocean and also pursuing their dream such as finding the mystery treasure, going around the world, and also gaining the reputation for being a hero in sailing. Ace’s middle name D means the dream. Only few of the powerful characters can have it which proves they are tough enough to pursue their dream no matter what difficulties they are facing. My avatar is showing Ace’s first time sailing, which when he begins his dream. I want to have a dream like the cheaters in One Piece.

How my avatar can be interpreted differently:

While others look at my avatar, they have different consideration of it. They think I’m an anime lover, however, I’m not the real anime lover. I don’t watch manga only watch the TV anime. I only watch a few of them, and right now I’m looking watching One Piece, because the other two have ended. In addition, they think my avatar is a strong and confident person. Indeed Ace is a strong and confident person, but I’m not. I’m feeling tire and always want to give up when I facing difficulty. However, in my heart I do want to become like Ace, but I know it is so hard becoming him. Other people did correctly predict my avatar’s character’s personality, but my personality is going the opposite way. The reason I putting Ace as my avatar, because he is more significant than the main character in One Piece. He is brave and tough person who willing to stand for any difficulty.

 Profile will convey and why it matters:

The purpose on my profile is prove what kind of person I am. In addition, my profile also can reflect my personality and interests. It is important updating a profile, because the society no matter is in City Tech or NYC, people hiding themselves too much. People need time to meet every person thoroughly. However, my profile can help others to identify who am I and who I want to be, so we can help each other by knowing others’ thought. In the end, I think project number one is an interesting project, because it gives us a chance to know people’s real thought.

View From My Window: Research

From the view of my window, the foreground of my window I see three straight line wires. In the middle ground of my window, I see a straight line street attaching with a vertical line street forming an L shape. In addition, some trees and grasses are planted on the streets. Furthermore, three houses are connecting each other, their roots are pyramid shape, and their bodies are rectangle cube. The background of my window I only can see the sky, because the middle ground trees are blocking my view.

The whole view from my window is like a colorful oil painting. Some trees are turning to orange and red, and some still remind fresh green. The sky is a light blue with light yellow sunlight and white cloud. In addition, the streets are gray but because they are attaching with the trees and grasses carrying a strong reflection. In the end, the house with different colors filling my window with more visual sense.