All posts by HAI

Aural Topographies : Visualizing Sound

The song’s rhythm begins with slow speed and the pattern will look like a soft or steady line. After the initiation, the song begins the exposition, the rhythm increases the speed, and more musical instruments come out. The pattern will change to more varieties, along the change of the song. When the song finishes its exposition, a small climax comes out and begins with repetition. The volume is increasing during the repetition, so the pattern will probably rise up along with the volume. After the climax repetition ends, the rhythm repeat the exposition, and then move to the second small climax.

However, after second small climax ends its repetition, the song begins with a new different rhythm. This rhythm is like a poetry that repeating with a fast speed. After this rhythm ends, the song moves to the biggest climax. This time, the volume is much bigger and all musical instruments are there to create varieties. After the climax once again ends its repetition, the poetry comes back again with a faster speed. At this point, the pattern will be confusing after two small climaxes and one big final climax. Finally, the song can be repeating forever, however, the song cancels all the musical instruments’ sound and ends with a simple lyric. At the end, I want to mention that the song ends with a simple lyric before every climax come. I believe the song creates a unity to help people quickly to rise and fall their emotion in a brief moment.

Field Trip Reflections

In the field trip, we went to the Center for Book Arts. First, we learnt about the history of the printing process and the printing knowledge. I found out that is not easy to create an article by using the letters one by one to print on the paper. We should feel thankful that the technology had improved our life more easily. In addition, we looked at industrial printing machines which how technology helped people on the printing process. Furthermore, we also leant how important is a binding is for a book. Without bindings, books are not easy to organize and not easy to be protected. At the end, I took a picture of “Death Ship”, and it attracts me, because the style is different from others. The picture is carrying out a historical style but with some modern manga style.

Zine Exhibit "Death Ship"

Zine Exhibit “Death Ship”

After the zines exhibit, we went to the Rubin Museum to visit some art works that are combined with Indian culture. In the museum, each art works are not simply images, they all require our imagination to understand. However, I found out that most of the art works are too much presenting human bodies, so I feel little dislikes of some of the art works. Fortunately, I do find out some interesting craft art works. The bottom of the picture is the sketch and I come out with my own interpretation. The box is like a wall that limits people connects to outside. The only way they can know about the outside is the radio. It symbols that people are unable to connect to the world, they only can depend on what they had been told on the radio. No matter how beautiful the story had been told by the radio, people still living inside of the box. It is similar with North Korea that people are being limited and the only sound they can know is from the government.

Rubin Museum1

Introducing Myself (Summary and Reflection)

Finally we overcome the first project in the first three weeks of college. The first project helped our classmates to understand each other. In addition, it provides a platform to help us introducing ourselves more effective and more convenient than in the class. I also believe Project #1 helped ourselves to understand our inner thought and learning from each other. The knowledge I learned from this project is the picture will reflect how is a person will be. However, pictures also can be interpreted differently in different view. At this point, this is my first time doing my free writing, because in high school, there are many rules to follow to complete an essay such as following details to support the thesis or related to certain topics. I believe the new experience of writing will help me to become a better writer.

In the Project #1, there are many interesting parts we can talk about. First, I feel proud of myself that I can express all my shortcoming through writing. However, I still believe that I have to improve my writing skill such as structure, vocabulary words, and grammar issues. While I finished my draft, I feel happy and helpful when other students comment my essay, because I can make improvement on the final work. However, I hope Professor Rosen can give me some professional opinions about my essay, so I can make improvement on the next project. In the end, I want to mention about that I have spent 45 minutes to an hour to finish the project. The part that takes most of my time is brain storming, because convert an outline to an essay requires thinking skill and writing skill. Clearly, the next project I will try to improve my writing skill and also try to brain storm more interesting details to support my next project.


Palsied - Noun

Definition: paralyzed; unable to move or control certain muscles.


Encounter: I encountered this word when I reading the “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead.

Understand: I translated this word again, and it is a medical term. The word palsied is being used while Coslon Whitehead wrote “My first City memory is of looking out a subway window as the train erupted from the tunnel on the way to 125th Street and palsied up onto the elevated tracks”. In this sentence, palsied is being used like palsy which is unable to move. The train is stuck on the elevated tracks is the true meaning that Coslon Whitehead wanted to express. The word helped me to understand some medical term can be express into different meaning or to exaggerate sentences.




Introducing Myself (Final)

Hi, everyone my name is Hailin Du, but the correct way to pronounce it is HaiLin. I’m an immigration and I came for China. At this point, I’m an 18-year-old studying at City Tech as a freshman. I studied in China before, so I know how to read and listen in both ways of Cantonese and Mandarin. However, I am still improving my English skill in my academic career. I love watching anime but not that much, only few of them such as One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist, and Attack on Titan. I live in Staten Island, so it takes me one and half hour to go to City Tech. White I’m studying in City Tech, I’m still looking for my dream in my life. Choosing advertising design and graphic design is better than choosing some high level math or science. I would be rather to draw whole life instead calculate numbers. For me, I’m not that passion in the design area, but I do believe I’m creative when I have to create something. Well, at this point, I’m still thinking who I am and who I want to become. I don’t have a dream, but I believe trying is better than nothing. However, I’m thinking about to become an entrepreneur of some areas, because I believe working for myself is better than working for others. The question that I’m keep thinking about is what direction I should go and what I want to achieve. If I love designing I may open a studio or company that related to design.

My avatar is a famous character in One Piece. Unfortunately, the author made the character passed away to inspire the main character to get stronger. The name of my avatar is Portgas.D. Ace. The main character and Ace having a brother relationship, even they don’t have the ties of blood. My avatar is showing that he is facing to the ocean and ready to pursue his dream and his dream is dominating the ocean. The whole story of One Piece is about a bunch of young teenager have an adventure in the ocean and also pursuing their dream such as finding the mystery treasure, going around the world, and also gaining the reputation for being a hero in sailing. Ace’s middle name D means the dream. Only few of the powerful characters can have it which proves they are tough enough to pursue their dream no matter what difficulties they are facing. My avatar is showing Ace’s first time sailing, which when he begins his dream. I want to have a dream like the character in One Piece. I do want to take some adventure in my life, however, I’m afraid I will get lost. I really want to be decisive on making decision, but I can’t be decisive as Ace, because I have my family and my life to worry about. However, I will continue thinking about my dream until I find a direction. I believe when I find my direction or my dream, I will just go for it no matter what stopping me. As I mentioned, trying is better than nothing.

While others look at my avatar, they have different consideration of it. They think I’m an anime lover, however, I’m not the real anime lover. I don’t watch manga only watch the TV anime. I only watch a few of them, and right now I’m only watching One Piece, because the other two have ended. In addition, they think my avatar is a strong and confident person. Indeed Ace is a strong and confident person, but I’m not. I’m feeling tire and always want to give up when I facing difficulty. However, in my heart I do want to become like Ace, but I know it is so hard becoming him. As I mentioned, I can’t just walk away and take the adventure. In addition, I don’t have a career direction, and if I do, can I stick to my direction until I success? To be or not to be, that is the question. Other people did correctly predict my avatar’s character’s personality, but my personality is going the opposite way. The reason I putting Ace as my avatar, because he is more significant than the main character in One Piece. He is brave and tough person who willing to stand for any difficulty. Indeed, everyone wants to become like him as a hero, like everyone wants to become rich, however, who can stick to their dream until the end?

The purpose on my profile is prove what kind of person I am. In addition, my profile also can reflect my personality and interests. It is important updating a profile, because the society no matter is in City Tech or NYC, people hiding themselves too much. People need time to meet every person thoroughly. However, my profile can help others to identify who am I and who I want to be, so we can help each other by knowing others’ thought. In the end, I think project number one is an interesting project, because it gives us a chance to know people’s real thought. And I believe, the profile helped me to understand myself, because it gives me a platform to express my emotion.

View from My Window: Assessment

In the class, I have received many comments on my final work from other students. Most of them like the idea in the inking. However, as I mentioned in the critique, I had made a dramatic change from inking to crafting. As a result, the idea didn’t come out perfectly like the inking. Fortunately, I was able to create two stable figures and two ambiguous figures, and the ambiguous figures were able to confuse most of the students. However, some of them said I shouldn’t zoom in of one of the stable figure. In addition, they said I shouldn’t change the background color from black to white, because black background can easily bring out the stable figure. And another important comment on the ambiguous figure is I should follow the idea from the inking, so I could make the shadow perfectly and it brings out the concept effectively. Those comments are very useful and I like receiving more comments from other students in the future. In the end, I believe the experience and the comments from Project #1 will help me to improve in the next project.

View from My Window: Critique

Finally, we finished all the steps for Project #1. In Project #1 I have learned new vocabulary words in the design area, and I understand how to identify a picture is obvious figure or ambiguous figure. In addition, the concept of unity and economy also helped me to how to view art differently. However, during the progress of the steps, I found out that my drawing skill and crafting skill are not careful enough. The edge and the shape could be done better if I was able to handle some materials perfectly such as scissor and inking pen. Furthermore, I will do better at planning on my steps, because I made a dramatic change from inking to crafting. In the end, I will try to avoid all the mistakes I had made and apply the concepts from Project #1 to the next project.

Introducing Myself (Reflection)

After receiving feedback from my classmates, I realized I’m missing many important details in my essay. I should include more details about my personal information between the second paragraph and the third paragraph. However, they mentioned about my short-term goal, I believe I really don’t know what my short-term goal is at this point. I believe getting a good GPA should be considered a short-term goal, so I will add it in my essay. In the end, I should add more details on how the outside world and the future connect to my avatar and my personality.

While offering feedback to my classmates, I believe it is very interesting to do, because I believe I can understand who they are and who they want to be. Knowing each one’s background and interest helped me to communicate with them more easily. In addition, I believe offering critiques will help them improve their essay. Clearly, the action of exchanging feedback will help us to become a better writer and a better reader.