All posts by HAI

Field Trip (BRIC Arts Media) Reflections

The field trip to BRIC arts media is much interesting than the last time. Exhibitions giving me the feeling of elegant and simple. However, exhibitions look simple but the meanings inside are very significant. For example, the following picture I’m showing is a photograph with cactus in the wild. However, the meaning of the picture is showing that the cactus is observing the change in the wilderness while it is growing up at the same time. The picture is a little be similar with our English project that matching with the idea of overlapping. In addition, I find out that is very exciting to have a chance to know how the TV programs work. A show in the broadcast requires many steps to finish. I’m eye-opening today while I’m looking at many screens and see how they are working. Furthermore, the last part of the trip is the inside out house. I think it is the most interesting object that showing even if people stay inside, but with the darkness and the aural, you are able to free yourself and stay outside in the woodland. Unfortunately I forgot to take many pictures while I’m focusing on the experiencing. I hope the next field trip could be same as this time that makes me being eye-opening.

Cactus Inside out house


Aural Topographies: Rhythmic Elevations

Rhythmic Elevations

rhythmic elevations from HaiLin

In the final part of Project 2, I think I should add more variety patterns of rhythms on the elevation. The official topographic maps, they are more complicated and have more symbols that can easily confuse people’s mind. However, in my work, I think I’m lacking confusion by designing the pattern’s district. I believe it is giving out a feeling that clean or neat, however, comparing to the official topographic map my work going to the opposite of the feeling of confusion.

Aural Topographies: Animated Gif Mashup

A Rough Animated Gif  from HaiLin

A Rough Animated Gif from HaiLin (click to open)

Link to Popcorn Maker:

Second Experiment:

I believe my animated gif mashup is very rough, and it is nothing special. It is hard to do a special and good looking animated gif within 30 frames. In addition, while I’m working on the popcorn maker, I found out it is more difficult to find two different songs that perfectly matching with the beats and rhythms. Two different songs may cause them against each other by showing their own highlights. As a result, I think my final work comes out rough and I need comments to improve my work. In the end, I have updated the second experiment that can easily distinguish the rhythms of staccato and legato.


Juxtaposition - Noun

Definition: an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, especially for comparison or contrast.


Encounter: I encountered this word when my English Project has been assigned.

Understand: The word juxtaposition first time appear on my English project while Professor Rosen said in the assignment that “On your walk, look for different New Yorks overlapping in close proximity—such juxtapositions include old and new, residential and commercial, historic and replaceable, natural and man-made, constructed and under-construction, well maintained and in disrepair, celebrated and forgotten, etc”. In this sentence, Professor Rosen clearly indicates juxtaposition means comparison or contrast in places. The indication of the juxtaposition helped me to understand how to use the word while comparing two places.


Aural Topographies: Pattern Mashup

Pattern Mashup from HaiLin

Pattern Mashup from HaiLin

Here is my final mash up that combined the patterns of staccato and the patterns of legato. At the beginning, I decide to keep the middle of part into simple line of patterns, however, I have received a comment from Professor Spevack. She suggests me to get all those patterns meeting in the middle part and I agree with her. In the final work, I found out that is much better than simple line of patterns, because it won’t confuse people’s mind but also carrying the same idea as a whole.


Overlapping New Yorks (Draft)

Everyone has their own memory toward their favorite place. Everyone will come out with their own version of place instead the place that they normally see. New York is one of the biggest and busiest city in the world. However, New York is changing dramatically in every single day. In New York, people can see the old places being replaced by the new places or two different period buildings crossing the timeline meeting each other on the same street. As a result, everyone will view New York differently depend on the time and experience. Everyone will end up with different memory in their own version of New York. People can always find juxtapositions in today’s New York.

Many people will have a different experience while they view New York in a different time. While people looking at an old photography, they never can feel the same feeling as the old people. By looking at an old photography, the color from old photography never can come out with the same color as today. An old photography is not just a simple photography, the quality of the photography carrying out a significant meaning of change in technology and science. Even though people can see how the old New York looks like in the old photography, people never can go back to experience the atmosphere of twenty century’s New York. People never can see how the fresh color in the past just painted on the building. However, people can easily find a fade color stick next to a fresh color on the same street. As the time lapsing, these old colors will be remembered in some people’s memory. These old colors also have a moment of bright as today’s colors on a new buildings. People should understand the importance of the juxtaposition because it carrying out a great contrast of old New York and today’s New York. The juxtaposition easily appears on today’s New York, however, people never have a chance to see that color being new again expect in few people’s memory.

People can see many juxtapositions while New York is changing dramatically. No matter is in the twenty century or the twenty-first century, New York is keep constructing many new buildings. While people meeting New York in a different period, these people will come out with a different version of New York. In some places, people growing in these places that cause people have different memory of these places. For some old classical buildings, people playing or hanging out with their friends in these old classical buildings. Comparing to today’s twenty-first century new modern building, the old classical buildings can easily awaken people’s valuable memory. In addition, people can easily find and see these old classical buildings often sticking next to these new modern buildings. However, some of these old classical buildings are being replaced, and people never realize that is happening in every single day. In Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits”, he said “I never got a chance to say goodbye to some of my old buildings” which also expressing people today’s emotion. Sometimes, people are being busy for living, so they missing a chance to say goodbye to their old places. However, people should feel thankful at least they have a chance meeting with these old places.

The juxtaposition is a symbol of change in technology. In the twenty century, New York is already considered as a new world. With the most conveniences subway system and the tall buildings, New York is always being on top of the world with these new technologies. However, as the time lapsing in the century, New York’s subway system is giving people an impression of filthy. However, what is the first feeling while people seeing the subway system first appear in New York? People never have a chance to experience the same feeling as the old people. In today’s technology, this subway system shouldn’t be existed or it should be reconstructed again. However, the subway system did not have a chance to be well maintained, so some people will have different view on the subway system compare to the old people. Compared to the old people, they may think this new technology is the symbol of their era. While other people thinking about the subway system should be reconstructed to become a new subway system to adapt to twenty-first century’s point of view. As a result, different people will have different version on New York, and these versions will impact people’s emotion even though they are looking at a same subway system.

In the end, people can easily find juxtapositions in today’s New York. We should feel thankful to the old New York that makes today’s New York brighter and more gorgeous. As Whitehead said “Our old building still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time”, these old buildings are still standing in people’s memory. No matter people missed a chance to say a final goodbye to these old places,but these old places will always stick with people. People can change a direction to think which they are not the one who watching New York but New York also watching people. In an old photograph compare to today’s photography, there are many new different people carrying different style and different culture on the same street. In the future, these new people will become old people once again, and people called the change is known as “nature”.

Overlapping New Yorks (Explaining Subject)

The subject of overlapping also can be interpreted to the passage of time. While people are busy for living, time is slowly running off. As a classic old building being replaced by a new modern building, people never can find their own places except in their memories. Every place has their own meaning to exist, and these places also fill up with valuable memories. People are very busy that they never can realize time is passing so fast. In Colson Whitehead’s “City Limits”, he said “I never got a chance to say goodbye to some of my old buildings” which prove the point that people had missed many significant things. However, these memories will live in deep our heart forever even the world is changing. While Whitehead said “ Our old building still stand because we saw them, moved in and out of their long shadows, were lucky enough to know them for a time” which also proving the point that the memories will never leave us and we should feel thankful to having them. In the end, we should always cherish those valuable memories.

Overlapping New Yorks (Describing Location)

I choose my final destination in DeKalb Avenue, because this is the last stop before I went into college. I never do any walking at Brooklyn Downtown before, only by car, so I didn’t know any significant location for me. While I walking through from City Tech to DeKalb Avenue, I didn’t expect there are many stores around this location. In addition, there are always cars and buses passing through that make the street kind of noisy. There are many people sitting or walking through the course that I’m walking, and I didn’t except either. During the walking, I have discovered many juxtapositions. There are many new modern buildings stick next to the old classical buildings. While some stores inside looks fresh and new, however, they are built inside of these old classical buildings. When I continue walking through my course, I discover that is very special old classical building, and this building call “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn”. In addition, I continue discovering behind this bank, some workers are constructing a new building for “Chase Bank”. I believe this is the symbol of overlapping, because this place is being replacing by the new building. In addition, that can also be the symbol of juxtaposition, because while there is an old classical structure, workers are constructing a new modern buildings. I did not know the relationship between “Chase Bank” and “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn”, but I do want to predict that “The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn” will soon be part of “Chase Bank”. A flag or banner of “Chase Bank” will be put on top of it. I believe I will still remember this bank, even if one day its name has been changed to “Chase Bank“.