All posts by gcrumbie

City limits Reflection

Colson Whitehead’s ” City Limits” opens our eyes to a new perspective concerning the “Old new york” and the ” Present new york”. He shows us that we each have our own version of how we see New York. He states ” You start building your private New York the first time you lay eyes on it” Colson is trying to convey that from the time you first experience New york in itself, is the moment you begin to remember it exactly how you first see it. However, as time passes, things slowly begin to change. Buildings may be replaced, new sky scrapers may be built, or even transportation changes. Despite this, you will never forget the way things were because that is what you originally experienced.

Throughout the text, Colson stresses that we don’t know when things are going to change around us. Therefore we never really get a chance to say goodbye to the many places we know so well and love. Anytime you go to the nearest pizza shop could be the last time you ever get to by from there. It really makes you realize that you should value certain things while they are still around. As I read the text, I thought of the well known line that states,  “Nothing last forever”. Keeping in mind that New York is constantly changing and evolving, it is a weak chance that ones version of New york will always be reality.

Field trip: Reflections

During this field trip, I was able to go more into depth of various artist and their own pieces of art work. An example of the art work we have seen is the one posted below. When I first saw this, I only saw a figure of what looked like a dress. However, after looked closer into the sculpture I saw numerous cut outs of figures that were arranged in a way that looked like they told a story. Each one had a different positions that followed the last in a sequence form. These eye catching detailed patterns brought this piece of art to life in a way that I did not see in any of the others.


Project #2 : Location

In the city of New York, there are many aspects that are considered to be from the “old New York” and the “Present New York”. The combination of the two are what make up the very culture of this city. From the  glass sky scrapers, to the man made residents from decades ago, they each hold their own story. The location that I have chosen is about fifteen minutes from City Tech, and is on the intersection of Clinton and Remsen street. At this location, I discovered an example of the juxtaposition of the two New Yorks. It was as if I was standing before the timeline of New York, viewing two different stages of time.

In order to get there, I decided to leave through the front entrance of City Tech on 300 Jay street. This was my starting position. Across the street is a construction site in progress . Up the block I saw a set of  city bikes on racks. I walked south in the direction of the bikes and turned right at the first intersection onto Johnson street. I walked passed the school’s cafe and crossed Adams street which leads to the Brooklyn Bridge. Soon, I approached the intersection of Johnson street and Court street. As I walked south on Court street, to my left I could see Columbus park. This park consisted of the Supreme court, and the borough hall train station for the 2,3,4,5, and R train. To my right was the New york sports club store. I decided to  walk down the block of this store on Remsen street. To my left was St Francis college populated with dozens of students by the front entrance. I stopped at the intersection at the end of the block on Clinton and Remsen street. I then looked back, and up the block I realized that I had found a juxtaposition that I could potentially use. Thought it was a bit difficult, I was able to catch the view all in one shot.

Glossary entry#3: Impediments


Impediments- Something that makes it difficult to do or complete something: Something that interferes with movement or progress.

I encountered this word while reading Colson Whitehead’s, “City Limits”. In this particular sentence, it states ” It saw you steeling yourself for the job interview, slowly walking home after the late date, tripping over nonexistent  impediments on the sidewalk”. Now that I understand what the meaning of the word is, it allows me to understand the concept of the sentence. As a result I was even able to imagine someone tripping over something that isn’t really there. This shows me that having the knowledge of one word can changed the way you see the entire sentence.


Project #1 Reflection

From working on the first project of the semester, I have learned plenty about my peers and even myself. I am most proud of the fact that I am able to establish a representation of myself. I was able to convey to an audience the kind of person I am through a simple avatar. At times it may have been a bit tedious, however, it was what allowed me to acquire more knowledge about my peers while at the same time sharing about myself. The feedback that I received from some of my classmates guided me in the process leading up to the finished product. In terms of time, the biography was most time consuming. This was the point where I had to introduce myself to my peers as if I was making a first impression. The information I have learned from this project can be used to help me along with the next. Habits such as reading over my own work, as well as having others look over it, is a clever technique in making sure my writing is at it’s best. This can be very valuable to use in the future.

Reflection process

I believe that offering feedback to my peers can guide them and spark new ideas for them to apply to their work. It also helps them to discover any mistakes that they may have mad during the course of their work. It is good to have a fresh set of eyes to view work because it can reveal hidden errors that the writer may have never seen in the process. Offering feed back also allows me to learn more about the people in my specific group through their writing. With this knowledge it will come easier to work with them in any future assignments that we receive.

Project #1 Reflection process

I believe that offering feedback to my peers will guide them and provide them with new ideas in the process. The constructive criticism is what will help them with a successful finish product. By reading their work I was able to point out mistakes that they would have never seen. Having a fresh set of eyes on your work helps to reveal all the hidden errors that the writer themselves would pass over. From this peer feedback I am able to learn more about some of my classmates and see the kind of person they are. With this knowledge, it will be easier to take on any future assignments because I know who I am working with.

Clairvoyance- entry 2


Clairvoyance (noun)- the power or faculty of discerning objects not present to the senses; ability to perceive matters beyond the range of ordinary perception

This word depicts a person analyzing something (In this case a work of art) in a deeper perspective. The have to look past the obvious and take a minute to read in between the lines. I encountered this particular vocabulary word in the text ” Ways of seeing” by John Berger, as well as the short video we viewed in class. I don’t believe we have yet to come across this word, however it will make things much easier in understanding what is being said.