All posts by gcrumbie

The Pitch

Your route may never have shown you the advantages and opportunities that you could take hold of . This route offers many of the beautiful sights and businesses that Brooklyn heights has to offer. It also informs one more about the environment that they spend their time in every week. You could walk this route alone or with a group of people that you enjoy being around. That won’t take away from the new found experience that you could potentially find. This inspiring route maximizes the happiness one can experience on the way to the subway from City Tech by passing through the Metro Tech Center as well as the Fulton Street Mall. And one well known thing that can bring happiness to people is a nice meal from some of the best restaurants in the city. This a major attraction to people everywhere that will always be around.

At the end of a long day, an individual may  want something to eat to relax and tend to their hunger. This route is primarily lined with numerous restaurants that can be chosen from. Almost as soon as you begin the route through the Metro Tech Center, you are greeted by the pleasant scent from the Chipotle Mexican grill restaurant. This aroma is carried through the air by the same wind currents that whistle through the trees. You can see the fall season take effect on the environment as the trees are stripped of their coats and the brownish- yellow leaves sway past your view. You can hear the laughter and yelling of the young children interacting with each other in the park area. Then you can take a breather and relax on a park bench and observe the the art piece that is placed in the center grass portion of the park. One could also make a short stop at a local Starbucks to enjoy a nice creamy cup coffee while they stroll through the Fulton mall area. The warm cup will defrost your finger tips as you go on your way. As you continue on this route, you may decide that you want a lamb gyro from the Halal food stand at the corner. This route offers a significant amount of convenience to the point where most of the things a person may have a craving for is a simple few feet away.

As we all know, taking walks are a very effective way for people to clear their minds and actually take a moment to appreciate the very aspects of their city. Throughout this route you will be surrounded by many other people you don’t know. This is not a lonely path, and it puts you in the presence of others that make up the very culture of the city. While one continues on this route, they have the chance to see the breath taking view of the city on a sunny afternoon. On a normal route to the train, people don’t really give a second thought to the area because they are too focused on getting home. Many routes that people choose involve passing through back roads behind tall buildings that block the view of the city. As you enjoy a wholesome meal from one of the many restaurant options, you can take a breather on a park bench and take in the sights. The city sky line will have you in awe as the windows reflect the sun’s light as it begins to set. Many people prefer having something pleasant to look at while they eat. But what is better to look at while you rest, other than a cell phone, than the view of your surroundings. As you relax, you can watch the sun set in the distance.  You may even listen to music and picture the scene as something like a music video.

This route is ideally created to be taken around the time of 4 or 5pm. Around this time the sunset view will give off a calming vibe as the day concludes. This is something that is very helpful especially for individuals who are just ending a long work day. Taking walks is great way to relieve stress and gather thoughts. This will give them a chance to unwind and loosen up as they stroll. By the time you reach the 5 train station at the end of the route, you will feel satisfied and probably be ready for a hot shower and some sleep. But your mind will be at ease because you have taken the time to slow things down and relax for once. And the best part is, the course will only take approximately 15 minutes to complete which is worth the while. For this reason I would highly recommend that you consider this route for the upcoming Aesthetic mapping app.



Domesticity- life inside a home; the activities of a family or of the people who share a home.

I found this particular word in the passage “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan. After reading the sentence I found that I had no idea what this sentence was saying. It stated, “Savor this fluke of independence before the champ of 1950s domesticity closes around you”. After researching the meaning of this word, the sentence was immediately cleared up. Egan wanted Lucy to enjoy her last bit of independence that she has left because soon it will no longer be just her alone. Once the 1950s hit, her independence would have been nothing but a memory to her.

The Route:

The ideal route for one to consider should generally give them a taste of the different aspects that Brooklyn has to offer. It should be the most comfortable to them, allowing them easy access to the things they believe are important, pleasant, or fascinating while  on their way. With my route in particular, it emphasizes happiness including the favorable restaurants in Brooklyn as well as other businesses such as clothes stores, as well as view of the city buildings. Along this route, one can be in the presents of many other individuals, whether they are tourists, or school kids that are making their way from store to store. They can also have a pleasant walk through what is considered a peaceful area in the city.  As you walk, you can also see sky scrapers in the distance which is a typical aspect of the city. Once an individual leaves the City Tech , they have an opportunity to take this route that provides numerous choices for places to enjoy a nice meal, or swing by a local H&M for that sweater you’ve had your eye on. And when all is done, you can easily continue on the same direction heading out to a train or bus.

The route that I have chosen will take an individual approximately 15 minutes out of the original path to the train station. First, leave through the front entrance of City Tech which is on 300 Jay street. You will see the construction directly across the street and hear the jack hammers digging into the pavement when you reach outside. Proceed south on Jay street onto the next block. Continue on this path up until you are in front of the Marriott hotel on the right, at which point you will stop. Cross the street directly across from the hotel onto the walkway entrance of  the Metro tech center. There will be a lighted map of the center, as well as Christmas decorations that hang along the walkway. Proceed along the center walkway up until the end of the block. You will be welcomed by the aroma of cooked ground beef from the near by Chipotle. Make a right onto Laurence street where you will see a local 5 guys restaurant. Continue for approximately 3 blocks on Laurence street where you will see the city building structures in the distance. The fall trees will sway in the wind currents as the leaves swiftly slide onto the ground. On the left will be the local Golden Crust and Chinese restaurant. Turn right onto Fulton street and proceed down this path for 3 blocks up until Adams street. Directly behind you, will be one of the many tall skyscrapers in the distance on Fulton streets vantage point. While walking along this street,  there is a Modells accompanied by two local banks to the left. On the right there is a Burger King  restaurant. Approximately 20 feet down is  the much favored Shake Shack restaurant on the intersection of Fulton and Adams street. You will immediately see the city skyline as the light reflects of the building windows. Safely cross Adams street and proceed into the Borough Hall 5 train station. As one can see, this route offers more meal choice opportunity as well as a better angle at the view of the city, unlike the usual route that is taken.

BHS Research

Map of the BK subway lines

Boro Hall Civil Center 1955; flat maps b 1955 fl ( BK subway maps)


On today’s field trip we went into the BHS library which consisted of all sorts of primary information that can’t be found anywhere else. We mainly focused on maps of Brooklyn from different time periods . This is something that I would most likely include into project 4. For example, in my group we had a manuscript map of Brooklyn in 1856 which depicted the cut-off boundaries of farm lands that people owned. There was also a clear detailed drawing of the cliff of Brooklyn Heights. This was before the construction of the Brooklyn bridge, so the steam boat was a popular way to travel between the boroughs. Another map, which was printed, displays the subway map map from 1955. As we know, the train system was originally a series of companies that operated in different ways. This map is a significant piece of history that I could add to my project. Lastly, we saw a large booklet of maps that was created by the fire department during the time. From what I learned in class, civilians that lived in homes made of wood would be charged higher than someone in a brick house because of the higher chance of a fire. These different maps of Brooklyn give me a better understanding of it’s history that goes way beyond my time. Each version allowed me to see every phase that has come. I should have a better grasp of this concept from the research which will be a good guide for this project.

BHS Field Trip Reflection

In today’s class we visited the The BHS on Pierrepont St, In Brooklyn. This trip was a different experience that allowed me to see first hand primary resources, as well as photos to go with them. In the wonder exhibit, I applied the things we have learned such as the rule of thirds or a juxtapositions into the pictures that we have seen. There was one particular image that I found interesting during the walk. This frame consists of a cemetery filled with tomb stones and tall city buildings that can be seen in the distance. I immediately saw an overlap. In my opinion, the cemetery represents death were as the buildings in the distance depict civilization or flourishing life. 20141110_133647

Reading Lucy: Summary/ Relection

“Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Egan depicts the relationship between two friends that began from professional purposes. Over the course of the text, you see how their relationship continues to grow an does not fade despite the fact that the lost contact for a period of time. Egan reads the series of letters that Lucy and her husband Alfred write back and forth to each other. In the text it states: ” Lucy wrote to Alfred almost daily- often on the street car she took from twentieth avenue….”. From these letters it was as if she is witnessing the timeline of Lucy’s life before she discovers that she had died. Egan imagined the things she would say to Lucy if she was with during the times she read of in the letters. For example, she says, “Go to the yard, I imagined telling her…..Please, Lucy, get a transfer! Go to San Fransisco..”. Egan’s fascination with the kind of person Lucy was is what drove her to keep up with the events of her life, even after knowing she’s no longer alive.

The archival material that are provided depict the letters between Lucy and Alfred, photographs,and papers. The letters were a bit hard to read in my opinion because of the form of script. But from what I could tell, it was very significant form of communication for them. These materials may be made available for people to see in order to give us a better understanding due to the fact that it is coming from a primary source. It may help us to relate to them because certain aspects of their life that we see may appeal to some people in a way.


Project#3 Reflection

This project has brought out more of a creative side to my work. I honestly never would of thought of doing something such as a collage that would take as much planning as it did. I found that the painting portion of the collage was difficult for me because I could not get it to fully resemble the original collage. However, physically cutting out pieces of my picture to create a form of abstract art was time consuming. But in the end you get what you want and would be satisfied with it. In my opinion the photo shop creation of my collage was the most fun once I learned exactly how to work with the program.



Querlous: complaining in a petulant or whining manner

I came across this word in the text “Reading Lucy” by Jennifer Lucy. It sort of caught me off guard in a way because I hadn’t seen any previous vocabulary. In the text it stated: “She also had a habit of footnoting words whose meanings Alfred might not know-like querulous-and providing definitions”. the sentence I found it in is interesting because this particular word was an example of something people would not generally know. I saw it as a question within a question. When I found the definition it didn’t really make much of a difference because it was not included for the purpose of getting a message across.

Aural Topographies: Animated Gif Mashup

Animated Mashup

Animated Mashup

I found that this portion of the project was interesting because I was able to personalize it and make it my own. It gave everyone a chance to show their different kinds of music as well as displaying the different kinds of creativity throughout the mash-ups. Once I got the hang of photo shop, the steps came easier and I moved along through the process much smoother.