Class 25: A Humument and more

In class on Monday, we discussed the next reading, which was actually a series of images that combine the visual and the written, in the form of a reinvented book by Tom Phillips, what he entitled A Humument. Please review the official site–not just the home page but the other pages on the site. On the essays page, please choose one of the essays (not necessarily the first one), and read it to get a sense of what others have said about the project. I also encourage you to do a Google Image search for A Humument to see as many different pages as possible. Which pages stand out to you, and what design principles do they demonstrate? We will discuss this in class on Wednesday.

We will also workshop Project #4, so please have a copy of your work either in print or available to you electronically (we will do this in N1122). You might also bring copies–print or electronic–of the research you have done so you can work on incorporating it into your project.

At the end of class, if time permits, we will visit the Student Research Poster Session. Our learning community has a poster there, designed by Prof. Spevack using your work from the Grace Gallery show! We’ll look at other posters there, too, to think about how image and text combine to communicate the work these posters represent.

After class, some of you have appointments with me in my office, N520. We’ll need to keep to a tight schedule to fit all of these appointments in.

At 3:00 in N119, there will be an event linked to the poster session, the Undergraduate Research Mixer, which is a great opportunity to meet faculty members interested in mentoring undergraduates in research projects, and other students interested in or currently conducting research here at City Tech. There will be a reception at the event as well. Worth checking out!


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