Category Archives: Project #2

Proj. 2 Paul D the Charmer Part 1

The most pivotal point of the story Beloved by Toni Morrison was, when Paul D arrived at 124. At this moment I knew his role throughout this piece is vital because the flashback begin instantly. Creating; and setting the tone for the development of the story. Paul D character came like a storm from the pass, as Sethe try her hardest to patch up her pass nightmares from sweet home to move forward with her freedom. But this storm was a necessity for Sethe character to release all her pass hate, and mishaps so she can move forward with her life. On the other hand, Paul D was charming and easily likable; which made Sethe worry about how many women he had throughout his travel before arriving at 124. Who’s Paul D and how can help at 124; did Paul D start the story?

After his freedom he was happy to journey and enjoy life a little; then to find somewhere with someone that he knew; 124 was the place to be. Paul D has change for better; at this point he understand his life have a value, “Young girls sidled up to him to confess or describe how well-dressed the visitations were that had followed them straight from their dreams”. If Paul D, wasn’t gifted my comprehension is vague, he knew what to say because the women love him to death. He’s kind and sympathetic and for that Paul D is well liked “Strong women and wise saw him and told him things they only told each other: that way past the Change of Life, desire in them had suddenly become enormous, greedy, more savage than when they were fifteen, and that it embarrassed them and made them sad; that secretly they longed to die–to be quit of it–that sleep was more precious to them than any waking day”. Paul D surely understood how to take care of ladies really well. His charisma was next to none, in comparison to his other brothers throughout the story. Paul D was always like by Sethe but she grew very close to Halle primarily because, he respect and cared for his mom. For five years every Sabbath he, Halle slave for his mom freedom; Halle had sympathy and Sethe love that. With Halle, out the picture, Paul D made it his duty to find Sethe, at 124.

When Paul D arrives, Paul D character granted Sethe the mental freedom. She instantly wanted Denver to meet and know Paul D. Paul D is the only character besides Halle (Sethe former husband) that Sethe will ever trust and share any pass experience with. Sethe was hurt and lonesome before his presence. However, Sethe compassion for her pass life at sweet home play an essential role for the character she has become at 124; with the presence of Paul D, she become a woman of the house, like one whom treats her husband well and ensure a proper meal is fix upon his arrival for supper; “As she raised up from the heat she felt Paul D behind her and his hands under her breasts. She straightened up and knew, but could not feel, that his cheek was pressing into the branches of her chokecherry tree”. Paul D was one of a kind, he love Sethe for the history they share. Even though he rubbed his cheek on Sethe back her feeling in that area was gone due to the constant beating in the same region, Paul D felt the pain Sethe felt and sympathize with her, by sharing the same bed, love making without removing clothing; why wait: “the fact that Paul D had come out of “that other one” into her bed was better too; and the notion of a future with him, or for that matter without him, was beginning to stroke her mind. As for Denver, the job Sethe had of keeping her from the past that was still waiting for her was all that mattered”. Paul D presence became a feeling of hope, love and unity for Sethe; yet somewhat confused due to the fact that she cannot believe how he found her after so many years and miles of separation.

As Sethe reflects on her pass life and the constant uncontrollable changes: “She knew Paul D was adding something to her life–something she wanted to count on but was scared to. Now he had added more: new pictures and old rememories that broke her heart. Into the empty space of not knowing about Halle—a space sometimes colored with righteous resentment at what could have been his cowardice, or stupidity or bad luck–that empty place of no definite news was filled now with a brand-new sorrow and who could tell how many more on the way. Years ago–when 124 was alive–she had women friends, men friends from all around to share grief with. Then there was no one…” Paul D enables Sethe to reevaluate herself and understand, where she is has an individual. This expresses a lot because Sethe had withdrawn herself from the community like Miss Emily Grierson, the Rose for Emily by William Faulkner whereas Emily stood as a symbol to the community when she died everyone throughout her town was eager to dig through her house because they wanted to know what was in Miss Emily Grierson house. At the end of the day Miss Grierson was hurt and she died very unhappy because she lost what was important to her; her father. Paul D arrival gave Sethe that closure that Emily Grierson needed but no notice throughout the community.

All in all, Paul D role nest a burden from a wreck soul. Sethe was at a point of destruction and his character presence enables Sethe to coop. Paul D entry is the story, he connected characters and most of all the community to 124 due to his friendly personality. It was important that Paul D arrive because what story would have been told, how would Sethe rest mentally or would the story be the same?

Project 2 Halle’s View

The story “Beloved” by Toni Morrison has a very interesting writing style. Morrison uses flashbacks as a way to understand the character and their actions. Halle doesn’t have a voice of his own In “Beloved”, and I feel like he would have a lot to say. We learn about him mostly through Sethe’s flashback, and of his fate from Paul D’s memories. We find out that after seeing the things he did, Halle went crazy, and that is why he never showed up for Sethe.  One could only imagine what went though his mind, not being able to help his wife for fear of death. Going insane was the only way his mind could deal with the (psychological) pain. In this “missing chapter” from “Beloved,” we see Halle’s last few hours of sound mind, his reason for hiding out, and what went through his mind before it snapped.

Project 2 Part 2

Halle is in the rafters, right above his wife. It was easy to remain hidden from view in the darkness. He was thankful for that, for if she knew he was hiding, she would know what a coward he was.  How can he face her, after letting that happen to her. Hearing her screaming, and trying to fight them off and the worst part of all -hearing them laugh.

Earlier in the night he saw what happened to Sixo. The singing of “Seven-O” woke him up. Thinking that this night it would remain safe to stay out of sight, Halle ran to his safe spot. Up in the rafters of the barn, where he had hidden many times before. He started dozing off, but woke at the sound of someone entering the barn. By the time he maneuvered to be able to see who it was, the door was shut, and the darkness returned. A few minutes went by and he heard the sounds of more people entering the barn. Just as he was about to warn whoever was hiding below him, the nephews burst in. Holding a lantern that illuminated their ugly features, they walked in and find Sethe. “NO” he screams, but only in his head. After what they had done to Sixo, descending from the rafters to confront them would mean certain death.

For the second time that night he watched a member of his closest family being tortured right before his eyes. Many times he was so close to going down. Never mind dying, just make sure to inflict as much pain as he possibly could on those white devils. But then he thought of Sethe and three (almost four) children. If he were to die, who would protect them? Who would help Sethe escape, and get her (and the) baby to safely to freedom?

He listens to her crying, and is afraid to cry himself. How could he let her know that he was here the entire time, and have done nothing to stop them. He began whispering over and over, “I’m sorry Sethe, I’m so sorry.” Her screams in his head continued. Nothing could stop them. Sleep was impossible, food seemed revolting, his whisperings turned into rants and then shouting at imagined foes. His descent into madness had begun and there was no turning back…

Project 2 Most pivotal Scene in Beloved

Beloved’s Most Pivotal Scene

Toni Morrison’s “Beloved” is about an ex-slave, Sethe, who killed her daughter to save her child from a life of slavery. What she experienced was so dehumanizing that she felt dying would be better than going back. She makes the decision to take her children’s lives mercifully, rather than leave them in the hands of the Schoolteacher.  Although life in Sweet Home became very hard after Mr. Garner died, I feel that without the nephews taking her milk, she wouldn’t have tried “saving” her children the way she did.

When the Schoolteacher sees what she has done he thinks “…Now she’d gone wild due to the mishandling of the nephews..,” and I feel that he is right. I think that the nephews holding her down and taking her milk had a direct relation to the killing of her older daughter, which was done to save her from a fate worse than death.

Years later when she is telling Paul D about this incident, we get a little glimpse of how much this event hurt her.

“After I left you, those boys came in there and took my milk. That’s what they came in there for. Held me down and took it. I told Mrs. Garner on em. She had that lump and couldn’t speak but her eyes rolled out tears. Them boys found out I told on em. Schoolteacher made one open up my back, and when it closed it made a tree. It grows there still” (Morrison 19).

Sethe tells Mrs. Garner what the nephews had done, and in return gets beaten under Schoolteacher’s instruction. Her back was torn open, and would heal to become a tree of scars covering her back. In addition to the physical scars, this event left her with psychological scars as well. In fact, her wounds were probably not even done healing when Schoolteacher showed up in Baby Suggs yard.

The quoted passage continues:

“They used cowhide on you?”

“And they took my milk.”

“They beat you and you was pregnant?”

“And they took my milk!” (20)

Paul D. sees the tree and that is all he is could think about. Sethe including “And they took my milk!” shows us how strongly this hurt and dehumanized her.

Running away from Sweet Home, Sethe was all alone. Halle was supposed to accompany her but he never showed up.  At this point she was very pregnant, and her back was a mess. She later finds out from Paul D the reason Halle never showed up. Halle had seen what happened to her and had a mental breakdown.

“The day I came in here. You said they stole your milk. I never knew what it was that messed him up. That was it, I guess. All I knew was that something broke him… But whatever he saw go on in that barn that day broke him like a twig.”

…”It broke him, Sethe.” Paul D looked up at her and sighed. “You may as well know it all. Last time I saw him he was sitting by the chum. He had butter all over his face” (81)

Halle had seen what the nephews did to her, and was powerless to stop them. This drove him insane. Because of what the nephews did, Sethe lost her husband. He was not there to help his pregnant, barefoot wife to safety. Sethe and the baby still made it to Baby Suggs alive (thanks to Amy Denver), but with a husband and without a tree, the trip would not have taken such a devastating physical and psychological toll on her.

When Beloved comes back, Sethe is sure she would understand why she had to do what she did. Here we see Sethe thinking about what she would say to Beloved:

“…I didn’t have time to explain before because it had to be done quick. Quick. She had to be safe and I put her where she would be. … I’ll explain to her, even though I don’t have to. Why I did it. How if I hadn’t killed her she would have died and that is something I could not bear to happen to her. When I explain it she’ll understand, because she understands everything already. I’ll tend her as no mother ever tended a child, a daughter. Nobody will ever get my milk no more except my own children. I never had to give it to nobody else– and the one time I did it was took from me–they held me down and took it. Milk that belonged to my baby…. The one I managed to have milk for and to get it to her even after they stole it; after they handled me like I was the cow, no, the goat, back behind the stable because it was too nasty to stay in with the horses” (236).

Shethe was trying to keep her children safe. Going back to Sweet Home would have been a death sentence, and Sethe could not let that happen to her beloved. We see here, when she equates going back to a death sentence, that she brings up the taking of the milk. It wasn’t simply that they took it, but that it was for her baby and they took it regardless. The way they dehumanized her is on her mind when she’s explaining her actions.

She finally makes it to Baby Suggs, and starts getting better. She spends twenty-eight days with her family, new friends, and freedom. The rape of her milk, the beating, delivering in the forest, Halle still gone, these things don’t leave her mind. When the Schoolteacher shows up at 124, she loses it. She knows what he is capable of, and she goes ahead and tries to “save” her children from what she clearly believes is a fate worse than death.

If her milk hadn’t been taken, Halle would have been fine, and escaped with her. Delivering in the woods would still have been an ordeal, but with Halle there and no tree on her back, it wouldn’t have taken such a toll on her. Without that transformational event ,she would never have been able to kill her child.


Morrison, Toni. Beloved: A Novel. New York: Vintage, 2004. Print. Pgs 19, 20, 81, 236

Project #2 Cover Letter

Part 1:

part 2:

If i had to compare Project 1 with Project 2, I’d pick project 1 because i found it to be more enjoyable. In project 1 we had to retell a story of our choosing. I didn’t like this project to much because i wasn’t a fan of the book. I had a difficult time reading it, and i wasn’t thrill on how Toni Morrison ended it. This project was also a bit challenging. Project 1 was challenging as well, but project 2 was just a bit harder because we had to go into the book and flip through the pages to find the actual quote to back up our argument.

What i enjoyed the most about this project was the fact that i was trying something new. I’ve never done the 5 Step Method before. Instead of just jumping into the quote, i used the method and let the reader know that a quote from the book was coming up. Also what i liked about this project was part 2. I put up a picture of a Tobacco Tin Box because Paul D “hid his feelings in a tobacco tin box”. Although i considered the project to be a bit challenging, doing my project on Paul d wasn’t that bad. I say that because Paul D is a very important character to this novel. I argued that Paul D’s arrival was a pivotal point in this novel because he’s the reason Beloved even showed up in the first place. I say that because he ran off the ghost that was in the house. But overall from this project i’m happy i learned the 5 Step method.

I wouldn’t change a thing with this project if i had a choice, but had i been given the opportunity to choose another book, i would’ve taken that chance. As i said before, i wasn’t to thrill with this book. Although i didn’t like the book, i still think Toni Morrison is one hell of a writer. I think reading the book again would help me notice things i didn’t the first time reading it. Well to sum this up, although this project was a pain, i’m glad i got through it, especially since i had other papers to write so i was a bit overwhelmed and might not have put enough effort into this project as much as i liked to.


Claimed Cover Letter.

Project #2 Part 1:
Part 2:
The Tree of Slavery

Dear Professor Rosen,
Something I am extremely proud of for my project #2 is the artwork that I produced. I love the quotes that make up the roots of the tree. It comes to show that slavery is deeply rooted in the world that can not be seen from the naked eye. It comes to show the ugly parts of slavery that is no longer remembered.

The most challenging part of the project is finding the quotes that will support my thesis statement. From the beginning while reading the story I knew I wanted to talk about ‘claiming’ and ‘being claimed’. I had an idea of what quotes I want to use but it was extremely difficult looking for the specific quotes I wanted to use because of the timeline of the story.

Some new skills I acquired with this project is finding the deep rooted meanings behind the story and behind slavery. Sometimes it is a lot easier to just read the book and understand what has happened in the plot. When reading it slowly in order to truly understand the novel and what the author is trying to portray it takes more skills but it also brings a lot more satisfaction.

Something I may want to change about the project is probably focusing more on the artistic part of the project besides just writing the paper. It might be cool to do a presentation on this project instead of on another book that resonates with me.

As a writer, I love digging deep into the meanings of several quotes and finding out the meanings of it not only to myself but also to the author and other readers as well. Although I like to find these meanings and incorporate them in my paper, I have trouble putting my thoughts together in a coherent essay for my readers because I have a lot to write about.


Cover Letter For Project 2

In completing this project there were a few challenges. In Part 1, I found it difficult to decide which scene to base my essay on. Not that it was difficult finding one, but it was difficult choosing one. There were multiple scenes that I believed were significant in the book. In this project I am mostly proud of the creative work from Part 2. Deciding another way to portray that scene was another difficulty. I originally wanted to create a poem and create concrete poetry with it, but it was challenging to get the lines of the poem in a meaningful shape. This was when I decided to just use a passage from the story in a concrete poetry shape.  This was an interesting way to take the gloomy scene of Sethe killing her child and putting it into another medium. A new skill that I have required in completing this project was the use of concrete poetry. Before this assignment, I had never heard of this technique. I felt that it was an interesting and powerful way to display text. Another skill is incorporating a quote into an essay using the five step method. I am truly pleased that Professor Rosen has introduced this to us. This method was a really great way to not only help the reader of my essay understand the quote, but helped me perceive it in a better way also. This was an interesting project, especially the creative part, which I enjoyed completing.

Sethe’s Hand


I have created a concrete poetry image to represent the scene that I have chosen for part one, which I believe was a central scene in the book. This scene was when Sethe killed her two year old child. This image was created on a website ( I chose the shape of a hand with the words wrapped around it. The hand is meant to represent Sethe’s hand. My intention in wrapping the words around the hand was to represent the pain that surrounded Sethe after she had killed her child. The color for the hand, red, represents the blood of the child in Sethe’s hand. The text around the hand is the text from the scene. After the horsemen came to claim her and her children to take back to Sweet Home, Sethe believed the only way to save them was to kill them all.  She did not want her children to die as slaves, at the hands of another. She wanted them to die from her hands, while they were still free. In choosing this shape for the text, I believe it shows the significance of Sethe’s hands in the story, which was used to kill her child and the importance of this scene in the book.

Her Child

In “Beloved,” by Toni Morrison, one significant event that occurred was Sethe killing her baby daughter. This is a central event within the story because its action is what held the story together. Many of the following events were a result of that action. Sethe killing her two year old daughter was an important scene in the book because it displayed her love for her children, its action lead to 124 being haunted by the child ghost, it caused the child to return in the form of Beloved, and it helped with the development of Denver’s character. If Sethe had never proceeded with killing her child, many events in the book would not have occurred.

Shortly after escaping Sweet Home, the four horsemen, schoolteacher, one of his nephews, a slave catcher, and a sheriff, came to claim Sethe along with her children. Sethe quickly ran to the shed where she planned to kill her children to protect them, but only succeeded in killing one. Once the horsemen witnessed what she has done they thought, “Right off it was clear, to schoolteacher especially, that there was nothing there to claim. The three (now four—because she’d had the one coming when she cut) pickaninnies they had hoped were alive and well enough to take back to Kentucky, take back and raise properly to do the work Sweet Home desperately needed, were not (Morrison 175).” The horsemen, especially schoolteacher, came to realize that their trip had been in vein. They thought they would have claimed more slaves, but from what they have seen, Sethe was not well enough to take back to Sweet Home. This quote signifies that the schoolteacher desperately needed slaves for Sweet Home who were alive and well, but after Sethe’s actions he felt that there was nothing for him to claim there.

Sethe killing her child showed her love for her, and for the rest of her children. If she had never done what she did, schoolteacher would have taken them all back to Sweet Home. Sethe so desperately wanted to protect her children from the life that she grew up in, which is why she killed her daughter. It was the only way she could have protected her.

From the time that Beloved spent with Sethe and Denver, Sethe comes to realize that she is her daughter and wants to explain why she killed her. Sethe thinks, “How if I hadn’t killed her she would have died and that is something I could not bear to happen to her… I’ll tend her as no mother ever tended a child, a daughter. Nobody will ever get my milk no more except my own children (Morrison 236).” In other words, if Sethe had not killed her child she would have died a slave, and Sethe could not bear to see that. Now that her daughter is back she gets another chance to redeem herself by tending her daughter like no mother ever tended a child. Also, she declares that nobody, but her children will ever get her milk. This quotation shows that Sethe killing her child protected her from being captured by schoolteacher and taken to Sweet Home. Sethe’s love for her child is displayed in this quote. Killing her child allowed her this opportunity.

Resulting in the death of Sethe’s child, 124 was haunted by the ghost of it. It often shook the house and threw things around. The ghost that haunted 124 was an effect of Sethe killing her child. If Sethe had not killed her, the house would not have been haunted. The ghost caused Sethe’s sons, Howard and Buglar, to run away. No one visited 124, leaving Denver in isolation from other people. She had no company other than the ghost of her sister.

Denver comes to acknowledge that Beloved is her sister. She was the one who haunted 124, and kept Denver company. Denver thinks, “Beloved is my sister. I swallowed her blood right along with my mother’s milk. The first thing I heard after not hearing anything was the sound of her crawling up the stairs. She was my secret company until Paul D came. He threw her out. Ever since I was little she was my company and she helped me wait for my daddy (Morrison 243).” Denver knew that Beloved was her sister. She knew that her sister was the ghost that haunted 124, and kept her company secretly over the years. Denver believed that her father was coming to get her, and her sister waited with her. This secret relationship that Denver had with her sister was due to the fact that her sister was the ghost that haunted the house.

Sethe grew more and more attached to Beloved. She began to arrive to work late and even miss days just to stay home to spend time with her daughter that she once lost. Eventually, Sethe lost her job and could barely feed her children or herself. As Denver sees what the return of her sister is doing to her mother, she left 124 to seek work. The return of Beloved had contributed to the development of Denver’s character. She was once reluctant to step outside the walls of her house, but then willingly does so to seek help. Sethe killing her child contributed to the cause of this. The return of the dead child allowed Denver to mature and leave her home, just as her brothers.

The death of Sethe’s child is a central event in the story. This event leads to 124 being haunted by the ghost of the child, Beloved’s character coming into the story contributing to the development of Denver’s character, and most importantly this event showed Sethe’s love for her children. If Sethe had never killed her child the story would have been completely different.

Works Cited

Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Vintage, 1987. Print.


The need for possession is a reoccurring theme in the book Beloved by Toni Morrison that gives readers an insight to the turmoil and pain experienced during the time of slavery. This theme is ironic because as a slave, the characters in the story possessed nothing, being the possession of someone else. There is a need to own something of their own even though they do not even hold possession of themselves. This can be seen in the pivotal passage in Beloved that occurred on pages 192-193 when Paul D finds out what exactly happened in 124 and what Sethe has done in the house. The story of Sethe actually begins with the killing of her own daughter in order to protect them from going back to the Sweet Home under the watch of the schoolteacher. Without this killing, there would not be a haunted house that confined both Sethe and Denver. The ultimate need for possession can be seen with Sethe’s infanticide in order to keep her children for herself.

Sethe justifies her murder by saying, “I stopped him, I took and put my babies where they’d be safe” (Morrison 2004: 193). In this pivotal quote, readers can see that Sethe went to ultimate measures to claim what is hers. She wasn’t willing to give away that claim to the schoolteacher. And now, Beloved will always be hers only, and no one else. Only in Sethe’s possession would her children be safe from the schoolteacher and his nephews. This was a pivotal part of the story because it’s what drives all the events that happens afterwards while also explaining the turmoil of slavery to be in possession of someone else and how this turmoil makes you want to hold on even more to that little bit that you do own.

This sort of possession and love was chastised by Paul D when he says, “your love is too thick” (Morrison 2004: 193). Toni Morrison also explains that, “suddenly he saw what Stamp Paid wanted him to see: more important than what Sethe had done was what she claimed” (Morrison 2004: 193). To claim something is dangerous in the slavery world because their claims are never forever and that is why Paul D calls it too thick. Throughout the story, we see the characters trying to claim something. They could never claim anything because they were slaves, they couldn’t even put a claim on themselves. Paul D, Denver, and Beloved wanted to claim Sethe’s love for themselves. They’ve never known what it feels to hold a claim on something and they each have this thirst to finally claim something.

Another claim that can be seen was Sethe’s continuous claim to her daughter after she has died. Sethe gave “ten minutes for seven letters” (Morrison 2004: 5). This stood out to me a lot because it is the first look at how much she loved her children. It never explicitly tells the reader what exactly this line means. But it is implied that she was willing to give the engraver ten minutes of sexual pleasure in exchange for the 7 letters of ‘Beloved’ to be engraved on her baby daughter’s tombstone. It brings to mind the lack of independence Africans had before and after the Civil War. Names are independent for each individual. When her daughter died, she is only referred to as “Beloved” in the story and never by her actual birth name. I feel that ‘beloved’ is a word of ownership. You have to be someone or something’s ‘beloved’. In this way, her daughter will always be hers and will always stay with her.

The possession Sethe claims of her daughter can also be seen when Paul D complains about Sethe babying Denver. When Sethe apologizes for Denver, Paul D says, “It means she has to take it if she acts up. You can’t protect her every minute. What’s going to happen when you die?” (Morrison 2004: 54). In response, Sethe says “Nothing! I’ll protect her while I’m live and I’ll protect her when I ain’t” (Morrison 2004: 54). In this quote, Sethe explains her claim to Denver and how even if Sethe can’t protect Denver physically in person, she will still be able to protect her. This passage foreshadows Sethe’s claim to Beloved and what measures she will take to protect her children. This is why she exclaims that she will protect her daughters no matter what, dead or alive.

No matter how much Sethe tried to claim what is hers, such as her children, she was still claimed by her past as a slave. Paul D says, “It occurred to him that what she wanted for her children was exactly what was missing in 124: safety” (Morrison 2004: 193). In a way, I feel that the author Toni Morrison is telling the readers that no matter how hard Sethe tried to run from the Sweet Home and cruelty of slavery, she will never be able to be a true free woman. She is still claimed and possessed by her past even though she is no longer a slave. This resonates with the readers when thinking about racism and prejudice in the world today. Even though slavery has ended and people are advocating for equality, there is a chance that it may never be achieved no matter how hard we try. Africans will always be possessed by the turmoil their ancestors must’ve felt in slavery, and probably their own turmoil of racism.

The theme of possession is a struggle that can be seen throughout the story between Sethe’s hold on her children and slavery’s hold on Sethe. Of course the beginning of this turmoil is the beginning of slavery, but when Sethe tries to kill all her children in order to put a claim on them, readers are able to understand the pain and thought process of people in the time of slavery. Infanticide can be seen as an exit to slavery, a sort of blessing or safety for a mother. Sethe believes that death is the only escape for her children to the cruelty of slavery. This allows readers to see the negativity of slavery besides what the naked eye can see such as physical abuse. Slavery is seen as something that is worse than death, something that could affect their kin several generations down. We are still experiencing the aftermath of slavery whether it is racism or prejudices. This brings to mind the question: when will slavery’s possession on civilization ever end?

The tree of Slavery


Slavery is like a tree in that it is rooted in history, and rooted in the lives of everyone in this society. The tree looks big, strong, and even beautiful but what is not seen in the naked eyes is the roots of the tree. Like the tree, the roots of slavery is still around today even though we do not see it. There is still discrimination and prejudice against black people even though slavery is abolished. Like the tree in Beloved, Sethe is ashamed to see the beauty of it even though it represents the tree where the other Sweet Home men may have been lynched.

Some quotes deeply rooted in the history of slavery that resonates with me are those involved in Sethe’s (and other slaves of the time) need to claim something during slavery. She has a strong desire to prevent her children from experiencing what she has experienced in Sweet Home. In order to put her children somewhere safe, the only escape is death. Stories like such are the roots of slavery that will never be erased from history even though we do not actively think about or see it in today’s society. This artwork is trying to bring sight to the roots of slavery and how it will always stay with us no matter how far we have improved since then.

Slavery is seen as something that is worse than death, something that could affect their kin several generations down. We are still experiencing the aftermath of slavery whether it is racism or prejudices. This brings to mind the question: when will slavery’s possession on civilization ever end?