Sethe’s Hand


I have created a concrete poetry image to represent the scene that I have chosen for part one, which I believe was a central scene in the book. This scene was when Sethe killed her two year old child. This image was created on a website ( I chose the shape of a hand with the words wrapped around it. The hand is meant to represent Sethe’s hand. My intention in wrapping the words around the hand was to represent the pain that surrounded Sethe after she had killed her child. The color for the hand, red, represents the blood of the child in Sethe’s hand. The text around the hand is the text from the scene. After the horsemen came to claim her and her children to take back to Sweet Home, Sethe believed the only way to save them was to kill them all.  She did not want her children to die as slaves, at the hands of another. She wanted them to die from her hands, while they were still free. In choosing this shape for the text, I believe it shows the significance of Sethe’s hands in the story, which was used to kill her child and the importance of this scene in the book.

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