Category Archives: Project #1

Stepping From The Past


Hello everyone, My name is Jade Ferguson I am currently a freshman attending New York City College of Technology. I was born in Queens, NY and raised in Jamaica for about three years, before I came back to New York. Both of my parents are from Jamaica including my older siblings as well. I enjoy singing and dancing, these are the ways I express myself on a deeper level. While going through things as a child it was a coping mechanism. While growing up, there was always that one thing that would push me and continues to do so. That was that I had a future for myself. I do not just see myself being successful but I see myself being happy with the decisions I’ve made leading up to my future. I have always pushed myself to the extreme, every time something comes in my way, I continue to raise the bar higher once I have conquered each obstacle. In the next five to ten years I see myself successfully working as a trauma surgeon in the emergency room of a hospital. I do not have a specific hospital because it doesn’t matter where I go, I will still see the same outcome. I see myself working as a trauma surgeon because it is similar to having the knowledge in each field such as neurology and cardiology. I have always had an attraction for working in a hospital and I enjoy the thought of being in the trauma unit, because I love the rush that it gives me knowing that people can fix what’s broken. College is hard but life without a degree is harder.

The image I chose to represent me was an image of someone walking and a shadow reflected in the ground behind them. This image was chosen because until now I feel as though I have been there for everyone else except for myself. This is because from the age of four, my mother was wrongfully convicted of a triple homicide and at that time my younger brother was three months, so I was given the responsibility of being the person who lead him in the right direction. At that age everything I did was in favor of, or because of him. This became stressful after a while because it was not just me being the big sister he looked up to but I had to teach him things. It started to feel as though I was carrying a weight on my shoulder and always having to look back to make sure that he was okay. This went on for seven years, and when she was released I thought things would change but instead they remained the same and in some cases became even worse. Now it was not only to teach him right from wrong but I was the only person in his life besides my aunt that he truly gravitated to. ThisĀ was no longer a temporary situation it became my life from that point on. This image represents someone who is in the shadow but a person walking. Although I referred to myself as the shadow I want to move myself from that standpoint into the person who is walking and in control.

Many people would interpret each image differently based off of what catches their eyes first. In the image it is a gloomy day so some people might interpret that I was depressed or that I felt alone seeing as there is only one person in the image. The image is just an individual walking and you can only see their feet and the shadow. I do not think anyone could really misinterpret the meaning other than to say, I could be alone or that I would like to be kept to myself.

I am someone who is strong but reserved. I have been through what so many people have said, they would not be able to go through and still be able to have a smile on their face. Throughout my life, there were times I have felt alone and I have felt as if everyone was watching me and making sure that I did not ā€œmess upā€ or lead as a bad example for my little brother. This matters to me because it’s an eye opener that you can lose yourself and not know until something new occurs. I expect this eye opener to change the way that I am and I can already see that happening by attending City Tech because I feel as though I am finally doing things to make me happy and not looking over for who is watching my every move and judging what I do. This will develop as I continue my career in City Tech because I can see myself growing as a person, as I continue to find myself everyday.

Project #1

My name is Janin Goodwin – though my preference is to be called Jay – and I am a freshman at The New York City College of Technology, colloquially known as City Tech. I’m majoring in Liberal Arts solely because no other majors piqued my interest. I had been accepted to SUNY Delhi with the intention of majoring in Marketing. However, after considering where that major would take me career-wise and how the career(s) didn’t fit who I am as a person (typically quiet and secluded), I decided not to go. My high school grades weren’t the best as I never tried at all and only maintained an 80 average so my choices for a school were limited. I settled on City Tech and Liberal Arts in order to transfer to a another school that both has my major and is out of state.

College seems to be far more manageable than high school. Not because high school was difficult – it wasn’t – but because of the freedom and increased amount of time we have allotted for whatever we need/want to do. The freedom to choose your schedule is probably the best part about college by far. I can use the extra time that I wouldn’t have had during high school to read, write, improve upon my photography skills, and drink coffee. I’ll explain why I’m interested in each of the aforementioned activities and in what capacity I fulfill my desire for each a bit later.

College seems to be a great place to meet like-minded and not so like-minded individuals, both of which will benefit me socially and intellectually. It’s very important to me that my ideas are challenged, stretched, and strained in order to solidify or alter them. I believe it’s equally important to do the same for others. I find that most people are very set in their beliefs, which I believe is a flaw. This idea of people’s ideas being set in stone is problematic as people should be open to new beliefs if new information is presented. Obviously one shouldn’t be forced to believe a certain ideal if their own fundamental truths conflict with the ideas being presented but they shouldn’t completely shut out any opposing ideals without hearing the reasoning behind said ideals. For example, if someone believed in God, I believe it’s important for them to at least consider the idea that there may be no god and either accept and reject that belief. In a nutshell, beliefs shouldn’t be axioms; question everything.


I enjoy reading because the elements that can be put into a story. With fiction, there can always be hidden meaning in stories, even with something like George Orwell’s Animal Farm. On the surface, it’s a story about Animals in harsh conditions overthrowing their human master and building their own society. In reality, it’s about Joseph Stalin and Soviet Russia both before and after he came to power.


I enjoy writing Ā because I am able to express my viewpoints in the most creative way possible. I write about nearly everything and always try to employ a hidden meaning, whether it’s me speaking on human nature or something like nihilistic philosophy. I enjoy writing short stories though I am currently outlining what I’d like to be my first novel. I began writing in 7th grade and stopped in 9th grade until my junior year. Since then, I’ve been doing some form of creative writing almost daily. I’m in the process of writing 3 stories, one about religion, one about a militia taking over a small town, and a horror story about eyes. I hope to speak on the creation of a Godless society, usurpation in a small town, and anxiety.

Overall, I enjoy learning new things and having my ideas challenged. I also enjoy challenging peopleā€™s ideas, no matter how controversial. My profile has a small hint of my philosophies and what I hope to do with my current enrollment in City Tech.



Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Hello, my name is Derick Morales , I am 19 years old and I’m Ā Honduran-American . Ā I am a fraternal twin and our name rhymes with each other ā€œ Derick and Erickā€. Ā In addition , Ā the definition of my name is Ā ” gifted ruler” and derived from “Theodoric” . Which comes from Germany. Ā Some of my hobbies are to play basketball, Ā coding, Ā go to the gym , and playing video games. My favorite movie of all time is “The Dark Knight”. Ā I just have to say Ā the Joker did an Amazing job . Any how, Ā  I work in a after school program called CFL(Center For Family Life) and I look after middle schoole’rs and help them with homework. The reason why I work in CFL is because I also have a passion for helping people and to mentor kids in a positive, academic Ā aspect. It is an Ā accomplishment because it may shape a child’s life, the same way it did with me . Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā 

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  However, Ā I am a freshmen in my 2nd semester Ā and I am Ā majoring Ā in Software engineering . The reason why I picked software engineering was because Ā I was always passionate Ā about technology ever since I was a little kid. When I was first introduced to computers in elementary school , I didnā€™t know how to use computer until my teacher taught me the basics and then taught me how to code . For example, Ā how to use the keyboard , how to navigate in the web, and how to code . Thatā€™s when my passion towards technology grew . Ā I Ā plan to work in Google, Apple, or Microsoft Ā in the next 5 to 10 years making new software for these company. Also I hope I can move to Japan for sometime with in the 5-10 years. Reason why because their technology is much more advance than the U.S. However, Ā  Ā  Ā ā€œWhen something really matters, you should never give up or give inā€- Gordon BrownĀ this statement represents me because life is unfair and will always throw obstacle at you no matter what. On the other hand, Ā I see Ā myself Ā as a strong person and push through to overcome any obstacle. This quote Ā also connects with my goal because college isnā€™t easy , and I know that Iā€™m going to have tons of obstacles in order to reach my goal.

Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  In the avatar that I posted shows the 1st person going toward the diamonds , and the 2nd person is going to the opposite direction. In addition , the 1st person is working hard Ā in order to reach his goal (Diamonds). Ā While, Ā the 2nd person was very close to his goal ,but has given up and walks away showing defeat . Ā Some people might think that this avatar might be from Ā some sort of game, but it isn’t. This picture is showing the struggles Ā of how to reach your goals. Ā  The way I interpreted Ā this picture is that you should never give up considering you never know how close you are to your goal. Ā Ā This picture represents me due to the fact that I sometimes have my upā€™s or Ā downā€™s when it comes to reaching my goal. Ā Most of the time Ā Iā€˜m determined Ā to overcome any obstacle that comes in my way, Ā no matter how big or small the obstacle may be. However, there are moments Ā that I do feel like giving up and just walking away like the 2nd guy in the picture. When I do fall in that state ,I always go back to the reason I began and use my willpower to continue where I left off. Ā 

This profile shows to the rest of my classmates or other audience Ā a little background of my self . Ā Also, it shows our similarities or the things we have in common. This profile will benefit anyone that has an account due to the fact that we can help among each other. Like if me or someone else is having trouble with a random assignment, we can ask a class mate for any help .Ā  This would benefit me becauseĀ  after the semester is over , we can still be in touch and communicate with each other.


Project #1

ENG 1101-D351

Project #1

I am currently in my first semester at City Tech. My name is Malik and my username is techpreneur. I choose the name because it goes well with my role as a student. I have interest in the building that comes with a Construction Management and Civil Engineering Technology degree and having my own engineering firm one-day. Being a construction site manager was one of my job choices because management at a construction site is an important role in the process and description. As a kid in elementary school I focused on drawings with many details relating to buildings and private homes but appearances have changed when I thoroughly did more observing. Iā€™m attracted to the arches, siding, roofing, and other textual differences. In NYC there is a constant operation of construction in progress. All over the boroughs and states everyday there is a construction site being worked on. With many engineers and architects out in this field of work, it is hard to claim a steady position.

Coming out of high school at 18 years old and its best to start at a young age to become a more experienced manager and worker in general. School is boring to me when nothing of my interest is involved but attending city tech, where my focus is framed towards my Construction technology major I have become tuned in with the schoolwork and institution itself. This is because I realized my schools principles and that in the field following my years of college; the effort I put in is what I get back in return. In five to ten years I see myself in a construction hard hat at 7am in the morning directing the team to their day stations. With the schedule in my hand along with the floor plan for the project. I hope to have finished my years at city tech with at least my bachelorā€™s degree and background knowledge of a construction manager.

Bob the builder was a show that I was introduced to at a young age. There was the the Blue’s Clues and Dora but I watched that. It was the concept of science, technology, engineering, and solving problems and get things done with a positive attitude. It shaped my personality for todays tasks in living. Accomplishing work with others is only possible when you can cooperate and be respectful to each otherā€™s ideas and to use constructive criticism. It is a trait an individual has such as cooperation and discipline. Just like Bob in the avatar picture, I’m all ears and an unselfish listener. I do my best with what I have provided in front of me and with what I have access to.

The yellow hard hat represents the adversity that comes with the occupation out on the field sites to protect the head from injury due to falling objects, impact with other objects, debris, and weather conditions. Safety is very important at all times, so it is key to be observant. His hands are full with tools for work but there is still a positive approach because of the smile on his face. Remaining enthusiastic during labor and showing up well prepared for work is a respectable and noticeable factor. Some traits are not suitable for all engineers or other employees on the work site but they all need teamwork to accomplish the construction in progress.



Project 1

My name is Dayana Lucero and I am currently a freshmen at City Tech. I am majoring in Law/Paralegal studies. I am currently in the Bachelors program for Law/Paralegal studies but I do intended in minoring in something related to computers. I choose this career for many reasons but the main reason was my family. My parents are undocumented immigrants which doesn’t allow them to enjoy many privileges that documented immigrants and Americans do. For their
Status in this country I have witnessed many occasions people of higher authority abuse the rights of my parents. Although, they are not documented in this country their rights are still protected by many laws but many immigrants like parents are not aware of their rights because they are ignorant to them. This really helped develop my interest and passion for law and justice especially for people who’s voices are not heard. I love to know that the education I will gain will lead me to a career where I can bring positive change to someone’s life. I live with one motto in my life and that is “Live your life with no regrets so when you’re old you don’t think back and say what if because you took the risk when you had the opportunity”. Personally, I live with this motto because life is too short to be shy of risks. When you’re young you have so much energy and life that we should take advantage of it as long as were not hurting ourselves. Our decisions are not always going to be approved by everyone but only you can take charge of your life. Therefore, ten years from now I hope to have stable employment in the law field, a healthy relationship with my friends, family, and myself and no regrets. For now, I am aiming to be a great student in all my classes, develop valuable work ethic and experience in law, and develop good networking skills. With life being short I aspire to be the best version of myself and I intend on doing that in the law field to help prevent people from facing similar challenges I faced.

The image I choose for my profile was taken this summer at Bryant Park while hanging out with some friends. In the image you can see me pushing my hair back while smiling at something afar. I believe this image is a good representation of myself because it reflects my life motto, “No regrets”. I see this because I look at things in life regardless of the possible level of challenge with a smile. I don’t like to get intimidated by challenges rather I like to take them with grace and a smile. Challenges are meant to help us grow and learn and when we take these challenges with grace they become a worthy learning experience. In addition, in the picture you can see me pushing my hair back and personally to me it means “whatever”. Most of my decisions are not okay with my parents mainly because we believe in different things. Although, its not easy to not always have your own parents approval I have learned to accept the fact I cant make others happy because only I can take charge of my life. I am the best person to tell myself what makes me happy and to be happy you make decisions that will give you that happiness.

My image however, can be seen in a complete different view to another person. To someone who usually is on social media may label my image as a fake off guard. A fake off guard is a picture of someone pretending to not be aware they are being photographed but they really know. In addition, someone may say that the girl being photographed believes she is very attractive therefore making her conceited. My body language can send this message because as I am smiling it seems I am very confident in myself. To some confidence is not always seen as a good attribute rather its related to negative connotations. The confidence displayed in the picture may help someone quickly jump to negative conclusions about me.

As I review my profile, I am very proud to see the change in myself as an individual. In my profile, I highlight the importance of my life motto in my personal life. Before living by this motto in my life I used to be afraid of the disapproval of others and challenges. Now I am slowly starting to live life to the fullest with the guarantee I am making myself happy. This is so important to me because for many years in my life I felt trapped about what makes me happy. However, now I really am enjoying my life and I don’t feel trapped. This new feeling of freedom allows me to be myself and reach new possibilities. This freedom has allowed me to come to college and study what I love, law. This is so important to completing my education here at City Tech because I can take the opportunities that may present themselves in order to help me in my career. I see these opportunities as a chance to help me grow professionally. Growing professionally is vital to being the best at what you do and staying in the top. I am willing to sacrifice many things to reach my happiness and live without regrets.

Project #1

To introduce myself I am a freshman at New York City College of Technology pursuing a bachelorā€™s degree in Computer Systems Technology. Since young I had a robust passion for computers, I would always tinker with my old PC which was considered a relic to all the other ones out at the time. Since then I wanted to learn more on how computers work both hardware and software. I have a very strict mindset when it comes to school and social life. Basically, I feel free to do whatever I want if I have good report card at the end of each semester. I’m not like everybody else who has that set goal in life. I do look forward on becoming an IT Specialist for a high-end tech company such as Apple, Google, Microsoft, etc.Ā  You could call that a goal if you want, I see it more as a plan.Ā  One of many plans I have for myself, another plan I have is to maintain a GP of 3.5 or higher. If Iā€™m really motivated this semester I know it’s something I can achieve. I also plan on taking summer classes next year so that I can reach the achievement of an early graduation. Thus, taking me a step closer to living a rich and opulent lifestyle in the “Golden State”, also known as California.

Enough about my academic life and onward to the communal aspect of my life. I live in a full house which consists of 3 brothers and both my male and female progenitors. Living in Mill Basin has its pros and cons. I live near many buses so public transportation isn’t a hindrance. But I feel as if Iā€™m far from everything. I have strong passion for music as well with some of my favorite rappers being A$AP Rocky, Playboi Carti, Max B, Don Q, and many more the list can go on. I also enjoy listening to old 80’s rock and soul music, only when Iā€™m with my dad though. I live a simple life but I aspire to become something great in the future and It all starts here at the New York City College of Technology.


In my profile picture, thereā€™s several high-end tech companies that are well known throughout the world. My intention is to get my degree in computer technology and work for one of these companies. I know I must work hard in college to complete this quest especially if I want to be a computer technician for a brand like Apple. I feel as if Apple doesnā€™t want to hire just any computer nerd, they want people willing to make change to the world, same goes for the other companies.

Some people may get a false idea and think that these are the only tech companies that I would want to work for in the future. There are over 100ā€™s of tech companies I would like to take my experiences to after I graduate college, some not even in the U.S. I just want to expand my horizons and make the world more technologically advanced.

I hope that after reading this you will gain a better understanding of who I am as a person and what I intend on becoming in the distant future. Overall, I am an easy person to get along with and Iā€™ve been told countless times that Iā€™m good at keeping conversations interesting. Throughout my years of college, I hope to meet tons of good people that can benefit me in the long run. I wish to just enjoy myself and have fun all the while working hard and staying focused.

Past, present and future

Hello everyone, my name is YuQing but everyone call me Tiffany. Speak of my name, I would like to explain the meaning behind the name YuQing. The word Yu defines as rain in Chinese and Qing stands for Sunny or clear sky. When you put it together it means ā€œthe sky clears up after the rainā€ or ā€œnew hopes after a disastrous period.ā€ My parent gave me the name for me to shine bright even if life is giving me a hard time and for me to believe that everything will be fine after all the hardships. This name help developed a unique personality for me. I will say that my personality is pretty bright and cheerful. Even though at times there are ā€œrainyā€ days in my life, I always find some way to lighten myself up. I took this picture last year and I realized it represents my name in some sort of way.

I have passion in many things; photography, fashion and latte arts. I bought my very first camera, Cannon T5i, two years ago. I think the pictures we captured can tell lots of stories depending on the personā€™s point of view. I am surrounded by many friends that are into photography which motivates me to experiences it by going on adventures with them and my camera. A single picture can leave memories and express the authorā€™s mood and idea just like fashion. My passion for fashion developed when I was young. The thoughts of becoming a fashion designer was growing day by day, however I turn it down because of some personal reasons. Although I wasn’t able to achieve my goal, my passion for fashion is still continuing, itā€™s the main reason why I choose to major in fashion marketing. If I can’t become a fashion designer, I still want to be enrolled in the fashion industry. Fashion is a really broad art form. Fashion does not only include clothing but also includes art in everyday life, for example, latte art. I started to work in a coffee shop around March and began to learn latte art. It amazes me that such a simple design can be so fashionable which lead many fashion blogger to post images of it with their outfit, showing the aesthetic sides of both subjects. I see myself working in a fashion company and open my own cafe further on in my life.

My profile represent me and my name a lot. New York City is a city that never sleeps. The buildingsā€™ shining bright light lit up the darkness that everyone hates. NYC is a very busy and loud city which perfectly reflects me. I get loud whenever I am with my friends. Other people won’t like it but I know my friend enjoys my appearances because I bring smiles to their faces. I would like to act as the light in other peopleā€™s life because I am a cheerful person. I can be like the moon hanging on the sky leading people to their path or the driver in the car driving you to your destination.

Going back to the meaning of my name, I am the one who is never phased by the ā€œrainyā€ days and the darkness. I always try to create happiness in a bad moment. I felt like I played the role of a therapist whenever my friend need me. When she’s down, I brought her out to places where people can enjoy themselves and be themselves. That place of one was the bridge between two cities. It helped her relieve all her stress and it gave her the motivation to move on and it gave me confidence to be who I am today. I believe that life is not always sunshines and rainbows, there are always bad days ahead of you. Although you cannot stop these moments from happening, you can always change your point of view and approach your problems differently.

Overall, I have a positive personality once you get to know me or talk to me. It matters to me that you get to know my true side because to some people I am a introvert however, I am the complete opposite once you enter my world. I hope after my introduction, some of you can approach me in class. We can help each other for the semester or throughout the year. Since everyone is a freshman and we barely know anyone in college, we can come together and make our very first friends. As I go through my years in city tech, I hope to give a hand for those students who needs it. I wish to be more social not only in college but also for my life and my career in the future.

Project 1

I am currently a freshman attending the New York College Of Technology. I recently graduated in June from James Madison Hs and wanted to take a big step to brighten my future so i thought city tech would be the best option for a commuting college. In high school i wasnā€™t the type of person to do a lot of extra curricular activities. The most i did for extra curricular was take a guitar class and we used perform shows for the students/parents. I used to have a passion for playing electric guitar back then but i just don’t have the time for it anymore. My sign is Sagittarius and I think that is why i am so quiet and laid back.

My major is currently computer systems technology. I am currently am taking a remedial math class so i have a little bit more time to decide if i want to stay in the major i am taking or switch to another. I want to make the right decision so this predicament that i got myself into wasnā€™t bad after all. I originally wanted to take computer science or computer engineering but as you can see i am not that good in mathā€¦ I apply myself but some things donā€™t come that natural to everyone.

Iā€™ve been interested in this field for a long time. Computer systems was my backup major and it is actually pretty interesting. I really like the fact that you can choose the specific areas in the major that you like. Hopefully this journey towards success will be a good one. I honestly donā€™t know where ill be in 5 or 10 years but i will definitely have my associates or bachelors degree but I guess well have to wait and see.

I picked this picture because i feel like it represents me the most. If you don’t know already this is the Sagittarius sign. I love meeting new people but im very quiet at times and it takes me a while to get used to people. I feel like the picture/sign is responsible for my personality. For example if you look up the sign people say that we are very independent, dependable, etc. People also say that we are very cold and don’t like to express our feelings… I feel like the picture relates to my personality and how i act.

As i was writing this profile i kind of got to see the type of person i am in a different look i guess. But overall i want to become a successful person in the future and i want to always strive and prosper.


Me, Myself and Ly

My name is Kyle and I am currently enrolled at City Tech. I graduated from Brooklyn Technical High School, in which I was a very active member of the school community. I was the president of the Media Major within my High School, giving me leadership skills and the ability to work with others. I sang for my High school’s Chamber choir for four years. I have strong interest in the Arts. I am a self-taught guitar player, and am currently studying jazz guitar. I am also adobe and auto-desk suite certified. I enjoy interacting with others, although it takes me a while to open up.

I am very aesthetically centralized around looking organized and put together. I like the idea of seeming put together effortlessly. I love minimalist fashion, I find a nice sweater, pants and shoes can say a lot more about a person than someone wearing loud clothes. I also really like designers that don’t put heavy branding on their clothes. If you need to put your name on it, it usually isn’t that unique. The style of clothing should be unique to the individual designer.

In terms of art, I appreciate the fine arts, I’ve always wanted to try my hand at sculpting, but haven’t found the time. I’m in love with the creative process and how people can get lost in it for hours.Ā I really appreciate music artists for their craft, and as a guitarist and singer I feel like I can appreciate the process as well as the product.Ā In High School while I was studying for my adobe certification tests, I spent hours and hours online creating artwork. Most of the time I’d delete it and I’d start all over, but it’s amazing how fast time flys by when you’re so interested in something.Ā 

My big goal for college is to learn to accept the fact that I don’t need to focus on a profession. Although it’s a good idea to focus on one profession, I don’t think there is a particular trade that I’m exceptional in. I couldn’t do one job for more than five years. I think I’d be moving around from project to project trying to better myself as a person.

I chose this avatar because it’s a photo of me. I feel like there is no one better to represent you, than yourself. It’s a bit old and small because I don’t really take pictures unless I’m feeling good about where I am in life. When I take photos I want to make sure I remember how I felt when I took it. This was at my orthodontist’s office. I was waiting to be called and as always I looked at the mirror and felt better about how I looked that day than previous times. Which was a refreshing experience because I didn’t feel very good about the way I looked in high school. But now I feel that I am more secure about the way I look and my fashion sense. Which is why my mirror selfies are so valuable to me. I also feel that mirror selfies allow me to see how I look to others. They help me look at myself subjectively. I also really liked the color palette of my orthodontist’s office, it’s all pastel color and Broadway themed. Which reinforces my keenness to organized things.

I suppose the avatar could also be interpreted as me being vain or self obsessed. To be in an office waiting for an appointment and taking photos of myself. Although I don’t think of taking a lot of pictures of myself being self obsessed, I can tell how one might feel that way. It could also be a spur of the moment kind of deal where I was just bored and decided to take a picture. I’m not really sure how this picture can be mistaken for anything else, it’s pretty much just a selfie.

Writing this profile helped me realize that people see me as someone who has no idea what he’s doing. I think I will begin telling people that I am still deciding on a major, instead of telling people I have no idea at all. It makes people think I am ill prepared and have nothing to offer. I also realized that I don’t have many photos of myself!

The Story of The World’s Soon Greatest Ophthalomogist

My name is Shemika and I was always passionate about becoming a doctor, but I was uncertain of which field to specialize in. I wanted to become a Research Doctor to find the cure for HIV\AIDS. I became interested in this field because someone in my neighborhood was infected with the disease and Iā€™ll watch the individual suffer and have several breakouts. When it was time to attend high school, I wanted to attend to Clara Barton for nursing but someone introduced William. H Maxwell High School and praised its Vision Care Technology program. I attended Maxwell and enrolled in the program in which I graduated as an honored student and received the gold award in the vision program. After three years of attending high school I knew I wanted to become an Ophthalmologist.

My aesthetic sensibility that guide me are reaching, achieving, gaining, and succeeding goals, needs, and wants. I choose these aesthetic sensibilities because when it comes to my education I love to gain knowledge and expand in critical thinking. Failure is not an option but we all must fail at some point to make us better; and in the long run it makes us stronger and more competitive. In five to ten years I will like to be attending medical school to become an Ophthalmologist and start putting my ideas together to open an optical business. I am very out-going, people oriented, very humbled, open- minded, talkative, and I love the Vision Care Technology Program. My career goal is to become the best in whatever I do and make sure my patients leave with the best possible vision.

My profile picture is a representation of me two days after my senior prom. It was my senior picnic and exactly one week before I graduate. Nevertheless, that day held more meaning to it than a senior picnic. I was also attending the Lupus Walk. A few months before the Senior Picnic and Lupus Walk one of my high school teachers past away from the Lupus disease. Therefore, I wore a purple ribbon in honor of her and walked on her behalf. However, I knew she would have wanted me to be happy and enjoy the picnic so I did.
Persons may misinterpret this picture as someone that is always confident and hang out a lot. Sometimes it is the opposite, I am not always confident and do not always hangout. That day started out very gloomy, but it managed to bloom into a wonderful day with much laughter and enjoyment.

In my bio, I spoke about my future, learning about my career, graduating, aesthetic sensibilities that guides me, some characteristics about me, and ideas. I spoke about these things because ever since I was thirteen I always wanted a career in something that I love doing; and I knew I wanted to become a doctor. Graduating high school was important because I knew it was going to lead me one step closer to my career. I worked hard to obtain the gold in my major because I became passionate about Vision Care Technology. I have only stated some aesthetic sensibilities but the most important one is my mom. I see her working hard daily for me to accomplish my goals.

I may not like failure but every time I fail my mother is right there encouraging me to try again. I have a lot of ideas for an optical business in the future and I will love to gain opportunities especially with persons that has been in the business for years. In lifeĀ  you never know when it is time to leave this precious thing call life. Therefore, live each day happy although discouragement may come your way; and never give up on your dream. While attending City Tech I expect to push myself pass my expected limit, I expect greatness and success and any opportunity that may come my way. I expect to also graduate with honors once more if I am granted with it, but most importantly I expect to enjoy my time there.