Tag Archives: reflection

My personal thoughts on project #2

I feel like America has a lot of problems that needs to be addressed and we are advancing at a point so fast that we are starting to understand somethings shouldn’t be praised as they are in current days society. Such as the Columbus statue being taken down. In recent discovery people are realizing what horrible things he has done to humanity. Society has become furious on the thought that this man should be idolized and I stand by them. In “Project #2: monument surveying” it’s said that mayor bill de Blasio called for an examination of the said monuments and is doing background checks on said statues to see if they are worthy of being memorialized. I believe that this project will test not only our skills but our morals on what shows how a person should be remembered and for what, many historical figures do tend to be just that, but making a monument to their name doesn’t necessarily mean they were a good person. a good example of this is an old movie called “Bill and Teds most excellent adventure” it brings all these historical figures in today world to see how they would react to it. now that people have advanced since then most world conquerors wouldn’t be taken seriously. monuments are an ode to those that made an advancement to society rather than just being historical figures. In a sense this project is also a history lesson in of itself and bringing the actions of these people to light is what society should do to show that people should be remembered for the good things they have brought to the future rather that of just a man who found someplace just to commit atrocities to a group of people and ruin their daily lives. that is why I believe that this project is not just a project is needed to see why are things named after what they are for what reason. 

Part One: Exploring Ideas

I feel that finding monuments may be a little hard for some or myself because there are so many to choose from. Another thing that may be challenging would be collaborating with other students to agree on one source we find relatable to the selected monument. My main goal for the assignment is to learn something new about whether monuments should stay or not. I plan to build up my understanding of the monument that I choose to evaluate. I have little to no knowledge of monuments in NYC. Some monuments near City Tech are the Christoper Columbus Statue/ Monument, Robert F. Kennedy Monument and Prison Ship Martyrs Monument. These are the closest and most popular in the given area. There are many more monuments else where  but given such short time, a closer monument would be a better choice for the project. The resources that I used so far was my prior knowledge and internet sources like Google and the NYC Parks website. I researched the Robert F. Kennedy Monument and I think he deserved a monument for his hard work. Examples of his work would be his history of being an attorney and later following his brother’s footsteps and becoming a president. He deserves to be memorialized because he was an activist, often called a carpetbagger. Robert F. Kennedy was a supporter of Civil War and didn’t deserve to be assassinated for his views and ideas. The significance of monument compared to now is that it demonstrates that not many support anyone who is a supporter of the other side of a controversial topic. For example, when Obama was president. Not many liked his views and how he wanted to help the poor and lower classmen. They saw him as a weak and  destructful president. What are your views and what did you come up with ?

Reflection for Project 2

I believe project two will be exciting for me mainly because ill get to learn about the backstory of many of the monuments. I of course know the backstory of the popular monuments but i’m interested in learning about the ones that doesn’t really stand out. It will also help me to decide whether it’s right to move or destroy some monuments like people have been lately. I also look forward to getting to know and working with my fellow classmates.


Project 2 Reflection

To be honest I am very excited for this project. After 2nd weeks of college we finally get know each other instead of being a lonely goat in the class. What makes me more excited is that the group project brings us outside of the school with each other. While we’re all busy with our schedules, we can finally have the opportunity to go explore around the area. I think this project will help us bond together.

I think this project will be very interesting. I’m looking forward to working with my peers and breaking out of my shell. Not only that but this project will inform us controversial situations that occurring everyday. Not only would I be more informed, but I expand my knowledge on the information and make better judgments towards situations. Working with others will help me to see other point of views, which will aid in becoming a better writer. On a different hand I am usually good at working well with others and always make sure that i complete the tasks that i have been assigned.I come from a relatively large family so I understand the importance of everyone being able to work together. I see myself as a supportive teammate and if one of my peers are struggling  I wouldn’t hesitate to lend them a helping hand. You get to know people when your working closely with them and I’m looking forward to getting to know my classmates in a different way. Overall I can’t wait to start the project !

Project #2 Reflection

I have always liked working in groups and making friends because of working in those groups. Working in groups has always seemed to be fun until you have that one group member that does not pick up the slack. I don’t mined working in groups, in fact,  I feel that I work best in a group then I do alone. This project will be a great way and opportunity to learn the City Tech campus, and explore the neighborhood around this campus. In order to do this project, I need to find a monument around the university that stands out to me. Then, once I find the monument I would have to do my research based on that monument and discuss the new information that I discovered with my group. Arguing with your peers, understanding whether your monument should be taken down or for the right for it to stay, should be very interesting. This project is going to take a lot of time and dedication, I need to manage my time efficiently in order to get this project done in time which includes the work for my other classes as well. I would need to visit this schools library and take advantage of the internet access and also the wide range of books.