Tag Archives: adjective



adjective  dis·in·clined
disinclined means un like or un willing . I came across this reading in the open lab reading of  Kate Murphy  we want privacy , but cant stop sharing well as I was reading the article I came across this word disinclined which I saw the word before but I wanted to get the real definition of what this word means disinclined  I tried to use it in a sentence while I read it but I really wasn’t getting the understanding of the word and  how I can use it in a sentence so I looked the word up and the word disinclined means and now I can use the word disinclined  in a sentence.
Those who have transferred from city tech seemed disinclined to turn back now.
Disinclined.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2017.



adjective  elu·sive  \ ē-ˈlü-siv , -ˈlü-ziv \
elusive  hard to comprehend   I saw this word in my city tech open lab reading  Walk with me. when I encountered the word elusive I didn’t understand the word and what it meant it was a little confusing to read when you don’t understand what a word means in your reading. So I try to read it to understand it to try to maybe figure it out in the reading to se if I understand it which I didn’t so I looked up the word it was totally different meaning to what I thought the word to mean so I try to use the word in a sentence so when I go back to read it again or if I see the word again I would understand it . the word elusive was hard to comprehend or define now that I can use the word in a sentence I understand the word better.
“Elusive.” Merriam-Webster.com. Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 13 Dec. 2017.


Aghast (adjective): Struck with overwhelming shock or amazement; filled with sudden fright or horror. 

“Customers initially were aghast at the decision” -Coffee Shops Skip Wifi Encouraging Customers to Actually Talk.

As I was reading the article about skipping wifi in the coffee shop, this word aghast blocked my way of continuing reading further down. I don’t know the word at all, but I have a feeling it means gasp, being surprised at something. The moment I search up for the word, the definition matched my guess.


Counterintuitive(adjective): contrary to what one would intuitively expect


” Coffee Shop Skip Wi-Fi to Encourage Customers to Actually Talk”

” HotBlack, which has seating for 58, gained the recent attention of the Canadian news media for its counterintuitive approach”

In this article, I saw this word and I just paid attention to the length of the word and how hard it would be to try to understand and break down each part of the word. I saw the prefix counter and I knew that would be the objective of whatever the statement was stated. But I originally didn’t grasp the understanding of intuitive which lead me to another search that discussed the things based off of one’s feelings without conscious reasoning. Now I understand the word better than seeing just a big word that was hard to understand.


Resplendent (Adjective): shining brilliantly


” The happiest and saddest places in New York City, According to Twitter” Brian Merchant

“Dense urban jungles and resplendent verdant parks.”

In this reading, this is the second sentence and I know they were describing the park but I didn’t know in which way they were referring to the park, whether they were calling it beautiful or just full of trees. When finding the word, you realize that the definition fit the setting. By describing the park as shining it gives a better image to the reader of how the park is seen.



Alkaline (adjective):  of, relating to, containing, or having the properties of an alkali or alkali metal: basic; especially,  of a solution: having a pH of more than 7

“Walk with me” David L. Ulin
” pavement dusted white with alkaline, homeless huddled at the intersections “
When I first encountered this word I only knew it as a battery company name and then I heard it again in my biology class where they discussed the alkalinity level. Searching and finding the definition I understand the sentence more because I originally overlooked the alkaline and thought using enough context clues would be enough


Burly (adjective): strongly and heavily built


“Walk with me” David L. Ulin

” Every now and again I would see him, a burly man with close-cropped graying hair, ”

When I first encountered this word, I know that by using the context clues you can tell that they were trying to describe the person but I originally thought that he was trying to describe a homeless man. Now that I have found and have the ability to understand the word burly for future references I know how I can describe a person who was heavily built.


Restorative (Adjective): capable of renewing health or strength

“In an analysis of research on how nature keeps us calm, Atlantic writer Adam Atler explains why being outside is like hitting the reset button on our brains. The key, he writes, is through a psychological process known as attention restoration theory:” “This is your brain on Nature” -Lindsey Holmes.

When I stopped at this word, I was a bit confused but also had a clear guess on what this word means. Just because in Restoration, the word Restore is in it, giving a hint to the readers. Since the passage is about how our brain can be affected by nature, the word restore is the best way to describe how nature connects to our brain.

Commonalities, Nebulous, Amenities

Commonality (noun): sharing of common contributions 

“And yet, the commonalities – from the chains to the sprawl….” — Walk with me

I encounter the word commonalities when I was reading “Walk with me”. The first word I see in it is common. I thought it might be something related to having common things or could be common interest. After I search up the definition, it matches the definition that I came up with.


Nebulous (adjective): lacking definite form or limits

” – from the chains to the sprawl, the nebulous lack of center, the insistence each city offers that we must make up as we go alone.”

When I was looking at this word, I couldn’t connect it with anything, context club wasn’t helping me. Without any guessing I took the word to dictionary.com. After reading the definition, the sentence is more understandable. “Something thats nebulous is clouded or hazy like the forest you walk through in a foggy morning.”


Amenities (noun):  things that make you comfortable and at ease.

“I have always live within walking distance of the basic amenities: bank, mini-mart, coffe shop, bar.”

While reading the sentence, the context club short of helped me defining the word. Bank, mini-mart, coffee shop and bar are all stores and buildings. I was thinking amenities is building or things related. The real definition of it is things that makes you comfortable, which kind of mean feelings in my opinion.


Chimerical (adjective) : existing only as the product of unchecked imagination


“Walk with Me” David L. Ulin

“To see more than these chimeric glimpses, you have to peer beneath the surface”

When i first read this sentence, i thought that it meant to see more than what is directly in your face you have to dig deeper. Using the context i thought it was something of finding the truth instead of looking directly at what is right in front of you. Now knowing the meaning the sentence makes more sense to know that it is an unchecked product of imagination, it helps to understand why he said you have to peer beneath the surface.