Commonalities, Nebulous, Amenities

Commonality (noun): sharing of common contributions 

“And yet, the commonalities – from the chains to the sprawl….” — Walk with me

I encounter the word commonalities when I was reading “Walk with me”. The first word I see in it is common. I thought it might be something related to having common things or could be common interest. After I search up the definition, it matches the definition that I came up with.


Nebulous (adjective): lacking definite form or limits

” – from the chains to the sprawl, the nebulous lack of center, the insistence each city offers that we must make up as we go alone.”

When I was looking at this word, I couldn’t connect it with anything, context club wasn’t helping me. Without any guessing I took the word to After reading the definition, the sentence is more understandable. “Something thats nebulous is clouded or hazy like the forest you walk through in a foggy morning.”


Amenities (noun):  things that make you comfortable and at ease.

“I have always live within walking distance of the basic amenities: bank, mini-mart, coffe shop, bar.”

While reading the sentence, the context club short of helped me defining the word. Bank, mini-mart, coffee shop and bar are all stores and buildings. I was thinking amenities is building or things related. The real definition of it is things that makes you comfortable, which kind of mean feelings in my opinion.

1 thought on “Commonalities, Nebulous, Amenities

  1. Jody R. Rosen

    Can you separate these into three posts? At the end of the semester, I compile an alphabetical list of all the glossary entries, and I won’t be able to include these properly. Also, it makes it harder for me to grade because I only see one post when there should be three! Thank you.


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