Tag Archives: history

Why City Tech’s buildings?

I have chosen these building because I really like to see the huge difference of buildings in New York. I like to see the change of designs architects apply to our buildings nowadays. These new buildings really help us see the change in the world we live because we have modernized tremendously. The new design of buildings help testify how much as a industrialized nation we have grown and continue to grow. The buildings that are yet to be remodeled help us see how our New York was before. These buildings have history nad culture tied within them so they still have relevant value. In the reading “City Limits” written by Colson Whitehead helps support my statement multiple times. On page 3 paragraph 2 we read that Whitehead also witnessed change in his neighborhood. On the same page but 1 paragraph, Whitehead goes on to further state that he was close to the buildings but to those who an business in them. He states, “if you had known, perhaps you would have stepped behind the counter and shaken everyone’s hand, pulled out the disposable camera and insured posing instructions”. A final supportative part of the passage can be found on page 3 paragraph 3 Whitehead states that he wished his part buildings could piece his life together to show his evolution as a person. This supports my idea that buildings carry history with them.

Criteria For Monuments

There are so many monuments all over the world that represents a significant event or a tribute to a person.Also monuments can portray a message or powerful meaning. However, some monuments may cause controversy against people personal beliefs or portray a racism and hate.In the reaction of these controversy people start protesting to have these monuments removed but there should be a criteria that benefits the reason why such actions should be taken inconsideration

The first criteria for a monument is if a monument is portraying a racist or a hate belief to an ethnic group it should be taken down.Today there is a lot of racial injustice still going on and these monuments represents these issue which we shouldn’t be looking back on.For instance confederate monuments such as Robert E Lee in Charlottesville, Virginia there was a violent protest against this monument to be removed because of its racist history of minorities.White Supremacist were violently protesting for the monument to not be removed because it was part of them. The result in this protest ended life of many or injured some.Also is New York more plaques that honored Robert E Lee were removed after threats from people. Removing all Robert E Lee monuments would stop portraying his racism and hate towards minorities.

Another criteria for monuments is do it portray a positive message or negative.Monuments usually represents positive influencers or message which people find it interesting.For example the Christopher Columbus monument which is located in Central Park, people painted his hands red to symbolize the genocide and slavery he committed against the Native Americans.People usually look at Christopher Columbus for discovering “America” but don’t know about his negative actions.He captured a lot of natives and brought them back to Spain and sold them.With that being said this monument should be taken because it’s doesn’t symbolize any good of Christopher Columbus.It might be history but it doesn’t show any positive message or sympathy towards natives.

Not only monuments can cause controversy but it can affect people commute or invade public space.Yes, people may love a monuments that catches an eye but it may cause a distraction such as crowds which could delay someone from getting where they suppose to.Big monuments that invade public space should be moved to a museum where people go view them,especially tourists because there mostly the ones that are amused about monuments and it’s meaning behind it.Moving monuments to museums would benefit people commute and for the monument itself because some people don’t care about monuments.

In conclusion these are some criteria that best fit the status of whether a monument should be taken down or moved to a different location.A monument should be taken down if it is portraying racism to any ethnic group of people.Also if a monument is portraying a negative message or history it should be taken down.Some monuments that interrupt people commute or public space should be moved to a museum where people can go visit interests crowding sidewalks.


1) https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/08/16/us/confederate-monumentshttps://     

New York Times

2)  www.google.com/amp/s/www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/updates/robert-e-lee-opposed-confederate-monuments-removed.html


Criteria for NY Monuments

1. Who is the person or object?

2. What is their significance to the local or overall history?

3. Why was this monument put up in the first place?

4. Has this monument led to rise in death, incidents, or injuries?

5. Would a renovation or alteration to the moment change the community’s opioids on the monument?

6. What was the foundation that lead to that person’s historical empowerment?

7. Is it only there because of heritage?

8. Does this only exist to keep history alive?

9.  Does it represents the Confederacy?

10. Are tax payer’s money going into maintaining the monuments?


My personal thoughts on project #2

I feel like America has a lot of problems that needs to be addressed and we are advancing at a point so fast that we are starting to understand somethings shouldn’t be praised as they are in current days society. Such as the Columbus statue being taken down. In recent discovery people are realizing what horrible things he has done to humanity. Society has become furious on the thought that this man should be idolized and I stand by them. In “Project #2: monument surveying” it’s said that mayor bill de Blasio called for an examination of the said monuments and is doing background checks on said statues to see if they are worthy of being memorialized. I believe that this project will test not only our skills but our morals on what shows how a person should be remembered and for what, many historical figures do tend to be just that, but making a monument to their name doesn’t necessarily mean they were a good person. a good example of this is an old movie called “Bill and Teds most excellent adventure” it brings all these historical figures in today world to see how they would react to it. now that people have advanced since then most world conquerors wouldn’t be taken seriously. monuments are an ode to those that made an advancement to society rather than just being historical figures. In a sense this project is also a history lesson in of itself and bringing the actions of these people to light is what society should do to show that people should be remembered for the good things they have brought to the future rather that of just a man who found someplace just to commit atrocities to a group of people and ruin their daily lives. that is why I believe that this project is not just a project is needed to see why are things named after what they are for what reason.Â