Author Archives: derick

Glossary wrap up

  • Facsimile
  • Misanthrope
  • Blissful
  • Resplendent
  • Thwart
  • Promiscuity
  • Analogy
  • perception
  • Implication
  • ludicrously
  • Boisterous
  • Hectic
  • Dwindle
  • Posterity
  • Impede

This glossary assignment wasn’t a hard task to complete and if I had more time to myself I would’ve definitely added more words to my glossary. However,  the more we moved on the throughout the semester , the less I paid attention to this assignment and had to do this assignment last minute  .   However,  this assignment is very beneficial when it comes to expanding your vocabulary because then you can use this method as a life skill. I sincerely enjoyed learning new words in class and reading my classmates glossary. I learn a lot from this glossary assignment  and I will definitely apply this method to continue  expanding my vocabulary.


facsimile :noun  fac·sim·i·le  \ fak-ˈsi-mə-lē \

 Definition:  an exact copy
-“The Statue of Liberty has never made me feel at home, either in New York Harbor or on Las Vegas Boulevard, where it stood squat and compressed as I drove past, a facsimile in
incremental scale.”
While I was reading the article ,Walk with Me” by David L. Ulin, I came across a word that I never encounter before. The word was facsimile ,and at first I was confused because I didn’t know what it meant ,so I try context clues to see if I could get an understanding of the word.  I was stomped and couldn’t come to an understanding, so I went online to find the definition . Once I found the definition , I understood the definition and was surprised for such a complex word for a simple definition .


misanthrope :(noun)  mis·an·thrope  \ ˈmi-sᵊn-ˌthrōp \

Definition: a person who hates or distrusts humankind

-“I can attest that each is capable of turning the gentlest romantic into a misanthrope.”

While I was reading the article ,“The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter,” by Brian Merchant,  I stumbled on the word misanthrope, and was kinda confused because I never encounter this word before . while I was using context clues , I thought this word was put in a negative aspect and thought to myself that this word might mean catastrophe or disaster. I went online to search up the definition ,and got a clear understanding  of it. Meaning disliking human kind.



blissful: (adjective)  bliss·ful  \ ˈblis-fəl \

Definition: full of, marked by, or causing complete happiness

“So yes, people are blissful in Central Park, and bummed the hell out at Penn Station, as intuition dictates.”

While I was reading one of the reading in class , I came across the word blissful. When I used context clues to figure the word out, the word that pop up in my head was happy . Even though it made sense to me , I went online to make sure if I understood the word correctly. Once I went online to search up the definition of blissful ,  I understood the definition and was right with my context clue conclusion.



resplendent: (adjective)  re·splen·dent  \ ri-ˈsplen-dənt \

Definition: characterized by a glowing splendor

-“Dense urban jungles and resplendent verdant parks. ”

While I was reading through the article “ The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter” by Brian Merchant , I came across the word resplendent and was kinda familiar with the word , but was too sure about the exact definition. I used Context clues and the word that came across to me was splendid. After using context clues , I went online to look up the definition. Once I found the definition , I understood the word better. The way I understood the word was glowing or beautiful .


thwart: (verb)  \ ˈthwȯrt \

Definition: to oppose successfully : defeat the hopes or aspirations of

-“People are beginning to exercise a bit more reserved online or are otherwise engaging in subversive tactics to thwart data miners.”

When I was reading the finals article , I stumble on the word thwart but never heard of the word before. So I used context clues and the word that pop up was eliminate or to target. After using context clues, I went online to search up the definition and got a clear understanding of the word thwart. The way I understood thwart was that it meant to counter the opposing  side.


promiscuity: (noun)  pro·mis·cu·i·ty  \ ˌprä-mə-ˈskyü-ə-tē , ˌprō- \

Definition: miscellaneous mingling or selection of persons or things
 -“Congress has so far been disinclined to protect citizens from their Digital promiscuity  or halt the data grabs perpetrated by internet companies.”
While I was reading the final’s article I came across the word promiscuity and also couldn’t use context clues for this word and went online to look it up.  Once I went online , I understood what the word meant. The way I understood the word , was like a random selection people or things .


analogy : (noun)  anal·o·gy  \ ə-ˈna-lə-jē \

Definition: resemblance in some particulars between things otherwise unlike

“An analogy in the psychological literature is that privacy is like sleep.”

When I was reading the finals article , I came across another word that I’ve never seen before . I tried using context clues to figure the word out or have some type of understanding of it , but I couldn’t . After using context clues , I went straight  to merriam webster and got multiple definition’s of the word . I read all of the definition’s and pick the one that made sense with the sentence from the article.  The way I understood what analogy mean’s , comparing two things with a clear understanding and similarities .


perception :(noun)  per·cep·tion  \ pər-ˈsep-shən \

Definition: a result of perceiving : observation

“…offline environments has shown that just the Perception.”
While I was reading the article ” We Want Privacy ,but Can’t  Stop Sharing” by Kate Murphy ,  I stumble o a word that was very familiar to me.I picked this word because I felt like that I wanted a better understanding of the word even though I know somewhat the word meant. I looked up the word in merriam webster and got a crystal clear definition of it.


implication: (noun)  im·pli·ca·tion  \ ˌim-plə-ˈkā-shən \

 Definition : the act of implicating or  the state of being implicated

“The implication is that if you don’t have it ,you haven’t earned the right or aren’t capable or trustworthy,”
While I was reading the article that we are going to use in the final , I came across the word Implication  and felt like I heard that word before but could remember the definition of the word . I was trying to figure the word out ,but still couldn’t figure it out. I went online looking for the definition and got the context.