Tag Archives: autobiography

The Story of The World’s Soon Greatest Ophthalomogist

My name is Shemika and I was always passionate about becoming a doctor, but I was uncertain of which field to specialize in. I wanted to become a Research Doctor to find the cure for HIV\AIDS. I became interested in this field because someone in my neighborhood was infected with the disease and I’ll watch the individual suffer and have several breakouts. When it was time to attend high school, I wanted to attend to Clara Barton for nursing but someone introduced William. H Maxwell High School and praised its Vision Care Technology program. I attended Maxwell and enrolled in the program in which I graduated as an honored student and received the gold award in the vision program. After three years of attending high school I knew I wanted to become an Ophthalmologist.

My aesthetic sensibility that guide me are reaching, achieving, gaining, and succeeding goals, needs, and wants. I choose these aesthetic sensibilities because when it comes to my education I love to gain knowledge and expand in critical thinking. Failure is not an option but we all must fail at some point to make us better; and in the long run it makes us stronger and more competitive. In five to ten years I will like to be attending medical school to become an Ophthalmologist and start putting my ideas together to open an optical business. I am very out-going, people oriented, very humbled, open- minded, talkative, and I love the Vision Care Technology Program. My career goal is to become the best in whatever I do and make sure my patients leave with the best possible vision.

My profile picture is a representation of me two days after my senior prom. It was my senior picnic and exactly one week before I graduate. Nevertheless, that day held more meaning to it than a senior picnic. I was also attending the Lupus Walk. A few months before the Senior Picnic and Lupus Walk one of my high school teachers past away from the Lupus disease. Therefore, I wore a purple ribbon in honor of her and walked on her behalf. However, I knew she would have wanted me to be happy and enjoy the picnic so I did.
Persons may misinterpret this picture as someone that is always confident and hang out a lot. Sometimes it is the opposite, I am not always confident and do not always hangout. That day started out very gloomy, but it managed to bloom into a wonderful day with much laughter and enjoyment.

In my bio, I spoke about my future, learning about my career, graduating, aesthetic sensibilities that guides me, some characteristics about me, and ideas. I spoke about these things because ever since I was thirteen I always wanted a career in something that I love doing; and I knew I wanted to become a doctor. Graduating high school was important because I knew it was going to lead me one step closer to my career. I worked hard to obtain the gold in my major because I became passionate about Vision Care Technology. I have only stated some aesthetic sensibilities but the most important one is my mom. I see her working hard daily for me to accomplish my goals.

I may not like failure but every time I fail my mother is right there encouraging me to try again. I have a lot of ideas for an optical business in the future and I will love to gain opportunities especially with persons that has been in the business for years. In life  you never know when it is time to leave this precious thing call life. Therefore, live each day happy although discouragement may come your way; and never give up on your dream. While attending City Tech I expect to push myself pass my expected limit, I expect greatness and success and any opportunity that may come my way. I expect to also graduate with honors once more if I am granted with it, but most importantly I expect to enjoy my time there.

The Chronicles of Hope

Hello everyone! The people I speak to call me Hope, as that is what I’ve been trying to bring to people for the past few years. I achieved this title as I spent most of my teenage years venturing out into the open space of the internet which led me into some unsavory parts of it. After seeing many things on there, I joined up with a collective of other people who had a similar goal as myself, which was to help the people of the interwebs be free of their dire situations. I was then given that name after one of the people we communicated with on there said to me that I was her last hope. After that many of my names have some sort of variation of the word Hope in it.

My profile picture I feel is a representation of that as it is the alchemical transmutation circle for a human transmutation. One of the rules of alchemy is the Law of Equivalent Exchange. This law states that something cannot come from nothing and that everything must come from something. To put it simpler, if you want something you must be prepared to give something of equal value be it time, effort, money or… other things. The other part of it is that we have been trying for many hundreds of years to make artificial humans, we have everything needed to down to every molecule, however we still are unable to reproduce the “spark” needed to jump start life. This is related because it shows that the life we have now is something special and should not be taken for granted and that we should try our best to protect and save the lives of those who cannot. On the other hand, if you compare human life to the grand scale of the universe, we are nothing in the grand scheme of things. So take that with a grain of salt.

Some of my interests are playing video games, mainly RPGs (role playing games) as it takes you away from some of the abhorrent things I’ve seen that humans are capable of doing to each other. In the “real” world I’m a person who visits many sites and tries to track down the locations and activities of people who commit heinous acts and in doing so I have to witness these acts. In the game, however, I could be anyone I choose. I could be a valiant knight whose goal is to save the kingdom from some necromancer, or I could be a powerful mage who is trying to spread the word of God with my horde of undead. Even still I could be a cunning rouge who only seeks to gain fame and glory through sabotage and subterfuge. The problems are very one dimensional and have no repercussions. They have a precise way of solving them and they can and will be solved very easily once you know how. The good always wins. In real life however, that is rarely true.

I also would love to work on keeping my fellow peers safe in their online interactions as most people now a days have no idea how much information is easily obtained from their daily posts to their social media. This allows anyone to easily access their private information including but not limited to their live location.

I hope to achieve a higher education with this schooling in order to do what I do professionally and without having to do in in the shadows as how it’s being done now, it can be misconstrued as since “you viewed the materials as well so you’re equally as guilty.”

“The ones who seem the happiest, are usually the ones with the most pain.”