Monthly Archives: November 2017


Conjecture (Noun)- a proposition before it has been proved or disapproved.

“The city’s emotional divide has remained mostly one of conjecture: we know the people are typically happier in Central Park than they are in Penn Station, obviously”. The Happiest and Saddest Places in New York City, According to Twitter- Brian Merchant

I encountered the word from today’s reading while in class. The word can be used in many ways but in this sentence it is used as a guess or theory accumulated from information collected from Tweets.

Project 4

The route I choose to go through everyday to get to school is a common route for everyone who lives in my area. Taking the D and then transfer to the R is the fastest way to get to class. On way walking to class, you’ll be able to see different styles of restaurant and fast food. You can also pass by NYU’s little park where people can sit there and relax. It’s a different view in the morning because students, business people are all rushing to get to their destination.

Project #4 Part 1

Using the Google’s Maps app, I was able to find a route where I can enjoy a nice walk, passing a small park. When I take the detour it will involve me taking a different train to school. The train would leave me at the Borough Hall station, then I would walk up Cadman Plaza W. Here I would have a good view of the Korean War Veteran Park. Normally I would take the fastest route to the school which would be the 7 train to the F train (about 45 min). If I take the alternate rout to enjoy the peaceful walk through the park, I would have to give my self an additional 15 minutes of traveling time infer to enjoy the walk to school.

Project 4 part 1

Normally, my route going to City Tech would be the fastest way possible from where I live. I would usually take the R train from 45 street and wait for 8 stops until I get off from Jay street Metro Tech and leave from the Willoughby and Lawrence street exit. Once I’m on the street, I would walk towards Willoughby for a block and take a right towards jay street for two blocks and Reach my end of  journey. The only Highlight that I would get from this journey is that is it the fastest route.  However, last semester I had to take a alternative route due to power outage in Dekalb.  So I had to take the R train to Atlantic Barclay’s and transfer to the 2 train and get off at Nevins street,  I also  knew that it was going to take me an extra 15 minutes or so to get to City Tech.  Once I got off Nevin street train station , I look towards the the CVS store and started walking in that same direction. Then I saw Fulton street , and started walking towards Jay street. While I was walking in Fulton street, Some highlights that  I had was  the fact that there were a lot more store that I didn’t know about and also a new route to use for incase of any emergencies.


Reading the article “What if You Could Choose Between the Fastest Rout and the Most  Beautiful?” by Lex Berko, she first talk about the mapping tool and how it takes us from point A to point B. Berko contines in to detail explaining how the rout is a “garbage-stream.” She states “… how could a mapping service know how to take science value of a rout into account…” Berko is expelling how the maps we use today gives us the fastest rout from point A to point B but the rout does not take scenery to consideration. She continues in the following paragraphs talking about the calibration of  Yahoo Labs and the  University of Torino  and the research they created, the research paper that released stated that mapping apps could with time provide a route that is more  “beautiful or quit”. They concluded that if a large enough group participate in the experiment they see a general agreement between the locations. The author completes his article by giving the reader some advice in taking a detour and how is could help the day become more enjoyable.


Beguiles(verb):to influence by trickery, flattery, etc.; mislead; delude.

This word was found in the “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” article by Lex Berko. This sentence states” If you prefer to investigate the more unusual corners of your cit, you could, in theory, tweak this experiment to focus on whatever aspects of a city beguiles you most by crowdsourcing locations that fit your chosen variable”. This is located on the last page, second to last paragraph, last sentence.

When I came across this word I still didn’t really understand it so then I research the meaning of the word and I understood the meaning of the word in the sentence. Which meant something that catches your eye and can play you or even misguide you .


  1. Mollify – to reduce in intensity




I encountered the word by splitting the word “Moli” and “lify.” Moli was more familiar to me than lify. Putting the word together did not sound familiar however in the article I read, it made more sense. In the article, the sentence ended with mollify however the sentence after the word mollify, it slightly explains what it means but I had to think about it.


Example: The manager tried to mollify the angry workers by giving them longer breaks.


  1. Sterling – British money, but it also describes as anything high quality.


I encountered the word by reading an article. Also it is an middle english word like the word “star.” Sterling sounded familiar to me and it sounds like steering. Sterling is something that is better and steering is like changing. I assumed steering and sterling almost has the same meaning because they both have changes.

Example: A sum of 20 millions sterling was voted as compensation to the planters.


  1. Roue –  a man devoted to a life of sensual pleasure : rake


I encountered the word by reading an article. The sentence after the word roue made more sense to me and I read it carefully and thought about it. Roue was not familiar at first for me but now it makes more sense to me.

Example: He was in his 50s, a rich and handsome roue.