
Reading the article “What if You Could Choose Between the Fastest Rout and the Most  Beautiful?” by Lex Berko, she first talk about the mapping tool and how it takes us from point A to point B. Berko contines in to detail explaining how the rout is a “garbage-stream.” She states “… how could a mapping service know how to take science value of a rout into account…” Berko is expelling how the maps we use today gives us the fastest rout from point A to point B but the rout does not take scenery to consideration. She continues in the following paragraphs talking about the calibration of  Yahoo Labs and the  University of Torino  and the research they created, the research paper that released stated that mapping apps could with time provide a route that is more  “beautiful or quit”. They concluded that if a large enough group participate in the experiment they see a general agreement between the locations. The author completes his article by giving the reader some advice in taking a detour and how is could help the day become more enjoyable.

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