Project 5 sketches and final composition

Here are all of my sketches that I worked on. I had a good amount of sketches because I was not sure how I wanted my final composition to look like. This project did take time to finalize because some days it would snow or rain. One day it rained which ruined my design so I had to restart. Another day it snowed which left ice on my spot for a day or so. The drafting process though was fun and engaging because to find different designs you can look at your image in different pov’s. Another difficulty was when using the chalk it would not come out the way I wanted it to. Maybe it was because the design was small scale or the direction I drew in, but I was not satisfied with the way the chalk designs came out.If I can redo this project I would definitely wonder around a bit more to find more unique scuff marks or dirt/stains or even shadows. I would have also liked to try using color chalk. This is because the more variety the better the outcome. I will remember when doing another project to plan further and aim for more variety.

Here are the final compositions
"eye" "iskool" "xray"

Starting point


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About MattC

I am currently pursuing a BFA degree and throughout these years I plan on consuming as much knowledge as I can on designing. Most importantly I would like to better my skills and hopefully master the art of communicating visually. I have been working on photoshop and similar editing programs for around 5 years. I am a late novice in Premiere Pro and After Effects. I love photo bashing, photomanipulation and I am entering the world of drawing which is very tedious. I have done work for rappers/ hip hop artists and also small brands. Here is where you can find my current work that I come up with in my free time: ——— —— At some point I will create a website that adheres to my work

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