Project 4 Color your Selfie- Step 3

Complementary Composition

Colors: Red-Violet (tint) , Yellow-Green (tint)

Triad Composition

Colors: Red-Violet (tint), Yellow-Orange (tint), Blue-Green (tint)

Analogous Composition

Colors: Red-Violet (tint), Red( tint), Red-Orange (tint)

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About Brianna Edwards

My name is Brianna Edwards. I'm in my first sophomore year in City Tech. I'm not sure on what I want to do yet but I'm thinking of being an illustrator. I've drawn on paper and digital media. I also want to tell my own story through drawings. I still feel like I have many things to learn so I'm looking forward to see how far I can go. I'm also interested in animation. I have never properly animated before but I've grown up on them and I can't just let them go. So I still watch them now.

2 thoughts on β€œProject 4 Color your Selfie- Step 3”

  1. Isadora Martinez

    I absolutely love how subtle the shade of purple you chose. I think the complimentary image looks absolutely stunning. On the analogous composition, I think you could’ve added more of the third color since they look very alike and that makes it hard for the viewer to notice the third color.

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  2. Isadora Martinez

    I absolutely love how subtle the shade of purple you chose. I think the complimentary image looks absolutely stunning. On the analogous composition, I think you could’ve added more of the third color since they look very alike and that makes it hard for the viewer to notice the third color.

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