Lighting Portrait


This image was taken with two different sources of light a soft box and a lighting grid. The soft box is on the right side held up to the angle of her face. A grid light is lower towards her middle torso, pointing towards the background to provide depth to the image. The soft light provides a warm tone on the face as to the back light gives a cooler feel to the image. The light being in front of her face allows to cast very dramatic shadows on face and skin. Lastly, As a group we added a fan effect to the portrait in order to capture the softness of the light to resemble the subject.

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Mood Portrait lighting


This photograph is taken to express a serious mood and it was taken in a side light and split light with a reflector. We had a black background which made the subject (me) pop off the foreground.My face is at a three quarter view. Me looking up and not into the camera was very interesting and it seems like I was thinking about something serious.

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Lighting for mood


Since we had the screen with the very dark background, the mood is serious and almost mysterious like. The direction of the light is on the right with a very soft fill on the left of my face. Since we had the dark background I chose to look down, like I didn’t want to look at the camera, almost if like I’m thinking about something or something bad happened to me. It just causes a dramatic affect and it really expresses the mood all together.

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Portrait Lighting for Mood


This photo is shot with butterfly lighting and front light. The background is very light which usually calls for a playful expression. Event though this isn’t a very playful expression, the mood was successfully captured. I would say that the mood is dramatic but not in a somber way. It seems as though the subject is distracted and her attention is astray.

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In-Class Shoot // Portrait Lighting


I found this photo interesting. In this shot, we used short lighting. The main light is on the side of the face with the features. The overall composition gives this ominous feel to it, half of my face is dark and the other half is lighter. The lighting makes the photo look more dramatic. Also, I thought it was interesting how the direction of the light highlights my neck and clavicle.

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LL5 – Portrait Lighting


This photograph of me is one of my favorite. By using a softbox, a light on on the back, and a white background, we could achieved this cinematic photo. As we can see, the light on the back was very helpful because it makes the subject (me) away from the background. The light need to be facing the background, to create this illusion. The hat created a harsh shadow and covered complete my left eye. We could fix this by lowering down the softbox; changing the angle so it can be straight to the face. Overall, this is a great example for of a photograph with a light on the back.

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In class Portrait Lighting


I like how her face is dark and creates a shadow. This is due to the light being position higher than she is and casting a side light toward her (45 degree angle), but instead of it shining on her face it brings attention to the hair. In this photo the main light is on her, the back light is making the background a little brighter than what it is, also creating a contrast between the darkness on her verses the color of the background. I believe there is a fill but its barley noticeable.


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Portrait Lighting


This photo was taken of me from group 4 during the in class photo shoot. It is my favorite and displays the best lighting out of all the other portrait-lighting photos in my opinion. In this photo the only lighting that was used was the main light using the soft box and the background light. Because of my position while sitting on a stool and the angle my head was is in, in comparison to my body, the portrait lighting came out  almost perfect. The lighting makes the photo look as if it were an edited high school picture day photo especially because of my smile. There is a shadow being casted on one side of my face in which the light was obviously on the opposite side. But what made this photo even more significant than the others was the background light glow that shows lighting or a glow almost perfectly equal above my shoulders but not past the top of my head. Lastly I’m pretty sure someone from my group was holding a silver fill close to the side of my face where it is darker than the other which also gave this portrait even more of a glow. This portrait photo uses 3 point lighting but can also be seen as if it were taking using broad or short because of skin complexion and clothing.

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Portrait lighting

portrait lighting

this is a good photo because it has broad lighting. In the left of my face we can see the triangular lighting perfectly even though I am facing off to the side. Which it can also be the short lighting since the light is pointing at the invisible ear. The only problem I see so far with this photo is the light in the right is not showing as much as it should, it seems too far from me but I do enjoy the dark colors in the left and the brightness in the right . It’s almost like its divided in half.

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Portrait Lighting

I like this portrait lighting photo the best. It captures my for different reasons. One of those reasons is the placement of the subject, this half photo shot adds more interest to the photo. Another reason is the front lighting. So the lighting, the placement of the subject and the expression on his face captures the eye.30450017065_cb82d1bf59_o

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