Homework #3: Photographing the Texture of Food

tex·ture          /ˈteksCHər/       noun

  1. the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance.
Olivier Richon, Acedia, 2012 (from http://ibidprojects.com/olivier-richon-6/)

Olivier Richon, Acedia, 2012 (from http://ibidprojects.com/olivier-richon-6/)

In class we discussed the wet-plate collodion process of mid-nineteenth century photography. The photo historian Helmut Gernsheim once referred to this collodion era as the “culinary period” of photography (Gernsheim, 1969, 258). Aside from the sticky collodion that photographers like Roger Fenton and Mathew Brady applied to their glass plates, photographers tried all sorts of ingredients to keep the collodion moist for longer periods of time, including treacle, malt, raspberry juice, milk, licorice juice, chestnut juice, beer, tea, and coffee.

For this week, I ask you to think about the idea of texture in food, and how does one capture texture in a photograph. The key to communicating texture in photography is to pay careful attention to detail. In this week’s homework, you get to practice taking a photograph, re-sizing it, and uploading it to our class website. For example, look at the photograph by contemporary photographer Olivier Richon and note how it gives you a sense of the texture of an egg, an object that we’ll be thinking about a lot this semester. Take a food-related photo (something you made or saw), resize it (follow the directions on how to resize you photo to smaller than 600 to 700 pixels here) and upload your photo to the class site with a short passage describing the texture of your food item.

In class, we also talked about the albumen process that makes use of egg whites. What happened to all those egg yolks? You can click here to see a recipe for a 19th-century photographer’s cheesecake.


hw #2 ARTH1100

Stefania Koziolek

hw # 2





Terri Guillemets said “Coffee is the best thing to douse the sunrise with”. I can absolutely agree with it. Nowadays coffee is one of the most popular drink.Most people enjoy caffeine because of its effects on the brain. It increases dopamine in the brain; it makes us feel good .Throughout the Civil War, coffee was as prevalent on the battlefields
as it is in offices today.Coffee was also an essential part of a Civil War soldier’s routine.
Beyond caffeine cravings, Union troops loved their coffee because it was, literally, the best thing on the menu.I was suprised that soldiers during the Civil War were drinking that much coffee . It’s incredible that ,they made their coffee everywhere, and with everything.
” Coffee was often the last comfort troops enjoyed before entering battle, and the first sign of safety for those who survived”. I understand it ,because I love coffee .I can give up a lot but never coffee . It gives me a lot energy and I just feel better.

homework two

Soldiers during the Civil War had a tough time staying on their feet while on the battlefield. The most intriguing part but the article that I read was how addicted the soldiers became to coffee and how much they used it. In the article how coffee fueled the Civil War it says “when times were good coffee accompanied Beef stew and oysters when they were bad it was wash down Raw salt pork and Hartack” this shows coffee was the good and bad . It helped accompany the good meals and help get through the rough ones. Coffee was maybe the only comfort soldiers had to look forward to before they stepped foot in the war zone and off of it. Unlike the Soldiers In the civil war I can’t live without my Dominican breakfast which consists of plantains, salami, egg and cheese. I have been enjoying this breakfast for all my life my body would most likely go through a withdraw like if it was drugs.mangu

HW 2: Food and Coffee in Civil War

It is fascinating how a caffeine addiction remained as one of the things that have been adapted from the times of the Civil War. Coffee was prevalent on the battle fields as it is in offices and schools nowadays. Without a doubt, coffee played an important role keeping soldiers awake and warm. Besides caffeine cravings, to get through the day, soldiers consumed a lot of coffee because it was the best thing out of everything they had. Typically, their meals consisted of salted meat, unleavened bread called “hardtack” and a little salt and sugar. One of the most imporant factors was also that coffee beans lasted for long and didn’t need any particular kind of preservation which enabled soldiers to carry it around. I personally am dependent on coffee. I love espresso drinks, essentially iced. It does not give me that much of an energy as it used to before, but it is definitely something I need to have everyday.

Homework #2 “Cant live without coffee”

This article fascinates me in so many ways and starting off with the way the coffee is made during the civil war and how coffee was made to fuel and give energy to the soldiers during the war and also the popular demand of coffee during the time. Finding out that coffee was like a weapon for soldiers during the civil war was amazing keeping the solider up and alert from any enemies. From back then and now coffee in society  runs the world with different companies and different types of coffee being made to energize us though out our day. Though out my day of class or work every morning I would need not a cup of hot coffee but a cup of ice coffee almost everyday. It sounds like an addiction but with out it my day would be tiring and would not be focused on anything. Same with the union troops feeling like if they didn’t have a cup of coffee they would be weak and destroyed by there enemies for not being focused on the battlefield. I would say the one thing I cant live without during my busy day would most definitely be ice coffee from dunkin donut with out it I wouldn’t be doing this homework right about now.


Mohammad Shehadeh


Homework #2

Before reading this article, I never really thought about what soldiers relied on to remain focused during war. The obvious answer would definitely be coffee. Now is it so clear to me why many think that Americans rely so much on it. It traces back to the early times and has remained until now. It’s amazing to read how soldiers fed themselves during these hard times. Many would think that what they consumed is not real food because of what is being eaten now. However, considering the situation they were in, it’s important to remember that they didn’t have many options or opportunity to enjoy something else. Soldiers depended strongly on caffeine to stay energized and focused on the battlefield and couldn’t live without it. Unlike the soldiers, I can live without coffee, but I can’t live without fresh fruit! image

Homework #2

Ganessha Zubieta                                                                                                                     Arth1100

It’s very attractive how back then during the civil war coffee was important to the soldier because keep them up. Coffee is one of many drink that have a lot caffeine that give a lot of energy and sugar to the body to keep them up. Soldier was drinking a lot of coffee because the civil war was very important to win and they have to be up and try to have all the energy to fight and give everything to win the fight. For me, coffee is fine I’m not those person that have to drink coffee everyday. Coffee for me is something that  doesn’t give me energy or keep me up. But sometime  every 2 month i drink a cup of coffee to have taste in the mouth or  just because I in the mood for cup of coffee when a member of family talk about coffee.

HW# 2

Soldiers during the Civil War had a tough time staying alert on the battlefield after long periods of time. The most fascinating thing about the soldiers during that time is that they couldn’t live without coffee. They would go to any extent to make coffee. In the article published in the New York Times written by Jon Grinspan said that the soldiers would get water from canteens and puddles, brackish bays and Mississippi mud and liquid their horses would not drink just to produce coffee. Coffee was considered a weapon in the civil war and the soldiers would be sent out when they were most caffeinated. Even in today’s world coffee is relied on by many Americans to keep them running throughout the day. Coffee is great especially if you didn’t get enough sleep from the day before and need to be up very early. I for one am a huge Dunkin Dounuts fan and make my Dunkin run every morning just like the soldiers did during the Civil War.


Homework #2: Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Tintype of federal soldiers enjoying coffee and hardtack. Credit: Heritage Auctions.

Tintype of federal soldiers enjoying coffee and hardtack. Credit: Heritage Auctions.

If you had a choice, which would you give up? Food? Or coffee? Next week, we will look at photography of the Civil War and the difficulties of producing photographs during war. To help better understand the conditions that photographers worked in, this week’s blog topic explores what Civil War soldiers ate and their dependence on coffee. The typical food ration for a Union soldier included small amounts of meat, coffee, and hardtack (what’s hardtack? Look here to find out.) The Union side half-jokingly believed coffee helped fuel their soldiers. Meanwhile, the Confederate South suffered vast food shortages due to strong Union blockades, and resorted to unique recipes (called receipts in the 19th century) to produce coffee substitutes. Read about cooking on the battlefront and the importance of coffee (the word ‘coffee’ appears more frequently than ‘rifle’ or ‘bullet’ in Civil War diaries).

Share what you think is most fascinating about a Civil War soldier’s diet AND post an image of a food item that you cannot live without. You can link to a photo on the web, or take a picture!

Read about what Union soldiers ate at PBS.org.

Read the NYT’s article “How Coffee Fueled the Civil War” 


Arth1100: Homework #1 . Food photography,

Nowadays social media has become a part of everyone’s life and it is something that influences their daily life.  People like to share everything.In the article “First Camera, Then Fork” author Kate Murphy states that, “Today, people are showing the world what they eat by photographing every meal,” I think it is because photographing food has become very trendy in recent times.I can truly agree with Mr. Rosenberg opinion that ” photographing food is a more accurate way to document life,” Some of our most memorable moments happen around food .I like to take picture of my food to remember what I’ve eaten. The fashion for photographing food started with the era of social networking, such us Twitter, Facebook, Instagram or Snapchat. In the old days people used to pray before each meal. However ,times changed. Nowadays, the ritual has been replaced by another .Trend for taking pictures in restaurants mastered all . Before we reach the fork, we pull out your smartphone and try to capture as the most beautiful frame from our plate .Every day through Instagram , Facebook, Twitter to network gets thousands of pictures of food.There are many reasons why people are posting their food in the internet. At the forefront is the desire to show off what currently is on our plates – regardless of whether they have prepared delicacies ,whether it served to us in a trendy restaurant .

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