Coursework challenge

One challenge I find to doing the coursework during this difficult time is finding inspiration and motivation while being limited to my house. I find inspiration through looking at people’s work on Pinterest and such.

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Week 8 – Exposure – How Your Camera Meter Works

Acronym: TTL – Through the Lens

The meter in your camera is a reflected-light meter.

A reflected light meter averages the tones in the scene and selects the aperture and shutter speed values that will make the whole scene medium gray.

Find a piece of black card and a piece of white card. (Something flat that is black or white will do.) Take a picture of each one filling the frame with either black or white using automatic setti

White card
White Card
Blck card
Black Card

Watch from :45 to 1:34 for an explanation of how your camera meter works.

What your camera meter "sees"

What your camera meter “sees” From Photography, 10th Edition, Stone, London, Upton, P. 70

Create a post with the category Week 8 – Exposure. Include your two photos, one of the white card and one of the black card and a state in your own words why the two photos look so similar.

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My difficulty

When I was doing my speed homework, I couldn’t find the material because I didn’t have a model. I showed a couple of moves with my cat, and then it was suggested that there was too much repetition, so I went to the Internet and found a lot of material, and tried to make my cat dynamic in a lot of different ways. It was probably the most difficult assignment for me, but it was fun to get through.

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Learning Log Week 7

It was our first online class together. It went well except for some technical issues which is normal to occur. On my part, my laptop decided to go on it’s own sick leave so I am having difficulties using it. Thus far, I have been able to use my iPad as a second window which is good. The only con is that it slows me down, but I should takes notes to not miss important steps. I hope everyone is doing well and stays healthy!

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Brooklyn Botanic Garden 2/28/2020

This is a succulent called Graptopetalum superbum. It is found in the Desert Pavilion of the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.

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Botanical Garden Day 1

At the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the greenhouses help accommodate the best moistures and temperatures for the growing of these desert plants. They absorb the sun light for food and they’re able to retain the water for long periods of time.

At the Brooklyn Botanical Garden, the greenhouses help accommodate the best moistures and temperatures for the growing of these desert plants. They absorb the sun light for food and they’re able to retain the water for long periods of time.

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This is a kind of cactus flower. Although in the cold New York winter, it is still beautiful blooming because the greenhouse gives it a good growing environment. The greenhouse not only shines good sunlight on the cactus, but also has fans that mimic the dry climate of the desert.

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The beautiful landscape of Plants

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Movement capture

My favorite picture from last weeks class because the camera captured me as I was in the middle of the air and I though it was really beautiful and unique

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this was my favorite piece from the valentines day shoot because with the way the camera zooms in on the landscape of the plant, it allows the roses in the back to look even more beautiful

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