
My name is Marcin Jaworski, my major in New York City college of technology is Telecommunication Engineering Technology. Also I have completed Associate degree in Business Administration at LaGuardia community college. After when I will get my degree I want to come back to Europe and find a job in similar field in which I’m majoring now and also start working on my master degree.

  • What is/how do you cope with the role of information in your life?
  • How do you prefer to receive information?
  • How do you prefer to transmit information?
  • What is the personal or professional significance of your preferences?

Information drives my everyday interactions and tasks. As a student, I get up daily and head to school, in pursuit of an education. I go to obtain the information necessary to obtain a high-paying position in the Cyber Security field. First thing in the morning, I check the w


I cope with the role of information in my life very because i do a lot of  research and get it from reliable sources.

i receive information many ways from friends,the Internet,school & etc

it varies from what kind of information I’m looking for like if its news about my area i rely on my friends but if its school i’ll rely on my fellow students or professors and if its about my borough i’ll rely on the new


Info- Intro

Information is to me is a source of knowledge that I never turn down.Me being a Graphic Arts Major I have to have information given properly. I need to make sure everything is properly done if a detail is left out then the job being done can go all wrong.The way I cope with information in my life is accepting information as it comes due to the fact that we do not stop learning. When I am receiving information I tend to prefer it in the way it is given whether it is verbally given or through text. I tend to get into depth on when I am transmitting information. The idea of that is that i manage to make sure the information i have is fully given and not a detail is left out The personal significance of my preference is that with this way of gaining information you tend to learn more and your mind greatly expands with knowledge. It is always better to be more informed then less informed.


Many people have a specific way they prefer to share or receive information. Some of them feel more comfortable to actually let people hear their voice, others are getting away as possible from talking in front of a group. In my case, communicating electronically  makes me have more confidence to share all I need to explain. I usually email what I need to share in a way  I can easily take my time to formally write with precaution which allows me to revise over and over before sending the final copy.

Fabrice Douillard


There are many different ways of sending information and receiving information today. Before technology became modernized, we used to send postal mail to or postcards to whoever we needed to send information too. Now times became easier and with the click of a button the message gets delivered. I used to send information and receive information by either telephone calls or in person. Now we have social media sites known as Facebook and Myspace and we can send and receive info there. I also have an unlimited texting plan so i casually sent text messages to all my friends if i want to know something or just say hello.


  • What is/how do you cope with the role of information in your life?

Well, i think i got some information from tv, news, friends and family, professors, classmates or co workers.

  • How do you prefer to receive information?

I prefer to receive all the information with people like having contact with them. I like when people tell me stuff.




Information has evolved tremendously over the last century from the introduction of printing newspapers to presently where there is tools like the Internet and electronic devices whereby information can spread without being in close proximity such as the invention of Facebook and Twitter.  Information can be transmitted over the entire world in seconds which can be both a positive and a negative impact on our daily lives.  I prefer transmitting information over the internet due to the fact that it is more efficient and reliable.


Information Today

It’s very true that in today’s world, information flows extremely quickly and in heavy amounts. It can get overwhelming if you’re not the type of person who is able to quickly locate the particular piece of info you’re looking for, and easily organize and categorize it in a way thats easy to find and makes sense. My best source of info is clearly the internet, due to its easy access. Depending on the subject, forums and blogs are a good way to get information but its difficult to validate the credibility unless you compare it with other more credible sources. On my hard drive, I have everything super organized in a way that makes sense; folders within folders that are probably labeled and split accordingly. This helps me keep my professional work from my personal work so nothing get mixed up in the long run.

How I give and receieve information

Most of the information I send or receive is done so through electronic means. Whether its texting, emails, files, or through the internet. Its always one of those four ways. I prefer to use these methods of trafficking my information because they are nearly instantaneous and reliable. they are also not limited to certain areas and are easily accessible.